Acquiring the Bomber’s Notebook is an initial quest in itself, encouraging early exploration and interaction within Clock Town. The most common method involves locating the clandestine hideout of the Bombers Secret Society of Justice. This is typically achieved by strategically placing a bomb to detonate a cracked wall situated in the eastern section of Clock Town, revealing their hidden entrance. Alternatively, for those who prefer a more social approach, the notebook can be earned by successfully engaging in a game of hide-and-seek with the Bombers. This requires playing twice, ensuring that Link is in his Hylian form during the second round of the game and demonstrating his knowledge of their closely guarded secret code. Upon successfully obtaining this crucial item, the very first entry in the Bomber’s Notebook, dedicated to the “Bombers” themselves, is automatically marked as completed. This signifies Link’s initial step into the world of Termina’s side quests and his newfound ability to document and track the various opportunities for helping its residents,
The interface of the Bomber’s Notebook is designed to be both informative and intuitive. Upon opening the notebook, players are presented with a list of characters they have encountered who have tasks or events associated with them. For each character, the notebook displays a portrait alongside a visual representation of their schedule over the three-day cycle. This schedule is depicted through a series of blue bars, each bar representing a specific time slot during which the character is available for interaction or when a particular event related to their questline is scheduled to occur. Sometimes, these blue bars may be connected by dots or dashed lines, indicating that the character’s availability or the associated event spans across multiple time segments or even extends over consecutive days within the three-day cycle. In certain instances, a red bar might appear in a character’s schedule. This often serves as a visual cue that a quest associated with that individual has been missed or a critical opportunity has passed.
Conversely, a clear visual marker, such as a checkmark or a “Happy Sticker,” will appear next to a character’s name once all the quests and tasks associated with them have been successfully completed. This provides immediate feedback on the player’s progress in assisting the residents of Termina.It is important to understand that the blue bars represent a window of opportunity for interaction related to a character’s specific quest. While the bars indicate the times when something relevant to their story might happen or when they are available to speak with Link about their problems, the non-player characters may not be actively performing a specific action throughout the entire duration of their blue bar.The notebook serves as a guide, pointing players towards the right time and place to potentially trigger or advance a questline.
A Comprehensive Log: Every Entry in the Bomber’s Notebook
The Bomber’s Notebook in Majora’s Mask chronicles the tales and tasks of approximately twenty unique individuals. Each entry represents an opportunity for Link to engage with the lives of Termina’s residents and contribute to their well-being. The following provides a detailed breakdown of each character’s entry, offering a comprehensive guide to their associated questline,
Location(s): East Clock Town
Quest/Task: Obtain the Bomber’s Notebook.
Trigger: Find the Bombers’ Hideout in East Clock Town. This can be done by bombing the cracked wall or by playing hide-and-seek with them twice in Hylian form and knowing their secret code.
Completion Steps: Successfully enter the Bombers’ Hideout or win the hide-and-seek game twice.
Rewards: The Bomber’s Notebook itself.
Timing Conditions: This entry cannot be missed as it is essential for tracking other quests.
Old Lady from Bomb Shop
Location(s): West Clock Town, North Clock Town
Quest/Task: Stop the thief Sakon from robbing her.
Trigger: Be in West Clock Town at midnight on the First Day.
Completion Steps: When Sakon appears, quickly attack him with your sword to make him drop the bag of bombs.
Rewards: The Blast Mask.
Timing Conditions: This event only occurs at midnight on the First Day. If Link is not present or fails to stop Sakon, the Blast Mask will be missed for the current cycle,
Location(s): Stock Pot Inn, East Clock Town
Quest/Task: Help Anju reunite with Kafei. This is an extensive, multi-part questline intertwined with Kafei’s entry.
Trigger: Speak to Anju at the Stock Pot Inn on the First Day. Telling her you have a reservation will initiate the quest.
Completion Steps: This involves numerous steps across all three days, including obtaining the Inn Key, receiving a letter for Kafei, mailing the letter, meeting Anju in the kitchen at night, receiving the Pendant of Memories from Kafei, and ultimately reuniting them on the Final Night in the Stock Pot Inn’s employee room.
Rewards: The Couple’s Mask, which is required for a Piece of Heart.
Timing Conditions: While the overall questline is not strictly missable in its entirety, failing to complete certain steps within the given timeframes will prevent the acquisition of the Couple’s Mask in a single cycle.
Location(s): Laundry Pool, Ikana Canyon, Clock Town
Quest/Task: Help Kafei retrieve the Sun Mask and reunite with Anju. This quest is deeply connected with Anju’s entry.
Trigger: This part of the quest begins after mailing Anju’s letter to Kafei on the morning of the Second Day.
Completion Steps: This involves witnessing the Postman deliver the letter, following him to the Laundry Pool, sneaking into Kafei’s house, receiving the Pendant of Memories, later finding Kafei hiding in Ikana Canyon on the Final Night, infiltrating Sakon’s hideout together, and retrieving the Sun Mask.
Rewards: The Pendant of Memories (given to Anju) and ultimately the reunion with Anju leading to the Couple’s Mask.
Timing Conditions: Similar to Anju’s quest, failing to follow the sequence of events within the given times will prevent completion in a single cycle.
Man from Curiosity Shop
Location(s): Curiosity Shop, West Clock Town; Laundry Pool
Quest/Task: Assist in the final stages of the Anju and Kafei questline.
Trigger: This entry becomes relevant on the Final Day after progressing through Anju and Kafei’s individual quests.
Completion Steps: Go to the Curiosity Shop Back Room between 1:00 PM and 10:00 PM on the Final Day. After Kafei infiltrates Sakon’s hideout, speak with the Man from Curiosity Shop to receive the Keaton Mask and the “Special Delivery to Mama” letter.
Rewards: The Keaton Mask and the “Special Delivery to Mama” letter, which is given to Madame Aroma.
Timing Conditions: This entry is contingent on the successful progression of Anju and Kafei’s questline and being present at the Curiosity Shop at the specified time on the Final Day.
Location(s): Romani Ranch, Milk Road
Quest/Task: Help Romani defend the ranch’s cows from alien abduction.
Trigger: Speak to Romani at the Romani Ranch between 6:00 AM and 2:00 AM on the First Day. Agree to help her.
Completion Steps: Return to the ranch at 2:30 AM on the First Night and successfully fend off the aliens until dawn.
Rewards: Romani will teach Link Epona’s Song and give him a bottle of milk.
Timing Conditions: If Link does not speak to Romani on the First Day or fails to protect the cows during the night, this opportunity will be missed for the current cycle.
Location(s): Romani Ranch, Milk Road
Quest/Task: Protect Cremia’s milk delivery wagon from the Gorman Brothers. This quest becomes available after completing Romani’s quest.
Trigger: Be at Romani Ranch at 6:00 PM on the Second Day.Cremia will offer Link a ride into town.
Completion Steps: Ride in the wagon with Cremia and use your bow and arrows to fend off the Gorman Brothers who will attempt to attack the wagon on Milk Road. Wearing the Circus Leader’s Mask will prevent them from attacking.
Rewards: Romani’s Mask and Cremia will give Link a hug.
Timing Conditions: This event only occurs at 6:00 PM on the Second Day after completing Romani’s quest on the First Night.
Mr. Dotour
Location(s): Mayor’s Residence, East Clock Town
Quest/Task: Resolve the argument between Mayor Dotour and Madame Aroma regarding the Carnival of Time.
Trigger: Speak to Mr. Dotour in the Mayor’s Residence between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM on any of the three days.
Completion Steps: Wear the Couple’s Mask inside the meeting room while Mr. Dotour and Madame Aroma are present.
Rewards: A Piece of Heart.
Timing Conditions: None, this can be completed on any of the three days within the specified timeframe.
Location(s): Laundry Pool, Clock Town
Quest/Task: Listen to Guru-Guru’s confession about stealing the Bremen Mask.
Trigger: Speak to Guru-Guru at the Laundry Pool between 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM on the First or Second Day.Make sure to speak to him as Hylian Link.
Completion Steps: Simply listen to his story.
Rewards: The Bremen Mask.
Timing Conditions: If Link does not speak to Guru-Guru within the specified times on the First or Second Day, the Bremen Mask will be missed for the current cycle,
Madame Aroma
Location(s): Mayor’s Residence, East Clock Town; Milk Bar, East Clock Town
Quest/Task: Find her missing son, Kafei. This quest is linked to Kafei’s entry.
Trigger: Speak to Madame Aroma in the Mayor’s Residence between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM on the First or Second Day. Agree to help her find Kafei.
Completion Steps: Speak to her to receive Kafei’s Mask.Later, on the Final Day after obtaining the “Special Delivery to Mama” from the Man from the Curiosity Shop, deliver it to Madame Aroma at the Milk Bar after 10:00 AM.
Rewards: Kafei’s Mask and a Bottle filled with Chateau Romani.
Timing Conditions: Failing to speak with Madame Aroma on the first two days will prevent the start of this quest. Not delivering the letter on the Final Day will also result in a missed reward.
Location(s): Milk Bar, East Clock Town
Quest/Task: Participate in the sound check for the Indigo-Go’s performance.
Trigger: Enter the Milk Bar between 10:00 PM and 5:00 AM on the First or Second Day.
Completion Steps: Speak to Toto and then play the required notes on your ocarina as Hylian Link, Deku Link, Goron Link, and Zora Link under the appropriate spotlights.
Rewards: Completes the entry. The Troupe Leader’s Mask is obtained from Gorman after completing Toto’s sound check.
Timing Conditions: If Link does not participate in the sound check within the specified times on the First or Second Day, the opportunity will be missed.
Location(s): Milk Bar, East Clock Town
Quest/Task: Participate in the sound check for the Indigo-Go’s performance.
Trigger: Enter the Milk Bar between 10:00 PM and 5:00 AM on the First or Second Day.
Completion Steps: After completing the sound check with Toto as all four forms, speak to Gorman at the bar.
Rewards: The Troupe Leader’s Mask.
Timing Conditions: If Link does not complete Toto’s sound check and speak to Gorman within the specified times on the First or Second Day, the mask will be missed.
Location(s): Post Office, West Clock Town
Quest/Task: Complete the Postman’s exercising challenge and deliver the “Special Delivery to Mama.”
Trigger: Visit the Postman while he is exercising in the Post Office between 3:00 PM and 12:00 AM on the First Day.Accept his challenge.
Completion Steps: For the first part, stop the timer as close to exactly 10 seconds as possible to receive a Piece of Heart.For the second part, on the Final Day, give him the “Special Delivery to Mama” letter obtained from the Man from the Curiosity Shop between 6:00 PM and 5:00 AM.
Rewards: A Piece of Heart for the timing challenge and the Postman’s Hat for delivering the letter.
Timing Conditions: The timing challenge can only be done on the First Day. Failing to deliver the letter on the Final Day will result in missing the Postman’s Hat.
Rosa Sisters
Location(s): West Clock Town
Quest/Task: Dance with the Rosa Sisters using the Kamaro Mask.
Trigger: Be in West Clock Town at 6:00 PM on the First or Second Day.
Completion Steps: Obtain the Kamaro Mask by playing the Song of Healing for Kamaro (located near the entrance to the mountains at midnight on any night).Then, wear the Kamaro Mask and dance with the Rosa Sisters by pressing the ‘B’ button in front of them.
Rewards: A Piece of Heart.
Timing Conditions: If Link does not dance with the Rosa Sisters within the specified times on the First or Second Day after obtaining the Kamaro Mask, the Piece of Heart will be missed for the current cycle.
??? (Hand)
Location(s): Stock Pot Inn, East Clock Town (Restroom on the second floor)
Quest/Task: Provide paper to the hand reaching out from the toilet.
Trigger: Enter the Stock Pot Inn after 12:00 PM on any of the three days. Use the Deku Flower outside the inn to reach the roof, enter the door, and go to the restroom.
Completion Steps: Give the hand some kind of paper, such as a Land Deed or a Letter (the Letter to Kafei works).
Rewards: A Piece of Heart.
Timing Conditions: None, this can be completed on any of the three days after noon.
Anju’s Grandmother
Location(s): Stock Pot Inn, East Clock Town (Granny’s Room)
Quest/Task: Listen to both of Anju’s Grandmother’s stories while wearing the All-Night Mask and answer her questions correctly.
Trigger: Speak to Anju’s Grandmother in her room at the Stock Pot Inn between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on the First or Second Day.Wear the All-Night Mask.
Completion Steps: Listen to the first story (“Carnival of Time”) and answer “On the eve of the carnival.” Then listen to the second story (“Termina Mythology”) and answer incorrectly with “I dunno” or any other wrong answer.
Rewards: Two Pieces of Heart, one for each story.
Timing Conditions: If Link does not listen to both stories and answer correctly (for the first) and incorrectly (for the second) within the specified times on the First or Second Day while wearing the All-Night Mask, the Pieces of Heart will be missed for the current cycle.
Location(s): Termina Field (Mushroom rock formation near the entrance to the mountains)
Quest/Task: Heal Kamaro’s spirit so he can pass on his dance moves.
Trigger: Find Kamaro dancing on the mushroom rock formation at 12:00 AM on any of the three nights.
Completion Steps: Play the Song of Healing for him.
Rewards: The Kamaro Mask.
Timing Conditions: None, Kamaro appears at the same location at midnight on all three nights.
Location(s): Chicken Coop, Romani Ranch
Quest/Task: Help Grog’s chicks grow into adult Cuccos.
Trigger: Speak to Grog at the Chicken Coop in Romani Ranch between 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM on any of the three days.
Completion Steps: Wear the Bremen Mask and march around the coop, gathering all the chicks behind Link. Continue marching until all the chicks have grown into adult Cuccos.
Rewards: The Bunny Hood.
Timing Conditions: None, this can be done on any of the three days within the specified timeframe.
The Gorman Brothers
Location(s): Milk Road
Quest/Task: Defeat the Gorman Brothers in a horse race. Trigger: Speak to either of the Gorman Brothers on Milk Road while riding Epona between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM on any of the three days.Completion Steps: Win the race against them while riding Epona. Utilize carrots strategically and jump over fences to gain an advantage.
Rewards: The Garo Mask, which is needed to access Ikana Canyon.
Timing Conditions: None, the race can be initiated on any of the three days within the specified timeframe as long as Link is riding Epona.
Location(s): Road to Ikana (near the entrance to Ikana Graveyard)
Quest/Task: Give Shiro a Red Potion.
Trigger: Find Shiro, who is initially invisible, near the entrance to Ikana Graveyard on the Road to Ikana at any time on any of the three days. Using the Lens of Truth will make him visible.
Completion Steps: Give Shiro a Red Potion.
Rewards: The Stone Mask, which makes Link invisible to most enemies.
Timing Conditions: None, Shiro is present at this location throughout the three-day cycle.
Tips and Tricks for Efficient Completion
Successfully navigating the intricate web of Bomber’s Notebook entries requires a strategic approach to time management within the constraints of the three-day cycle. Paying close attention to the in-game clock and diligently observing the routines of Termina’s inhabitants is paramount. Utilizing the Song of Double Time is highly recommended, as it allows Link to efficiently skip ahead to specific times of day, enabling swift travel between scheduled events and maximizing the use of the limited time.Given the time-sensitive nature of many quests, it is wise to prioritize entries that occur early in the cycle to avoid missing crucial opportunities.
Certain masks and items can significantly aid in the efficient completion of multiple Bomber’s Notebook entries. The Bunny Hood, obtained from Grog at Romani Ranch, greatly increases Link’s movement speed, allowing for faster travel across Termina.The Stone Mask, acquired from Shiro on the Road to Ikana, renders Link invisible to most common enemies, potentially saving valuable time by avoiding unnecessary combat encounters.While not directly tied to numerous entries, the Mask of Scents can be helpful for specific quests involving tracking by scent. Furthermore, remembering to utilize Link’s various Transformation Masks is crucial, as they often provide access to specific areas or enable interaction with certain NPCs required for completing notebook entries.
For optimal efficiency, consider tackling certain questlines in a suggested order. For example, the Romani Ranch storyline, involving Romani and then Cremia, should be started on the First Day to ensure the opportunity to help Cremia on the Second Day is available.Similarly, the interconnected quest of Anju and Kafei requires careful attention to the timing of events across all three days.Grouping together quests that occur in the same location or around the same time can also save valuable in-game time.
Finally, the strategic use of the Song of Time and the Inverted Song of Time is essential for mastering the schedule. The Song of Time allows Link to reset the three-day cycle, providing a chance to retry missed opportunities or to focus on different questlines without losing permanent progress. The Inverted Song of Time, learned early in the game, slows down the flow of time to half its normal speed, granting Link significantly more real-time to accomplish tasks, reach locations, and interact with characters for completing Bomber’s Notebook entries,