Adventure of Link: Review

Game InformationAbout, Codes, Controls, Story
MediaPixels, Screen Shots

Graphics = 5.0/10 Graphics are terrible in this game. You can't really feel the game. It seems that most of the characters appear the same.
I give this a 5.0 because the graphics do not show any real sign of improvement from LoZ. The bosses are messy.

Sound = 5.5/10 This game had the worst music of all of the Zelda games. The music is so tacky it almost makes you laugh. I enjoyed LoZ's music better.
Sound effects are really non-existant. The game is very low in the sound department.
Still, a great downfall of AoL.

Control = 9.5/10 This is one of the best aspects of this game. It was well done in this department. It has better control then LoZ.
The control isn't exactly perfect though. Then again, it adds challenge as well. One of the best aspects of this game.

Gameplay = 10/10 Couldn�t find anything really obviously wrong with the gameplay really. The dungeons gradually get harder, and the flow between the dungeons is perfect.
The puzzles aren�t too easy and not too hard. I say that the gameplay is awesome. Best aspect of this game.

Replay = 6.5/10 Far from perfect. The game is too hard to really want to play again.
This is one of those games where you play it and then leave it collect dust. In later games this department is better. Average in replay value.

Fun Factor = 6/10 Nothing too special. While this game is challenging, when looking back on it, it was pretty boring.
Below average in fun factor.

Overall = 7.5 Above average game despite the fact that it has a good amount of flaws. I recommend this game. But don't expect too much.