Alright, you’ve emerged from the Shadow Temple a true hero! Now, it’s time to head to the Gerudo Fortress, a heavily guarded area where some poor carpenters are being held captive. We’ll break them out and then tackle the Gerudo Training Ground to snag those awesome Ice Arrows. Let’s roll!
Step 1: Infiltrating the Gerudo Fortress
After receiving the Shadow Medallion, your next destination is the Gerudo Valley. If you haven’t been there yet, it’s located in the western part of Hyrule Field. Just head west from Hyrule Castle. You’ll recognize it by the large canyon and the wooden bridge leading across.
As you approach the bridge, it will collapse, leaving you stranded. Don’t panic! Look to your left, and you’ll see a ladder leading down. Climb down and follow the path along the riverbank. You’ll eventually reach a point where you can use your Longshot to grapple to the other side of the canyon.
Now you’re in Gerudo Valley. Head forward, and you’ll soon reach the imposing Gerudo Fortress. These ladies don’t take kindly to intruders, so stealth is key here.
Step 2: Rescuing the First Carpenter
Your immediate goal is to rescue the four carpenters who are being held in separate cells within the fortress. If a Gerudo guard spots you, she’ll toss you into a cell. If this happens, just use your Longshot on the window to escape.
The first carpenter is in the first building on the right as you enter the fortress area. Sneak past the guards (use your ears to listen for their footsteps) and enter the building. You’ll find the first carpenter locked in a cell. Approach the cell, and he’ll tell you he needs your help.
Step 3: Rescuing the Second Carpenter
Head out of the first building and continue along the path. The second carpenter is in the next building on the right. Again, be careful to avoid the guards’ line of sight. Once inside, you’ll find the second carpenter in another cell.
Step 4: Rescuing the Third Carpenter
Exit the second building and continue further into the fortress. You’ll see a large set of stairs leading up to a higher level. Head up these stairs. The third carpenter is in a cell in the building on this upper level. Watch out for the guards patrolling this area.
Rescuing the Fourth Carpenter and Getting the Gerudo Membership Card
After rescuing the third carpenter, continue exploring this upper level. You’ll find another building with a guard standing outside. Sneak past her and enter the building. Inside, you’ll find the fourth and final carpenter.
Once you’ve freed all four carpenters, a cutscene will trigger. The foreman will thank you, and the Gerudo leader will appear, impressed by your skills. She’ll grant you the Gerudo Membership Card, which will allow you to freely roam the fortress without being attacked. This card is your ticket to the next challenge: the Gerudo Training Ground.
Accessing the Gerudo Training Ground
Now that you have the Gerudo Membership Card, you can explore the fortress without fear of being thrown in jail. The entrance to the Gerudo Training Ground is located on the first floor of the main fortress building, near where you initially entered the area. Look for a door with a Gerudo symbol above it. Show your membership card to the guard, and she’ll let you pass. You’ll have to pay a small fee of 10 Rupees to enter.
Conquering the Gerudo Training Ground
The Gerudo Training Ground is a challenging series of rooms filled with puzzles that require you to use all the items you’ve collected so far. Your ultimate reward for completing it is the Ice Arrows. Here’s a room-by-room guide:
As soon as you enter, turn around and shoot the golden eye switch above the door. Two small chests will appear. One contains Arrows, and the other has a Blue Rupee. There are three doors in this room. We’ll start with the left one.
Avoid the spike trap and move onto the sand. Defeat the two Stalfos that appear within the time limit to make a chest appear with Small Key #1.
Take the second left and wait for the boulder to pass. Grab the rupee and quickly run down the ramp to get the second rupee. Run down the nearby corridor back to the start and use your Longshot to snag the third rupee. Take the second right and run to the bottom of the ramp, dodging the boulder, to grab the fourth rupee. Finally, run up the ramp and jump off the ledge to get the fifth rupee in the center. Alternatively, you can Longshot it from near the entrance. Go through the door directly ahead.
Defeat the two Wolfos and one White Wolfos. Above the fake door, use your Lens of Truth to see a hexagonal section of the wall. Use your Longshot to hit the target. Press the switch and go through the door.
Before jumping down, go to the right where Navi turns green and play the Scarecrow’s Song to make Pierre appear. Jump down onto the outer ring and shoot the four eyes on the statue (one on each side) without missing. A chest will appear with Small Key #2. Use your Longshot to grab the key. You can now Longshot to Pierre or fall into the lava. Go through the previously locked door and open the chest for Small Key #3. Go back down to the lower floor and through the door.
Kill the two Fire Keese and two Fire Slugs to open the door and make a small chest appear. Use your Megaton Hammer on the statues. One will reveal a switch. Step on it to remove the fire around the chest in the middle of the room and get Small Key #4. Go through the now open door.
Turn around and use your Longshot to grab the first Silver Rupee above you. Jump to the first platform and grab the second rupee. Go to the middle platform, and when Navi turns green, play the Song of Time to make two Time Blocks appear. Carefully collect the third and fourth Silver Rupees on the other side. Return to the Time Blocks, climb up, and get Small Key #5. Press the nearby switch and grab the fifth Silver Rupee before the fire returns. Enter the east door.
Play the Song of Time to remove the Time Blocks. Equip your Iron Boots and Zora Tunic and sink down. Avoid the Blade Trap and kill the four Shell Blades with your Longshot. The first Silver Rupee is in the middle. The next two are along the west wall – Longshot the target to go through them. The fourth is on a platform to the north. The final one is near the east wall. Once all five are collected, the door will open.
Immediately throw a Bomb at the Beamos. Defeat the two Dinalfos. The door will open.
You should have eight Small Keys at this point. If you came from the Lava Room, you’ll need a total of nine keys. Enter the door on the left. Use your Lens of Truth to see a hole in the ceiling directly to your left. Climb up the grating to find a secret room with the final Small Key. Climb back down and go through all the remaining doors on the left side. You’ll eventually wind up in the center room. Open the final door, and claim your reward: the Ice Arrows!
Conclusion: Master of the Fortress
You’ve done it! You’ve successfully infiltrated the Gerudo Fortress, rescued all the carpenters, and conquered the challenging Gerudo Training Ground, earning the powerful Ice Arrows. You’re now a master of stealth and puzzle-solving. With the Shadow Medallion and the Ice Arrows in your possession, you’re well-prepared for the trials that lie ahead. Keep pushing forward, hero!