From Kakariko Village, head to the northern end and pass through the gate to enter the perilous Death Mountain Trail. This winding path will lead you upwards towards Goron City, the home of the Goron tribe.
As you ascend the trail, you’ll encounter Red Tektites, small, red, spider-like creatures that jump aggressively. Keep them targeted and attack with your sword when they leap towards you. Follow the trail as it snakes its way up the mountainside.
Continue along the path until you reach a point where you see a Bomb Flower growing near a ledge. Below this ledge, you should see a large boulder blocking the entrance to a cave. This is Dodongo’s Cavern, your next dungeon. Pick up the Bomb Flower and carefully throw it over the ledge towards the boulder below. The resulting explosion will shatter the boulder, clearing the entrance to Dodongo’s Cavern.
After opening the entrance to the cavern, continue further up the Death Mountain Trail. The path will eventually lead you to a grand entrance marked with banners. This is the entrance to Goron City. Step inside.
Entering Goron City:
From Kakariko Village, ascend Death Mountain Trail until you reach the entrance to Goron City. Descend to the lowest level of Goron City and locate the sealed door to Darunia’s chamber. Stand on the mat and play Zelda’s Lullaby to unlock the door. If you have already learned Saria’s Song, play it to lift Darunia’s spirits, and he will reward you with the Goron’s Bracelet, enabling you to lift Bomb Flowers.
Acquiring Saria’s Song (if not already obtained): If you haven’t learned Saria’s Song yet, you can access the Lost Woods directly from Goron City. On the city’s second level, find the passage blocked by boulders. Use a lit Deku Stick from a nearby torch to light the Bomb Flowers adjacent to the boulders, clearing the path. Proceed through the tunnel to enter the Lost Woods.
Once in the Lost Woods, follow the path: right, left, right, left, center left to reach the Sacred Forest Meadow. After navigating the maze and defeating the Wolfos, meet Saria to learn Saria’s Song. Return to Goron City through the same shortcut and play Saria’s Song for Darunia to receive the Goron’s Bracelet.
Use a lit Deku Stick to ignite the torches near Darunia’s chamber. Continue lighting all torches on the city’s lower levels. This action activates the spinning urn in the city’s center.
Ascend to the second level and locate the Bomb Flower near the stairs. Toss the Bomb Flower into the spinning urn. Aim to have the bomb explode when the urn’s smiling face aligns toward you, releasing a Heart Piece upon success.
Exit Goron City through the top entrance back to Death Mountain Trail. Locate the Bomb Flower near a Goron overlooking Dodongo’s Cavern entrance. Lift and throw the Bomb Flower over the ledge to destroy the boulder blocking the cavern entrance.
Before entering Dodongo’s Cavern, ensure it’s nighttime. A Gold Skulltula can be found on the wall near the cavern entrance. With the entrance cleared, proceed inside Dodongo’s Cavern to continue your quest.