You’ve just emerged victorious from the scorching depths of the Fire Temple, Volvagia vanquished and Darunia’s people saved. But the hero’s journey never truly rests, and a new challenge awaits. A noticeable chill now permeates the air, a stark contrast to the volcanic heat you just endured. This guide will lead you step-by-step through the icy labyrinth that lies ahead: the Ice Cavern. We’ll make sure you grab every essential item and collectible to achieve 100% completion of this frosty foray.
Picking Up the Trail: What to do immediately after conquering the Fire Temple.
With the Fire Temple behind you, there’s no immediate need to go hunting for new gear before heading to your next destination. The path forward is a natural progression from the fiery mountain to a region gripped by an unexpected winter.
If you pay close attention to Navi, your ever-present guide, she’ll likely mention an arctic wind blowing from Zora’s River. This subtle cue from your companion serves as the initial breadcrumb, directing you towards the next area of concern. The game’s design encourages this flow, seamlessly transitioning from one elemental challenge to the next without requiring an immediate backtrack for specific tools.
Venturing North: Locating the Ice Cavern in the Frozen Zora’s Domain.
Following Navi’s hint, your journey will take you towards Zora’s Domain. However, prepare yourself for a drastically different scene than what you might remember from your childhood adventures. The once vibrant Zora’s River is now a frozen expanse, its flowing waters replaced by jagged ice formations.
The majestic waterfall that once guarded the entrance to Zora’s Domain is now a solid sheet of ice, a testament to the powerful freeze that has gripped the land. This dramatic environmental shift immediately signals that something is amiss and a new area needs exploration.
Navigate your way through the frozen Zora’s Domain, making your way towards Zora’s Fountain, the area where the colossal Lord Jabu-Jabu once resided. You’ll notice that Jabu-Jabu is gone, his place taken by a field of floating ice platforms. This transformation of a familiar location serves as a clear marker for where your next objective lies.
Keep an eye out for these conspicuous ice platforms; they form a pathway leading directly to an opening in the cliff face – the entrance to the Ice Cavern. The game visually guides you towards this new mini-dungeon through this altered landscape.
Before you even step inside the cavern, there’s a small detour that completionists will appreciate. As you hop across the ice platforms towards the entrance, you’ll spot a Heart Piece resting on one of them in the distance. Make sure to snag this valuable collectible before venturing into the icy depths. This early reward reinforces the focus on thorough exploration and 100% completion right from the start.
Readying for the Chill: Essential gear to bring into the Ice Cavern.
Good news, adventurer! You don’t need to immediately hunt down any brand-new items after the Fire Temple to gain entry into the Ice Cavern. The game allows for a direct transition into this next challenge with your current inventory. However, to make your journey through the frozen depths smoother and to ensure you collect everything, some familiar tools will prove invaluable.
The Hookshot, acquired earlier in your adventure, will be essential for grabbing some of the optional collectibles hidden within the Ice Cavern, specifically the Gold Skulltulas. Additionally, make sure you have at least a couple of empty bottles in your inventory. These will be crucial for collecting Blue Fire, a unique substance found within the cavern that is necessary to melt the pervasive Red Ice blocking your path and concealing valuable items.
Of course, your trusty sword will be your primary weapon against the icy denizens of the cavern, and having some Bombs or utilizing Din’s Fire can also be helpful for dealing with groups of enemies. While not strictly required to enter, these items are highly recommended for efficient progress and a complete exploration of the Ice Cavern.
Step-by-Step Through the Ice:
As you step into the Ice Cavern, you’ll find yourself in a chilly entrance hall. Your first encounters will likely be with Freezards, stationary icy creatures that can encase you in ice, and Ice Keese, frigid variations of the common bat that can also freeze you. Take them out with your sword or a well-placed blast of Din’s Fire. This initial room introduces you to the primary threats you’ll face within this frozen mini-dungeon.
Moving deeper, you’ll enter a larger room dominated by a massive, constantly spinning ice blade. Scattered around this hazardous chamber are five Silver Rupees. Your objective here is to collect all of them to open the passage leading further into the cavern. One rupee can be found along the left wall, hidden behind some stalagmites.
Three more are located in the center, orbiting the spinning blade – careful timing and movement are key here. The final Silver Rupee hangs in mid-air above the spinning blade, requiring a climb onto nearby ledges and a well-timed jump to reach. Keep your eyes peeled, as a Gold Skulltula is perched high on the wall above the first Silver Rupee you encounter. Use your Hookshot to add it to your collection. This room combines a simple puzzle with a significant environmental danger.
Beyond the spinning blade room, you’ll encounter patches of Red Ice, an impenetrable barrier in its current state. To melt this obstacle, you’ll need to find Blue Fire. Proceed into the next cavernous area, where you’ll navigate a series of high platforms while fending off more Freezards and Ice Keese. At the end of this section, you’ll find a source of Blue Fire.
Use your empty bottles to collect at least two portions. Now, return to the previous room. You’ll notice a patch of Red Ice encasing a treasure chest. Use your precious Blue Fire to melt the ice and open the chest to obtain the Dungeon Map. This marks a significant step in navigating the cavern.
With the map in hand, head back to the spinning blade room and look for a passage to the east, blocked by more Red Ice. Use your Blue Fire to clear the way. In this new room, you’ll find another pit of Blue Fire, allowing you to replenish your supply. More importantly, you’ll discover a treasure chest containing the Compass.
In this same area, keep an eye out for a Heart Piece trapped within another block of Red Ice. Melt the ice with your Blue Fire to add it to your health. Also, scan the higher pillars in this room for another Gold Skulltula, which you can snag with your Hookshot. Blue Fire is clearly the key to unlocking the secrets and treasures hidden within the Ice Cavern.
Your next challenge lies behind yet another Red Ice barrier in the spinning blade room. Melt the ice to reveal a new area featuring a large ice block on a frictionless surface. This section requires careful maneuvering to collect the remaining Silver Rupees. Push the block west, then north, to reach one rupee. To reset the block’s position, simply push it into one of the abysses. Next, push the block west, south, and then west again to reach another source of Blue Fire – make sure to refill your bottles. Reset the block once more.
Finally, push the block south to collect a rupee, then west for another, then north for the fourth, and finally east to grab the last Silver Rupee. As you navigate this icy puzzle, look for a Gold Skulltula clinging to the wall in the southeast corner of the room, ready to be hooked. After collecting all the rupees, push the ice block south to open the path to the final area of the Ice Cavern.
Prepare for a mini-boss encounter! In the final room, you’ll face a White Wolfos. This icy foe can be tricky, as it’s only vulnerable when it attacks. Lock on and wait for its lunges, then strike with your sword. Once defeated, a treasure chest will appear.
Open it to claim your well-deserved reward: the Iron Boots. These heavy boots will allow you to sink to the bottom of bodies of water, a crucial ability for the next major dungeon. As you obtain the Iron Boots, Sheik will appear and teach you the Serenade of Water, a new warp song that will transport you directly to Lake Hylia.