Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening
- Chapter 2: A Link to the Past
- Chapter 3: Eastern Palace
- Chapter 4: Trouble in Hyrule
- Chapter 5: House of Gales
- Chapter 6: Death Mountain
- Chapter 7: Tower of Hera
- Chapter 8: The Master Sword
- Chapter 9: Lorule
- Chapter 10: The Dark Palace
- Chapter 11: Skull Woods
- Chapter 12: Ice Ruins
- Chapter 13: Thieves’ Hideout
- Chapter 14: Swamp Palace
- Chapter 15: Turtle Rock
- Chapter 16: Desert Palace
- Chapter 17: Lorule Castle
- Chapter 18: The Final Battle
Turtle Rock is a challenging dungeon located in southeastern Lorule, characterized by its lava-filled chambers and reliance on the Ice Rod for navigation. This comprehensive, step-by-step guide will assist you in navigating the dungeon, acquiring essential items, and defeating the boss, Grinexx.
- Required Item: Ice Rod (available from Ravio’s Shop).
Reaching Turtle Rock
From Hyrule, locate a fissure east of Lake Hylia to warp into Lorule. Upon arrival in Lorule, head to the lake area to find a large turtle (Mama Turtle) seeking assistance in reuniting with her three lost children.
Rescuing the Turtle Children
- First Turtle: Southwest of the lake, find a turtle flipped on its back. Approach and flip it over to rescue it.
- Second Turtle: In the western shallow waters, a turtle is under attack by enemies. Defeat all foes to free it.
- Third Turtle: On the northern cliffside, a turtle clings to the wall. Merge with the wall, position yourself behind it, and unmerge to cause it to fall into the water.
With all three children rescued, Mama Turtle will offer you a ride. Climb onto her back, and she’ll transport you to the dungeon entrance. Use the Ice Rod to freeze the nearby lava pillar, creating a temporary platform. Merge with the pillar to navigate around it and enter Turtle Rock.
Dungeon Exploration
Entrance Room
Use the Ice Rod to create ice platforms over the lava, allowing passage to the next area.
Main Chamber
This expansive room serves as a hub with multiple pathways. Stand on the left side of the seesaw platform. Use the Ice Rod on its center to freeze it in place, enabling access to the right side.
From the right platform, proceed along the walkway. Freeze the central lava pillar to create a bridge to the middle platform. Use the Ice Rod to activate the four crystal switches at the platform’s corners, revealing a chest containing the Compass.
Collecting Small Keys
- First Small Key: Enter the bottom-left room by stepping on the switch above the door to open it. Inside, manipulate the seesaw to reach the upper ledge. Drop down to access the warp tile leading to a secluded area with the Small Key.
- Second Small Key: Return to the main chamber and ascend the eastern walkway. Merge with the wall to reach the northeast ledge, where another Small Key awaits.
Use the Small Keys to unlock doors leading deeper into the dungeon.
Navigating Seesaw Platforms:
In rooms with seesaw platforms, use the Ice Rod to freeze them in positions that allow access to higher or lower areas.
Acquiring the Hylian Shield:
On the B1 floor’s main chamber, defeat all Wizzrobes to form a bridge and reveal a large chest containing the Hylian Shield. Wizzrobes are enemies that teleport and attack from a distance. Use the Ice Rod to freeze them, making them vulnerable to sword attacks.
Obtaining the Big Key
Navigate to the northwest room on B1 and defeat Fire Gimos using the Ice Rod. Access the green portal that appears, leading to a save point outside. Return to the main chamber, unlock the northern door with a Small Key, and retrieve the Big Key from the chest inside.
Reaching the Boss’s Lair
With the Big Key, unlock the large door in the northern part of B1. Traverse the subsequent rooms, using the Ice Rod to create platforms and avoid traps, until you reach the boss chamber.
Boss Battle: Grinexx
The Turtle Rock dungeon culminates in a battle against Grinexx, a formidable lava-dwelling turtle. This encounter requires strategic use of the Ice Rod and keen observation of Grinexx’s attack patterns.
Phase One: Lava Engagement
The battle begins on a grated metal platform suspended over a pool of lava. The platform features larger openings at its center and corners, through which Grinexx can be targeted. Initially, Grinexx swims beneath the platform, periodically releasing bursts of lava through the grates.
When Grinexx passes beneath the larger openings, use the Ice Rod to drop ice onto him, dealing damage. After sustaining two hits, Grinexx will retaliate by chasing Link while emitting continuous lava bursts. To evade, keep moving to stay ahead of the lava streams. Use the Ice Rod to freeze the lava bursts, creating temporary safe zones.
After five successful Ice Rod hits, Grinexx will leap onto the platform, sealing the openings and initiating direct combat.
Phase Two: Direct Combat
Grinexx extends his neck swiftly to bite. As his health decreases, the frequency and number of bites increase. He retracts into his shell and spins rapidly around the arena, attempting to collide with Link. Also, Grinexx withdraws into his shell, emitting smoke before causing a powerful explosion.
Use the Hylian Shield to block bite attacks, then counterattack when Grinexx recoils. Maintain distance during the spin attack, utilizing the arena’s corners for safety. When Grinexx prepares to explode, quickly move away to avoid the blast radius.
Grinexx’s head is susceptible to damage. Use the following tactics:
- Sword Strikes: Approach and deliver sword attacks when his head is extended.
- Ice Rod: Alternatively, the Ice Rod can be used to inflict damage from a distance.
After enduring multiple head strikes, Grinexx will be defeated, rewarding Link with a Heart Container and freeing the sage Impa from her painting.