Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening
- Chapter 2: A Link to the Past
- Chapter 3: Eastern Palace
- Chapter 4: Trouble in Hyrule
- Chapter 5: House of Gales
- Chapter 6: Death Mountain
- Chapter 7: Tower of Hera
- Chapter 8: The Master Sword
- Chapter 9: Lorule
- Chapter 10: The Dark Palace
- Chapter 11: Skull Woods
- Chapter 12: Ice Ruins
- Chapter 13: Thieves’ Hideout
- Chapter 14: Swamp Palace
- Chapter 15: Turtle Rock
- Chapter 16: Desert Palace
- Chapter 17: Lorule Castle
- Chapter 18: The Final Battle
Upon entering the Eastern Palace, you’ll immediately notice a gap ahead with a crystal switch on the opposite side. Equip your Bow and shoot an arrow at the switch to create a bridge, allowing you to proceed.
In the next chamber, you’ll face a hallway where large and small boulders roll toward you. Use the side alcoves to dodge the boulders as you advance. At the end of the hallway, turn left and enter the adjacent room.
Here, you’ll encounter Popos—slimy creatures that can be defeated with a single sword slash. After defeating them, a chest will appear on a higher platform. To access it, head south from the platform to find a hidden doorway leading to a chest containing 20 Rupees. Return and ascend the steps to reach the previously revealed chest and obtain the Compass.
Backtrack to the central room and proceed to the right side, crossing a narrow bridge. Between two Armos statues, step on the floor switch to unlock the door to the right. In the subsequent room, stand on the moving platform and use your Bow to shoot the crystal switches on both sides, which will grant access to a chest containing a Small Key.
With the Small Key, unlock the door at the north end of the central room and ascend the stairs to the second floor. Step on the floor switch to animate the Armos statues; defeat them to unlock both doors and activate a warp portal. Proceed through the right door, navigate the upper path to find a switch near the bottom of the room, and continue through the now-unlocked door.
In the following area, use your Bow to hit the lower right switch, then ride the ascending platform and shoot the higher switch to unlock the right door. Enter and utilize the moving platforms to activate the four central switches with your Bow, causing a chest with a Small Key to appear. Return to the previous room, activate the lower left switch to start the left moving platform, and use it to reach the locked door. Unlock it with the Small Key.
Inside, defeat the Stalfos enemies and open the large chest to obtain the Big Key. Exit through the bottom-right door on the upper level, activate the floor switch, return to the previous room, and take the lower right exit. Activate the newly revealed switch to make the boss room accessible.
Boss Battle: Yuga
Upon entering the boss chamber, prepare for a multi-phase battle against Yuga.
Phase 1:
Yuga wields a trident, executing both slashing and stabbing maneuvers. Maintain mobility to sidestep these strikes, and seize openings to counter with your sword. He may hurl his trident across the room, then teleport to retrieve it. Keep moving to evade this attack, and capitalize on the moment he reappears to land hits. Yuga summons energy orbs that descend from above. Continuous movement is key to dodging these projectiles.
Persist with this strategy until Yuga is sufficiently weakened, prompting a transition to the next phase.
Phase 2:
Yuga initiates by launching an energy orb toward you. Reflect it back using your sword in a game of Dead Man’s Volley. After several exchanges, the orb will strike Yuga, stunning him. Post-stun, Yuga merges into the wall as a painting. Princess Zelda will bestow upon you the Bow of Light. Merge into the wall and shoot a Light Arrow directly at Yuga. He’ll block it, exposing his back. Exit the wall, reposition behind him, merge again, and fire another Light Arrow to force him out, rendering him vulnerable to sword attacks. Yuga conjures fireballs that transform into bats, which home in on you. Maintain movement to dodge these fiery adversaries.
Repeat the volley and wall strategies, noting increased aggression and speed in Yuga’s attacks.
Phase 3:
Yuga escalates by launching two energy orbs simultaneously. Reflect both back to him, continuing the Dead Man’s Volley until he’s stunned. When Yuga merges into the wall this time, shooting Light Arrows directly proves ineffective, as he blocks them instantly. Instead, fire an arrow in the opposite direction; it will travel around the wall and strike Yuga from behind, forcing him out.