The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Codes

Game Information » Boss Guide, Enemies, Heart Pieces, Items, Walkthru
Information » Characters, Codes, Gameshark Codes, Review, Story
Media » Official Art, Screen Shots

Die without counting
As you might know, when you die, the game keeps track on your number of deaths, but by pressing A, B, Start, Select as Link spins around, before he falls, and it won't count.

To warp across to the next screen, press select in the middle of the transit screen (as Link is going from one screen to the next). You can tell it's been pulled off if you see everything shift as the map is coming up.

Alternate File Select Screen Music
Begin a new game with the name of "ZELDA" - This is also case sensitive (all CAPS).

Explosive Arrows
Equip bombs and arrows and alternate in use of both.

Special/Hidden Ending
If you finish the game without dying, Marin will fly across the screen at the end.

Cucco Trick
Throw a boomerang and pick up a cucco before it comes back to you. You will fly as the boomerang comes back to you.

Steal Items In Tool Shop In order to steal items you want without buying, first, go into the tool shop, then pick out the item you want, take it off the shelf, now, go to the shop owner, and stay close to him, and run around in circles, and make him look away from the door any way you can, then run to the door, and you just stole from the shop! This move has some drawbacks, for the rest of the game, your name will be “Thief.” Also, after you steal the item, the next time you go in the shop, the shop owner kills you with a laser, the ultimate penalty, so obviously, if you don’t want to have a death count, don’t do this move.