Tired of that Wooden Sword you’re always carrying around? Wasting too much time killing Zols in melee battle when you’ve got a General of Darkness to defeat? Then the Noble Sword with Laser Beam action may be just what you need!

Cuccodex: Holodrum E8
Travel to the bottom right of Holodrum City and enter the biologist’s home, and you will find Dr. Left, who complains how he can’t read. Just simply light his torches with an ember seed, and he will give you the Cuccodex.

Lon Lon Egg: Holodrum E5
With the Cuccodex in hand, head north and enter the house of Malon. Present her the Cuccodex and trade it for a Lon Lon Egg.

Ghostly Doll: Random Location in Holodrum
With your newly aquired Cuccodex in hand, wait for Maple, the which that flies across the screen, to bump into you. Don’t worry, this time you will only drop the egg, and she will offer you Ghastly Doll in exchange for it.

Iron Pot: Holodrum B6
Head to the western portion of the Holodrum Plain, and walk inside the small, red house, and speak to the mayor’s wife, Mrs. Ruul, who says she can’t cool down! Trade her the Ghastly doll, which will “send chills down her spine”, for the Iron Pot

Lava Soup: Subrosia B2
From there, head up to the Chef’s Kitchen, which can be found in the northwest portion of Subrosia. The Chef will gladly trade you the Iron Pot for the Lava Soup.

Goron Vase: Holodrum E1
Travel up the mountains to Biggoron, who is sick and is in need of some soup. Give him your Lava Soup to recieve a Goron Vase.

Fish: Holodrum G3
Where else would you take the vase but the vase collector? Yes, Ingo, who can be found in the sunken city, will gladly trade you his Fish for your Goron Vase.

Megaphone: Holodrum D6
Head up to Eyeglass Lake and talk to the old man, whose cat is stuck in the tree. Give him the fish, which will lure the cat down, and you will be rewarded with a Megaphone.

Mushroom: Holodrum F1
Head up to Mt. Cucco, or more precisely, Talon, who can be found sleeping inside one of the caves. Use the megaphone to wake him, and you’ll recieve the Mushroom.

Wooden Bird: Holodrum H3
Head to the Sunken City and use the Rod of Seasons to change it to winter. Head south and up the snow and enter the witch’s hut. Speak to the witch inside and trade her the Mushroom for the Wooden Bird.

Engine Grease: Holodrum D7
Head to the house of the clock maker, which can be found in Horon Village. Give him the bird for his clock and recieve some Engine Grease.

Phonograph: Holodrum F7
Talk to Guru Guru, who can be found on top of the Windmill just outside of Horon Village. Offer him the Engine Grease for the Windmill, and recieve the Phonograph.

Noble Sword: Holodrum A3
Head up to the lost woods and play the Phonograph in front of the Deku Scrub who loves music. Follow the route he speaks of to find the Noble Sword.

Noble Sword: Holodrum A3
Follow the route the Deku Scrubb told you to get the Noble Sword. It does more damage than the Wooden Sword and allows you to shoot beams from your sword if you have full health.