This guide will walk you through the initial stages of Ocarina of Time, from your first steps in Kokiri Forest to the moment you draw the Master Sword as Adult Link. We’ll cover everything you need for a complete playthrough of this part of the game, ensuring you don’t miss any crucial items or secrets. Let’s dive in!
Kokiri Forest: Obtaining the Kokiri Sword and Deku Shield
Your adventure begins in the cozy wooden home of Link, nestled within Kokiri Forest. Navi, your fairy companion, will inform you that the Great Deku Tree wishes to speak with you, a rare honor for a young Kokiri. Before you can meet the Great Deku Tree, your childhood friend Mido will block your path, insisting that you first equip yourself with a sword and shield.
To obtain the Kokiri Sword, head to the southwestern part of the village, where you’ll find a fenced-in area known as the Forest Training Center. Look for a small hole in the wall next to a sign and crawl through it. On the other side, proceed forward and collect the blue Rupee (worth 5 Rupees).
Turn around and wait for the large rolling boulder to pass, then quickly follow behind it and take the first right to find another blue Rupee. Continue along this path until you reach the end, where you’ll find a treasure chest containing the Kokiri Sword. Once you have the sword, remember to equip it from the equipment subscreen in the start menu.
Next, you’ll need the Deku Shield. Head over to the Kokiri Shop, which has a red roof and is located near Mido. Inside, you can purchase the Deku Shield for 40 Rupees. If you don’t have enough Rupees, there are several ways to quickly earn them in Kokiri Forest.
You can collect the two blue Rupees near the rolling boulder again. Behind the fencing area, talk to the Kokiri there and perform a backflip while targeting the rock to receive five Rupees. Inside Mido’s house, you can open the chests to find more Rupees.
Climb up behind Mido’s house to find a blue Rupee. Run up the ramps and bridges near Saria’s house to find another blue Rupee. Jump across the three platforms between Mido’s house and the shop for five Rupees. Finally, check the back corner of the Kokiri Shop for another blue Rupee. Collecting all these should give you well over the 40 Rupees needed.
After purchasing the Deku Shield, equip it from the equipment subscreen. With both the Kokiri Sword and Deku Shield equipped, return to Mido, who will now allow you to pass and meet the Great Deku Tree. On your way, you might encounter Deku Babas (piranha plants) emerging from the ground. Defeating them will give you Deku Sticks, which can be used for basic attacks and lighting torches.