Fun Songs
- Simpsons
C-down,C-right,C-left,C-up,stick down C-up,stickdown C-left,c-down,A,Z Stick down A three times, stick down A - Jurassic Park
C-up,Z c-up,C-right,down C-right,C-up,Z c-up,C-up,C-right,stick down C-right,C-up,Z C-up two times, C-up,C-right,A,Stick down C-up.
Get 24 bottles!!
NOTE: DO NOT save your game after doing this trick, or you’ll lose ALL of your items!! I am not responsible if you do!
OK, first equip a bottle, and find a fish. Then use the C button the bottle is equipped on. As soon as you hit C, pause the game. Select another item (claim check is recommended) and unpause the game. You will still see Link catching the fish. After he has caught it, press start and look at your items. The item you changed for the last bottle will be gone, and in it’s palce will be a bottle!! You can do this with all 24 items.
Secret Shop in Ganon’s Castle
If you’re having trouble in Ganon’s castle, use these instructions to find a hidden and very useful shop. First, go to the lower level in the main room. Next, put on the L:ens of Truth and hang close to the circular wall. You’ll eventually find a space in the wall. Go inside, and you’ll see fairies flying around, along with Deku Scrubs selling potions!!!!
Unlimited Rupees
If you collect all 100 gold skulltulas, every time you talk to the last freed person, he will give you a Gold Rupee, worth 200 rupees!!!
Kill the Skull Kid
Yes, thats right, you can kill that pesky skull kid!! As old Link get close to him and he’ll jump down and start shooting darts at you. Equip your Master Sword, since it’s the ONLY thing that can kill him!! After hittng him a few times, he’ll die and out will pop an Orange Rupee!! I know, you’ve never seen an orange rupee, well, it’s worth a whopping 200 rupees!!
Potions from the sun
After you have gotten the fire arrows, shoot another arrow into the morning light to get some potions!
Keep your Deku Sticks from Burning
Here’s how you can keep your Deku Sticks from burning up. After you have caught one on fire, equip another C Button item, and Link will put the burning stick away!
How to Get The Red and Blue Tunics Five minutes into the game
This is a very easy cheat, but takes a while to do. First, go into the forest north of the main town. Then, fight, fight, fight! After about 20 minutes of fighting your tunic will become either red or blue. I think this depends on the powerups you get in the forest. Red tunics make you do double damage and blue tunics make you get half damage. This lasts for the rest of the game. Have fun with this one!