Enter Dodongo’s Cavern through the newly opened entrance. This volcanic cavern is the Gorons’ primary source of food in the form of delicious rocks, but it has been sealed off by Ganondorf’s monsters.
The dungeon is structured with a left and right side, connected by a central area with rising platforms. Begin by heading to the left side of the entrance. You’ll soon encounter a cracked wall. Use one of the Bomb Flowers growing nearby to blast through it. Behind this wall, you’ll find a treasure chest containing the Dungeon Map, which will help you navigate the cavern.
Return to the entrance area and this time head to the right. You’ll see a large statue. Push this statue onto the blue switch on the floor to open the nearby door. Proceed through the door into the next room, where you will face two Lizalfos. These agile lizard-like enemies will attack you one at a time, so be prepared to dodge their attacks and strike when they are vulnerable.
Continue into the next room. You’ll notice several unlit torches and one that is already lit. Use a Deku Stick, lit from the existing torch, to light all the other torches in the room. Successfully lighting all the torches will cause the door to the next area to open.
In the following room, you’ll encounter Blade Traps, dangerous sliding spikes on the floor. Carefully jump over the first one as you descend the ladder. Wait for the next one to move before crossing to the opposite ladder. Use the nearby block to jump onto the higher ladder and climb up to the platform above. Here, you’ll find another Bomb Flower. Pick it up and time your throw so that it explodes next to the cracked wall. It might take a few tries to get the timing right. Head through the opening you create. You’ll see a circle of fire blocking your path. Look up and shoot the eye switch above with your Slingshot to extinguish the flames.
Continue through the door. You’ll face more fire platforms to cross and more eye switches to shoot. Shoot the eye switch directly ahead and then another one located in the niche on the left wall. Head over and cross to the other side. Open the treasure chest on the right to obtain the Bomb Bag. This essential item will allow you to carry Bombs, which will be crucial for the rest of the dungeon and beyond.
Go back to the previous room and look for a switch. Stepping on this switch will cause the moving platform below to extend all the way to the top of the room, providing easy access to the upper level of Dodongo’s Cavern from the central area. Turn right and proceed to the wooden bridge that is suspended directly over a giant Dodongo skull. You’ll notice two gaps in the bridge.
Drop or throw Bombs down these gaps until the Dodongo’s eyes turn blood red and its mouth opens wide. Drop down to the lower level and head through the Dodongo’s gaping mouth to enter the next room. Inside, you’ll find a switch in the middle of the floor. This switch needs to be held down to open the door. Push one of the gray, pushable blocks onto the switch to keep it pressed. Proceed through the now-open door to face the boss of this dungeon.
You’ve reached the chamber of King Dodongo, a massive, fire-breathing dinosaur. King Dodongo has two primary attacks: breathing fire and rolling across the arena. Both attacks can be avoided by staying near the sides or in the corners of the room.
King Dodongo
To defeat King Dodongo, you need to wait for him to inhale before breathing fire. While he is inhaling, quickly throw a Bomb or a Bomb Flower into his open mouth. If successful, the bomb will explode inside him, stunning him momentarily. This is your opportunity to attack. Quickly run to his side or behind him and attack his tail with your Kokiri Sword.
A jump attack with a Deku Stick will inflict even more damage. Repeat this process of waiting for him to inhale, throwing a bomb, and then attacking his tail. It will likely take around three successful bomb throws and subsequent sword attacks to defeat King Dodongo. Once defeated, King Dodongo will leave behind a Heart Container. Collect it to increase your maximum health. Finally, step into the blue light that appears to be teleported out of Dodongo’s Cavern.
Gold Skulltulas in Dodongo’s Cavern:
- Gold Skulltula #35: In the room just off the main hall that contains exploding Dodongo larvae, lure one of the baby Dodongos towards the cracked wall. Attack the larva to make it explode near the wall, opening a path to a hidden area. Inside, you’ll find a Gold Skulltula along with some Keese (bats). Defeat the Skulltula and then perform a jump slash to reach the Golden Skull Token. Alternatively, you can use a Bomb to blow up the cracked wall.
- Gold Skulltula #36: In the “stairway” room, which features a ring of bombs surrounding a large column, set off the bombs to make the stairs collapse. Climb up the newly formed stairs and look for a Gold Skulltula on the vines near the door leading to the second floor. Shoot it down with your Slingshot and then collect the token.
- Gold Skulltula #37: On the north side of the room where you encounter the Armos statues, you’ll notice a cracked wall. Use a Bomb to blast it open. Behind the wall, you’ll find an Armos statue slightly obscuring a Gold Skulltula. A single Bomb will take care of both, allowing you to easily claim the Golden Skull Token.