Alright, fellow adventurer! Fresh off your victory in the eerie Forest Temple, it’s time to brave the scorching heat of the Fire Temple! Get ready for a fiery challenge. Our mission here is clear: rescue those poor Gorons who’ve been captured and put a stop to the menacing dragon, Volvagia!
The transition from the Forest Temple, with its focus on illusions and the ghostly Poe Sisters , to the Fire Temple presents a stark contrast. Prepare yourself for an environment dominated by lava and intense heat. This thematic shift signifies that you’ll encounter different types of puzzles and enemies compared to your previous temple exploration.
The narrative context of rescuing the Gorons adds more than just a simple objective. You’ll discover that these Gorons are being fed to Volvagia by Ganondorf , adding an emotional layer to your dungeon crawl and motivating you beyond just reaching the end.
So, you just wrapped up the Forest Temple? Awesome! You’ll find yourself back in Kokiri Forest, but things might look a little different now. The world around the Temple of Time might even seem a bit worse for wear, with dead trees. Our next stop is the Temple of Time in Hyrule Field. Head there now. The game world often reflects the impact of your actions, and the dead trees around the Temple of Time after the Forest Temple serve as a visual reminder of the growing darkness. This environmental storytelling helps immerse you in the game’s narrative.
Alright, our next destination is Goron City, nestled high on Death Mountain. Navi will probably give you a nudge in that direction if you’re unsure. When you arrive in Goron City, you’ll notice it’s eerily empty, except for one little Goron rolling around on the middle level. Now, this is important: you need to stop that rolling Goron! The only way to do it is to strategically place a bomb in its path. Timing is key here! Turns out, this isn’t just any Goron – it’s Darunia’s son, Link the Goron!. Make sure you talk to him a few times to get all the info.
He’ll tell you all about the nasty dragon Volvagia and the captured Gorons. As a thank you, he’ll give you the essential Goron Tunic for free. You absolutely need this to survive the heat in Death Mountain Crater and the Fire Temple , so equip it right away! The deserted Goron City, with only a single rolling Goron present , immediately signals a problem that needs your attention.
The fact that stopping this Goron with a bomb triggers a crucial story event demonstrates how the game uses environmental cues and character interactions to guide your progress. The Goron Tunic is not just a piece of clothing; it’s a mandatory item for entering the Fire Temple. This highlights a common design element in the game where specific tools or attire are required to navigate different environments, much like the Zora Tunic for underwater areas.
Okay, with your shiny new Goron Tunic equipped, head to Darunia’s room in Goron City. You’ll find it on the level where you met Link the Goron. See that big statue or throne in the room? You need to move it! Push it either to the left or to the right to reveal a secret passage behind it. This hidden passage will take you straight into the fiery depths of Death Mountain Crater. Double-check that Goron Tunic is on!.
As you step into the crater, you’ll likely spot Sheik standing on the broken bridge. Time to dust off that Hookshot you got from the graveyard – use it to grapple across the gap. Sheik, being the helpful ninja she is, will stop you and teach you the Bolero of Fire. This awesome song lets you warp directly back to Death Mountain Crater whenever you want, which will save you some travel time later on.
Now, the entrance to the Fire Temple is just a short climb down a long ladder to your left after you cross the bridge. Let’s go! The introduction of the Bolero of Fire as a warp song is a recurring pattern in the game, providing you with convenient travel options and reducing the need for extensive backtracking. This encourages further exploration of the world. Reaching the Fire Temple involves a series of interconnected steps across different areas. From Kokiri Forest to Goron City, then to Death Mountain Crater, each location plays a crucial role in preparing you for the challenges ahead. This interconnectedness is a key aspect of the game’s world design.
Alright, step inside the Fire Temple! You’ll immediately feel the intense heat and probably spot some fiery bats called Fire Keese flitting around. Head straight up the stairs and go through the door on the left. In this room (which some call the Boss Room, though we’re not fighting the main boss here yet), you’ll find our old friend Darunia.
He’s not looking too good! He’ll quickly fill you in on the dire situation – Ganon is feeding Gorons to the evil dragon Volvagia! Darunia will then bravely head off to try and stop the beast himself, leaving it to us to rescue the remaining Gorons. This initial encounter with Darunia serves as a narrative anchor, immediately establishing your primary objective within the dungeon: rescuing the captured Gorons.
Look to your left and jump across the small platforms. You’ll see a switch on one of the platforms. Step on it to open the door to a nearby prison cell. Inside, you’ll find the first captured Goron! Go ahead and free him. As a thank you, he’ll give you a helpful tip about the temple and, more importantly, your first Small Key. Make sure to grab Small Key #1 from the chest behind the grateful Goron. The pattern of rescuing Gorons who then provide you with a Small Key and some advice is a recurring mechanic you’ll encounter throughout the Fire Temple. This becomes a core gameplay loop, guiding your exploration and rewarding your efforts.
Alright, let’s backtrack to the first room where we met Darunia. Now, use Small Key #1 to open the locked door on the opposite side of the room. This will lead you into the Lava Cavern. This is a vast, intimidating room filled with molten lava, small islands, and floating platforms. Keep an eye out for those pesky Fire Keese ! Our next goal is to head towards the door on the left side of this massive room. Carefully jump across the platforms to reach it. Be mindful that some of these platforms might sink slightly when you stand on them. Go through the door.
Inside, you’ll find another trapped Goron! Free him, and he’ll reward you with Small Key #2 from the chest nearby. This Goron, like some others, might cryptically mention a “special crop” – he’s talking about bombs! Remember this hint for later. The game often provides subtle clues about puzzle solutions through the dialogue of rescued characters. The “special crop” comment is a prime example, hinting at the existence of destructible walls that can be opened with bombs.
Optional Collectible: While you’re in the Lava Cavern, there’s a sneaky collectible you can grab. Look for a blue block. Play the Song of Time near it to make it temporarily solid. Quickly jump onto it and enter the door above. This leads to the Tile Room. Inside, you’ll have to deal with some annoying Floor Tiles and a hungry Like Like. Take them out, and a chest will appear containing Gold Skulltula #58. Be warned – Like Likes can steal your Hylian Shield and even your Goron Tunic, so defeat it quickly to get them back!
The Song of Time has specific applications within dungeons, often used to manipulate certain objects or reveal hidden pathways. Its use with the blue block in the Lava Cavern is a clear demonstration of this mechanic. Like Likes pose a unique threat by being able to steal your equipped items. This requires you to prioritize defeating them quickly to avoid losing valuable gear.
Okay, back to the Lava Cavern. Now, head to the opposite side of the room from where you first entered (that’s the right side if you’re facing away from the entrance to this cavern). Keep an eye out for a section of wall that looks a bit different – it might be discolored or have a checkered pattern. Remember that “special crop” hint? This is where it comes in handy! Bomb this suspicious-looking wall to reveal a hidden entrance. Go through the newly opened door. You’ll find yet another imprisoned Goron! Free him, and he’ll give you Small Key #3. The presence of bombable walls as hidden elements is a common trope in Zelda games. These hidden passages often lead to valuable items or are necessary for progression.
Alright, let’s head back to the bridge in the Lava Cavern. Use Small Key #3 to unlock the door on the other side. This will take you to what we’ll call the Flaming Elevator room. In this room, you’ll see a large block sitting on top of a geyser of flames. Our goal is to get to the next level using this makeshift elevator. First, navigate the platforms to the left side of the room and look for a chain wall you can climb. Climb all the way to the top platform. From up here, carefully push the large block off the edge so it lands directly on the flame geyser below. Now, quickly jump down onto the block yourself. The flames will propel the block (and you!) upwards to the next level. At the top, you’ll find a locked door. Use a Small Key (you should have Small Key #4 by now, likely obtained from one of the Goron rescues) to open it. This leads to the Fire Slug Room.
The Fire Temple frequently incorporates its fiery theme into its puzzle design, using environmental hazards like flame geysers as integral parts of the challenges. In the Fire Slug Room, take out any annoying Torch Slugs. Our next task is to reach the top platform. You’ll see the large block we used earlier. Push it down again (if necessary) and then pull it so it’s positioned underneath the netting on the wall.
Use the block to climb up the netting to the next level. You’ll see a crystal switch nearby. Drop a bomb on it to temporarily stop the flames that are blocking the way forward. You’ll have a short window, so quickly climb up the netting before the fire reactivates and head through the door to the Boulder Maze (Below). Crystal switches are another common puzzle element in the game, often requiring you to act quickly after activating them to take advantage of the temporary environmental change .
Welcome to the Boulder Maze (Below)! You’ll notice the camera angle shifts to a top-down view here. This maze is filled with rolling boulders, so watch your step! Our strategy here is to stick to the outer wall. As you follow the outer wall, you’ll eventually come across a floor switch. Step on it to free another trapped Goron.
He’ll thank you with Small Key #5. Optional Collectible: Keep following that outer wall. Listen carefully as you slash at the walls with your sword. If you hear a different sound than usual, that means it’s a fake wall!. Bomb this wall to uncover a hidden alcove containing Gold Skulltula #59. Continue your journey along the outer wall. You’ll find another door. Go through it to rescue yet another Goron, who will reward you with Small Key #6 .
Alright, let’s head back into the Boulder Maze (Below). Look for a locked door (you should have Small Key #4 if you haven’t used it yet, otherwise it might be Small Key #7 depending on your key usage). Go through it to enter the Narrow Bridge and Map Room.
You’ll see a barred door ahead. Look above it for a silver eye switch. Use your Hookshot or Fairy Bow to shoot the eye. This will unlock the door. Head through the now open door and open the treasure chest inside to claim the Dungeon Map!. Now you’ll have a better layout of this fiery labyrinth. Silver eye switches are a recurring puzzle element in the game that are typically activated by using a projectile weapon like arrows or the Hookshot .
Okay, let’s return to the Boulder Maze (Below). Find the locked door that leads to the infamous Flaming Wall of Death… Room…. Use a Small Key (likely Small Key #7 if you followed the guide). This next part is tricky! You’ll be on a narrow metal grating, and a massive wall of fire will start chasing you!. You need to dash across as fast as you can to the end of the grating and go through the door to reach the Boulder Maze (Above). Don’t get burned!
Welcome to the Boulder Maze (Above)! Look around for a platform with some Torch Slugs and a cracked section of the floor. Drop a bomb on that cracked floor to create a shortcut to a lower level. Now, find the green-colored room in this area. Inside, you’ll see a floor switch. Step on it. You’ll hear a door open somewhere else. This switch opens another prison cell. Locate the newly opened cell and speak to the Goron inside. He’ll be grateful for the rescue and will give you Small Key #8. This should be the last Small Key in the temple!
Optional Collectibles: There are two Gold Skulltulas hidden in this upper section of the Boulder Maze, and we’ll need to use the Scarecrow’s Song to get them! If you remember, you learned this song back in Lake Hylia as a child. Find a spot in this upper maze where Navi turns green and play the Scarecrow’s Song. Pierre, the scarecrow, will appear! Use your Hookshot to reach him, and then look around for another Hookshot target on a small platform. Grapple over there. Ride this platform up, and you’ll find a door. Go through it to snag Gold Skulltula #60. In the next room, keep your eyes peeled for Gold Skulltula #61 clinging to the wall. The Scarecrow’s Song has specific uses in the game world to access hidden areas or collectibles. Remembering and utilizing songs learned in the overworld is often key to achieving 100% completion in dungeons.
Okay, let’s head back to the Flaming Wall of Death… Room…. Look for a locked door on a ledge about halfway through the grating. Use one of your Small Keys to open it. You’re now in the Invisible Fire Wall Maze! This can be a bit frustrating, so pay close attention. There are invisible walls of fire blocking your path. Carefully navigate through, trying different paths until you find the correct one. Be aware that some doors in this maze are fake and will lead you back.
Keep going until you find another locked door. Use another Small Key to proceed. You’re not out of the woods yet! This is another section of the Invisible Fire Wall Maze. Look around for a switch on the ground and step on it. This will temporarily remove the flames blocking a nearby door. Quickly run through the door before the flames reappear to enter the Flare Dancer’s Room .
Time for a mini-boss fight! In this room, you’ll encounter a Flare Dancer. To defeat it, you first need to extinguish its flames. You can do this by hitting it with a Bomb or using your Hookshot to pull out its fiery core. Once it’s just a core, quickly slash it with your sword until it’s defeated. After taking down the Flare Dancer, climb the platform in the room and go through the door to Another Crystal Switch Room. In this room, you’ll see some metal grating you can climb. Make your way up and look for another crystal switch. Bomb it to activate it. Climb back up and enter the door to the Hammer Cavern .
You’ve almost got the key item for this dungeon! In the Hammer Cavern, carefully navigate the narrow platform that stretches across the room. At the end, you’ll find the mighty Megaton Hammer!. This bad boy will be essential for the rest of the temple and the boss fight. The Megaton Hammer is a crucial item acquired within the Fire Temple. Its acquisition marks a significant point in your progression, as it is necessary for solving subsequent puzzles and ultimately defeating the dungeon boss.
Now that you’ve got the Megaton Hammer, look for a large, square platform with the Fire Temple symbol on it. Give it a good whack with the Hammer to make it drop down. Down below, you’ll see some totem heads blocking your path. Smash them with the Megaton Hammer and proceed through to the “L” Shaped Room. In the “L” Shaped Room, you’ll see a large pillar. Smash it with the Hammer to create a set of stairs you can climb. Head down the newly formed stairs. You’ll see a box behind them. Grab it and jump down to the bottom floor.
Place the box on the switch on the floor to keep the nearby door open. Go through the door to find yourself in another section of the Invisible Fire Wall Maze. In this part of the maze, look for a lone platform. Smash it with the Hammer to make it disappear. Then, look for a rusty switch on the ground and give it a good pounding with the Hammer. This will open a door that was previously closed. Enter the newly opened door to find the Time Block Room. Inside the Time Block Room, you’ll see a blue block.
Play the Song of Time to make it solid and move it out of the way, revealing a rusty switch underneath. Use the Megaton Hammer on this rusty switch to finally free the last captured Goron! He’ll reward you with the coveted Boss Key!. Alright, almost there! Return to the main section of the Invisible Fire Wall Maze and look for a giant platform. Give it a mighty smash with the Megaton Hammer to fall through to the room where you first met Darunia. Leave this room to go back to the Entrance Room of the Fire Temple. In the Entrance Room, go downstairs to the right. You’ll see a large tribal statue.
Keep hitting each tier of this statue with the Megaton Hammer until a locked door is revealed. Use your collected Small Keys to open this locked door. This leads to a Torch Slug Hallway. Defeat the Fire Keese and Torch Slugs in this hallway. Once they’re all gone, the next door will unlock. Proceed to the Second Tile Room. Remember this room from earlier? You’ll need to defeat the enemies here again (likely more Floor Tiles and possibly another Like Like).
Once they’re defeated, a chest will appear containing Gold Skulltula #62. Make sure you grab it! Go through the door on the left to the Second Flare Dancer Room. Time for another mini-boss! Defeat this second Flare Dancer using the same strategy as before: Megaton Hammer to stun, then sword attacks. Once it’s defeated, enter the door on the right to the Boss Key Hallway. In this final hallway, you’ll see a rusty switch. Smash it with the Megaton Hammer. This will open the way to a giant treasure chest. Open it to finally get your hands on the Boss Key! Now, with the Boss Key in hand, return to the Entrance Room and then head back to the room where you initially saw Darunia. Jump across the pillar in the center of the room to reach the Boss Door.
It’s time to face Volvagia!. The Fire Temple exhibits a non-linear structure, with various rooms and puzzles interconnected in ways that require you to revisit previous areas after obtaining new items like the Megaton Hammer. This design encourages thorough exploration and the strategic use of your acquired tools.
Alright, it’s time to face the fiery beast! Use the Boss Key to open the door and step into the arena.
Volvagia’s Attack Patterns and Strategies
Volvagia will randomly emerge from one of the holes in the ground around the arena. When you see its head pop out, quickly lock on and give it a good whack with the Megaton Hammer!. This will stun the dragon momentarily. While Volvagia is stunned, rush in and unleash a flurry of sword attacks on its head. Be careful! Volvagia can also take to the skies and breathe fire down at you.
Keep an eye on the shadows on the ground – they indicate where rocks will fall when Volvagia is flying. Move out of the way to avoid getting hit. Sometimes, Volvagia will also create fiery tendrils that sweep across the arena. Be ready to dodge roll out of their path.
The boss battle with Volvagia strategically requires the use of the Megaton Hammer, the key item acquired within the Fire Temple. This emphasizes the importance of utilizing your newly gained abilities to overcome the challenges presented by the dungeon’s final encounter.
Keep repeating this strategy: wait for Volvagia to emerge, hit its head with the Megaton Hammer to stun it, then attack with your sword. Eventually, the mighty dragon will fall! Claim your well-deserved Heart Container!. You’ll then be transported to the Chamber of Sages, where Darunia will appear and award you the powerful Fire Medallion. You did it!