Skull Kid
Not actually a boss. The Skull Kid can be found at the end of the 3rd day. All you have to do is spit out a Deku Bubble at it’s full potential, hitting him. He’ll drop your occarina. Recover it, and play the song of time to go back to the first day.

His size might scare you, but this guy is fairly easy. You can either Z-Target him until he stops moving and give him a view slashed with your sword or throw bombs at him, which will also attract the bugs.

A little tougher than Odolwa, but an experience Zelda gamer should have no problem with this boss, and as with Odolwa, there are two ways to defeating him. You can either turn into Goron Link by putting on the Goron Mask and roll around the room until the spikes come out of you, and chase Goht around the room. It might be tough to hit him though, as he has several ways of defending himself.
The second way is to dodge his attacks and hit him with the Fire Arrows.

This boss, without a doubt, is one of the toughest bosses in the game. I, myself, had some trouble with this boss. From the beginning, put on your Zora Mask to become Zora Link, if you aren’t already, and Z-Target the boss and hit him with your boomerangs. While he is stunned, jump in and give him a shot with your Magic Sheild, and quickly go back up to the platform before he can eat you. Dodge his attacks, and repeat until he is defeated.

From the beginning, put on your Giants Mask to make yourself larger, and be sure to have some bottles of magic or Chateau Romani ready, as the mask consumes a lot of magic. Hit each of the two monsters in the head or tail until both of them are defeated.

Majora’s Mask
Majora’s Mask consists of 3 phases.
Phase 1: Majora’s Mask
Once you enter the room, Majora’s Mask will detach itself from the wall. Use your bow or the boomerangs of Zora Link to bring down the mask, and give some slashes with your sword until it starts hovering again. Avoid the energy attacks of the masks it summons. It will signal a fire beam, use your Mirror Sheild to send it back at him.
Phase 2: Majora Incarnation
The Mask will grow legs, and like earlier, use your bow or the boomerangs of Zora Link, and the mask will fall, and you can slash it with your sword or you can chase it around with your bunny hood on, if you still have it, and slash his legs with your sword, and every now and then it will pause to shoot fireballs at you, pull out your Mirror Sheild to direct them back at him.
Phase 3: Majora’s Wrath
In this form, he will grow a devil head and become the most powerful form of this boss. Shoot the boss with a Light Arrow and hit him with your sword. Avoid the tentacle arms as they will either slap you, toss you across the room, or send off exploding spinning tops. epeat this process until the beast is gone to free Termina from the fate set upon by the Skull Kid.