These baddies are attacking Romani Ranch and it is your duty to keep them away from it.
Touch these enemies or evet near these enemies, and they’ll get angry. They first appear as a statue. The best way to defeat them is to set a bomb beside them. When they turn red and start spinning around, get out of their way as they will explode.
These are those tall, skinny things with the eye that goes in circles. If it sees you, it will shoot out a laser beam at you.
Big Octo
These creatures can be found when you’re in the water, much larger than Octoroks.
Bird Theif
Watch out for these while you are in Termina field, as they will steal your items.
Blue Chuco
Best way to get past this enemy is to freeze it with your Ice Arrows and use it as a stepping stone.
No, not the item. This is the creature in which the item is meant to resemble. Keep your guard up while around these creatures, as they will explode when they come in contact with you.
Deku Baba
A tall, snapping flower. Give them a slash with a sword and they will be stunned, straightening out vertically. Give them another slash while they’re like this to recieve a Deku Stick.
Deku Scrub
Mad Scrubs live inside Deku Flowers, spitting out Deku Nuts at you when you are at distance, but when you get close, they remain under the flower. To defeat them, just keep your shield up, and the nut he spits at you will bounce back at him.
Stay at a distance from these things, as they will grab you and toss you across the room as if that was what you were meant for.
These are the lizzards with the shield, sword, and skills. Can be tough when you are surrounded by many.
These electrically-charged creatures can be difficult at times, especially when surrounded by a few of them. To attack, just use an arrow.
The green, slow moving creatures that spin around and breath fire. Their tail is their weak spot.
Large creature that dwells in snow. Stay at a distance from these guys because if you get close, you will be paraded with snowballs. Take him out with a Fire Arrow.
Fire Keese
These are those bats that fly around, and come out of nowhere, attacking you, catching you on fire.
These things can be found inside darker rooms/dungeons. Attack it, as it will split into many other, smaller floormasters, and give them a few slashes with your sword and they’re history.
These are the Armos-like creatures that spit a chilling breath, freezing you. A couple of slashes with your sword should be enough for this enemy.
This enemy will only appear if you’re Garo mask. Defend with your shield, and attack when your sword when he stops.
Garo Master
A faster, more swift Garo. Hit him with an Ice Arrow to inflict damage on this baddy. Stay at a distance once it’s defeated as it will explode.
Giant Bee
As you might have guessed by the name, this beast is a large bee that can be easily defeated with your sword.
Gold Skulltula
One of the weaker enemies. Only way to get hurt is to touch them yourself. Destroy the ones outside of the Swamp Spider House to recieve a Skulltula token.
Ice Keese
These are the bats that fly around, and come out of nowhere, attacking you, freezing you.
These are the large, green, cactus-like creatures that dwell in sand. Your sword is enough to defeat these, but it is much easier to just run over them with Epona.
Mad Scrub
Like the Deku Scrub, except with the color of red, meaning “mad”.
These octopus-like beasts can be found while in or near water. They spit out rocks at you, which you’ll have to reflect with your sheild or run from.
These zombie-like creatures can be frustrating at times. They will suck the life out of you if they can catch ya’. To avoid any conflict, just simply play the Sun’s Song.
Poes are ghost-like creatures carrying a lantern. Defend yourself with a lantern and attack when he is vulnerable.
Red Chuco
Destory this creature to recieve a fabulous heart piece. Strange-looking & it usually can’t be avoided.
Unlike most enemies in the game, this one requires a strategy other than just immediately slash. Wait for this enemy to turn around to it’s weak spot and attack it.
When outside of Clock Town and dungeons at night. These things will start to appear as if they came out of the ground. Easy to get rid of, just deliver 2 or 3 slashes.
White Wolfos
Wolfos (below) with a white coat.
Resemble a wolf. Can be tricky at times, but keep your shield up and attack when you think you can inflict damage.