Spirit Tracks: Heart Containers
Link probably wouldn't be a very effective hero with only three hearts, would he? Spirit Tracks offers only 16 Hearts for full health, unlike the console games. This means there are 3 initial hearts belonging to you at the beginning of the game and 13 collectable heart containers throughout the rest of the storyline. Like Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks does not mess around with Heart Pieces. No, it skips right to Heart Containers for an entirely new heart of health each time.
Heart Container #1
Location: Forest Temple
Required Items: Whirlwind
The first heart container is obtained when you defeat Stagnox after clearing the first temple.
Heart Container #2
Location: Take 'Em All On Challenge
Required Items: Whirlwind
After you clear the Forest Temple, the Take 'Em All Challenge in Castle Town will open up to challengers. Luckily, you have all the items needed. After clearing all floors on level one and the defeating Stagnox yet again, you get a heart container.
Heart Container #3
Location: Snow Temple
Required Items: Boomerang
After clearing the Snow Temple and defeating Fraaz, you obtain yet another heart container.
Heart Container #4
Location: Snow Sanctuary
Required Items: none
Not all heart containers require skill - greed will do just fine. Collect 2000 rupees and head over to the Anouki Shop. A heart container will be sitting there on the shelf begging to be bought.
Heart Container #5
Location: Rabbitland Rescue
Required Items: Rabbit Net
The Rabbitland Rescue sidequest in the Forest Realm will open after the completion of the Snow Temple. Simply talk to the crazed man near the gate of the rescue, and he'll give you a Rabbit Net. Come back to him later with 5 captured rabbits, and he'll give you a brand spankin' new heart container.
Heart Container #6
Location: Hyrule Castle
Required Items: none
After completing the Snow Temple, go check your mail. Russell of the Hyrule Castle guards will have sent you a letter telling you of his new challenge. Head over to Hyrule Castle and into Russell's chamber. He wants you to strike his guards sixty times, but there's a catch: You cannot get hit and you must pay 50 rupees. Complete his challenge, and he'll give you a new heart container.
Heart Container #7
Location: Ocean Temple
Required Items: Whip
Defeat Phytops after the completion of the Ocean Temple, and a chest will appear with your prize.
Heart Container #8
Location: Whittleton Village
Required Items: Whip
After the defeat of Phytops, a new minigame will be available in Whittleton Village. Using your newly acquired whip, clear the whip race in less than 1:15 and you'll be rewarded with yet another heart container.
Heart Container #9
Location: Fire Temple
Required Items: Bow & Arrow
Defeat Cragma after the completion of the Fire Temple, and you'll be offered a brand new heart container.
Heart Container #10
Location: Pirate Hideout
Required Items: Force Gem #16
After receiving the sixteenth force gem, the Pirate Hideout in the Ocean Realm should be available. Head over there and achieve a score higher than 4000 points on the minigame to win a new heart contaner.
Heart Container #11
Location: Sand Temple
Required Items: Sand Wand
Defeat Skeldritch after clearing the Sand Temple, and you'll recieve your last freebee heart container. From now on, ya gotta go find your own!
Heart Container #12
Location: Beedle's Air Shop
Required Items: none
You got a full wallet of rupees? Good, because you won't for long. Purchase 5000 rupees worth of goods to get the Gold Club Membership achievement from the Beedle. He'll award you with a brand new heart container.
Heart Container #13
Location: Ends of the Earth Station
Required Items: Sand Wand
Open up the final set of Spirit Tracks with the twentieth Force Gem, and head towards the Earth Station. On your way, you'll come across the Ends of the Earth Station where a number of puzzles will challenge your brain and your patience. After completing the third puzzle, you gain your final heart container. Congratulations!