Archer – As their name suggests, these guys use bow and arrows to try and kill their enemies with, if you come into close contact with them, destroy them by charging at them with your Pegasus boots. If you are at long range, either use your hook shot, or you can use your bow and arrows as well.
Armos knights – Stone statues, but they are dangerous. If you touch these guys, you will be in for a surprise, they come to life and charge you.
Buzzblob – Electrified creatures, do not strike them with a slash of your sword, rather, charge your sword, and release, and perhaps doing that a time or so will defeat these rather hard foes.
Crow – A slash or so with your sword will have these feathery foes destroyed.
Geldarm – A few slashes of the sword will kill this enemy, no real threat.
Knight – No shield, but they possess a more powerful sword. Watch out and don�t get hit by the sword, and while doing so, slash them until they are dead.
Mace knight – Either bomb them, or slash and slash with your sword till they are destroyed.
Scissor crab – The best weapon you can use is your ice rod and freeze these dudes, but, any other weapon will do away with these creatures.
Soldier – Wield a shield and a sword. Simply slash them a few times with your sword.
Geldman – You will be seeing these dudes in the desert mostly, deal with them with a few slashes of the sword.
Leever – This creature digs itself into the ground, and charges at Link to try and defeat him, but, a few hits with any weapon will rid you of them.
Skeleton warrior – Blue and red forms of these creatures. The red ones will throw their bones at Link. The blue ones can hurt Link just with a touch from their possessed bones.
Goriya – Often mimic Link. Do away with them with most any projectile, or a fancy move with your sword such as the spinning move will do away with them.
Hinox – They charge Link when awakened, hit their eye with an arrow, or hit them with a pot, and they are done with.
Beamos – Avoid these guys as best you can, they are invincible.
Octorock – These are merely a distraction. A hit or so with Link�s sword will have them destroyed.
Bee – Though small, they can bite, run away or catch the tyrant in your bottle.
Rat – Use your fanciest moves to destroy this enemy.
Octoballoon – These dudes are easily scared, if gotten too close, they blow up in Link�s face. Avoid these guys whenever possible.
Vulture – Most likely found in the desert, these creatures are not really an enemy, simply a distraction.
Anti-Fairy – The smallest weapon at your disposal is the one to use, magic powder will do away with these evil creatures.
Tektite – Kill these guys with your bow and arrow or slash them with your sword.
Rhinobird – Slash until they are destroyed.
Floor tile – Try and huddle in a corner, and slashing constantly with your sword will surely hit each of these as they try to destroy Link.
Serpents – Attack these creatures, but do not directly make physical contact with these guys, they are poisonous.
Rhinosaur – Dodge these guys, try and not combat these guys, they are fast.
Swamola – Slash these guys as soon as they emerge before they can attack Link.
Goron – These guys are nothing to fear, though if you attack them, something funny might happen.
Shell spider – The best thing to do with these guys is bounce them into a hole, or blast them with a bomb or so.
Zora – These guys spit projectiles at Link, use a ranged weapon in order to destroy these guys.
Reaper – Slash this guy a time or so, and he is destroyed.
Blue buri – Attack these guys when they have on electrical power.
Red buri – These guys are hard to defeat, hitting these guys once, will have them turn into several smaller red buri�s. Destroy these guys completely quickly.
Helmasaur – Mash their face, then defeat them with any weapon.
Eye keese – One swipe of the sword will surely take out these pathetic foes.
Killer plant – Easy foes once again, use most any weapon and attack.
Freezor – Of course, the fire rod will be the most effective means to destroy this enemy.
Lynel – Destroy these guys quickly with any weapon at your disposal.
Poe – Slash these guys constantly until they are dead.
Stalfos – This is a deadly enemy. Slash these guys into a pile of bones, then set a bomb next to their bones, and they are destroyed.
Gibdo – Slash them, then take out your fire rod, and light them up
Skull stone – This enemy comes to life and attacks Link with a vicious force. One slash of the sword will have these guys gone.
Medusa – Eliminate these guys with most any means.
Rabbit fang – Choose any weapon you want to destroy these enemies.
Spiderock – Hit these guys with your sword and they are out of your sight.
Bomb knight – Slash them with your sword while dodging their bombs.
Cyclop fish – A long-ranged weapon will destroy these monsters.
Daira – Set them on fire with your fire rod.
Aqua beetle – Attack them with a force and they will be gone.
Wallmaster – Set them aflame with a few hits of the fire rod.
Wizzrobe – Simply swipe them with your sword and they are goners.
Puffer – Defeat these guys with arrows preferably, if not that, use your magic rod or your boomerang.
Cloud – Avoid these guys at all costs.
Zol – When hit, they will turn into several smaller zol�s.
Gels – Swipe them with your sword.