After your fiery encounter in Dodongo’s Cavern, you’ll find yourself back on Death Mountain Trail. Head back down the trail towards Kakariko Village. From there, travel east across Hyrule Field towards the river that flows between Kokiri Forest and Kakariko Village. This is Zora’s River.
At the entrance to Zora’s River, you might encounter Kaepora Gaebora, the wise owl. He might offer some cryptic advice. Continue along the river path. You’ll soon encounter boulders blocking your way. Use your Bombs to clear the path. Jump across the gaps in the river and watch out for Octoroks, octopus-like enemies that shoot rocks from the water. You can either avoid their projectiles or try to defeat them with your Slingshot or sword.
Follow the river upstream, continuing to jump across platforms and avoiding or defeating any enemies you encounter. Your journey will eventually lead you to a large, majestic waterfall. Approach the base of the waterfall, where you’ll see a Triforce symbol etched into the ground. Stand on this symbol and play Zelda’s Lullaby on your Fairy Ocarina. The waterfall will magically part, revealing the entrance to Zora’s Domain. Step through the opening to enter the underwater realm of the Zora tribe.
Inside Zora’s Domain, follow the path upwards until you reach King Zora’s Chamber. You’ll find King Zora in a state of distress, lamenting the disappearance of his daughter, Princess Ruto, who has gone missing inside the belly of Lord Jabu-Jabu. To gain access to Jabu-Jabu and rescue the princess, you’ll need to find a letter from Ruto that is contained within a bottle in Lake Hylia.
To reach Lake Hylia, you’ll first need the Silver Scale, which will allow you to dive deeper underwater. Go through the entrance to the right of King Zora and speak to the Zora standing near the edge of the waterfall. He will offer you a diving game for 20 Rupees. Accept his offer and dive down the waterfall, collecting all the Rupees before the time runs out. If you succeed, he will reward you with the Silver Scale.
Now that you have the Silver Scale, dive down the waterfall again and look for an underwater tunnel. Enter this tunnel, which leads to Lake Hylia. Swim to the bottom of the lake near the entrance to Zora’s River, and you’ll find a Bottle lying on the lakebed. Pick it up to discover that it contains Ruto’s Letter.
Swim back through the underwater tunnel to return to Zora’s Domain. Stand on the pedestal located in front of King Zora, target him, and use one of your C-buttons to show him the Bottle containing Ruto’s Letter. Upon seeing the letter, King Zora will slowly move out of your way, granting you access to Zora’s Fountain, where the massive fish, Lord Jabu-Jabu, resides.
Gold Skulltulas in Zora’s River and Domain:
- Zora’s River:
- Gold Skulltula #40: At the end of Zora’s River, near the large waterfall, there is a ladder leading out of the water. At nighttime, a Gold Skulltula can be found on this ladder. Play the Sun’s Song to make it night if necessary. Shoot it down with your Slingshot and then climb the ladder to collect the token.
- Gold Skulltula #41: When you first enter Zora’s River, roll into the first tree you see on the left side at nighttime to make this Gold Skulltula appear.
- Zora’s Domain:
- Gold Skulltula #42: Near the Fairy Fountain in Zora’s Domain, you’ll find a circle of rocks with a large rock in the center. At nighttime, turn to the left of these rocks to find a Gold Skulltula clinging to the wall.
- Gold Skulltula #43: At nighttime, look for this Gold Skulltula on the wall near the bridge that leads up to King Zora’s Chamber.
- Gold Skulltula #44: Roll into the tree located just outside the Fairy Fountain in Zora’s Domain at nighttime to make this Gold Skulltula appear.