The “Rampage in Zora Cove” quest immediately follows the events of “Chaos at River Zora Village”. News arrives that Lord Jabu-Jabu is now causing havoc in the Sea Zora Village located in Zora Cove. Zelda finds the River Zora Chief, Dradd, attempting to move a massive rock that is blocking the entrance to a cave on a small island. Inside this cave, the Sea Zora Chief, Kushara, and a young Sea Zora child are trapped. The main objective of this quest is to find an alternate way into the cave and move the rock, allowing Kushara and the child to escape.
How to Complete the Rampage in Zora Cove Main Quest
After completing the “Chaos at River Zora Village” quest, Zelda needs to travel to Zora Cove. Upon reaching the east side of the cove, the quest will begin. Zelda will find Dradd struggling to dislodge the rubble blocking the entrance to the cave where Kushara is trapped with the child. To find another way in, Zelda must dive into the water just to the east of Dradd and the other Zora, where an underwater opening in the rocks can be found.
Swimming through this hidden cove leads to a ladder that descends into a secret passage. Zelda must navigate through the dark underwater area, defeating any enemies she encounters, until she resurfaces inside the cave with Chief Kushara and the young Zora child. Once inside, Zelda needs to use the Bind ability to move the large boulder that is blocking the main exit of the cave. After moving the boulder, a scene will play where the two Zora chiefs compliment each other, marking the completion of the quest. The two chiefs will then depart for Lord Jabu-Jabu’s Den.
Enemy Information
The underwater passage Zelda swims through to reach Kushara is filled with monsters. While the specific types are not explicitly mentioned in all sources, the Tangler Lv. 2 enemy is noted to be present in this dark, underwater section of the Eastern Zora Cove Cave. Zelda will need to defeat these aquatic enemies to safely navigate the passage.