Embarking on the Trading Sequence in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages is a rewarding endeavor that ultimately grants Link the Noble Sword, a significant upgrade from the initial Wooden Sword. This quest involves a series of item exchanges across Labrynna, both in the past and present. Below is a detailed walkthrough of each step:

Poe Clock: Present G4
To kick off the trading, you’re going to need the power bracelets. After acquiring them from Level One: Spirit’s Grave, and obtaining the first essence, you can acquire the Poe Clock. From Spirit Grave’s entrance, head north one screen and then left. You’ll find a ghost being boxed in by a couple tombstones and one rock. Smash the rock with your bracelets and talk to him. Simply follow him into his tomb (Push the brown grave up) an talk to him again. Exit and engage conversation one last time and you will be rewarded with the Poe Clock.
Stationery: Past D3
There is an eager mailman in Lynna Village (past) that is in need of a time telling device. From the entrance to the town, travel down once, and to the left. There will be a small house with a red roof. Enter it and talk to the man inside to gain the next item, the Stationery!
Stink Bag: Past C3
Things are going to get messy here, because you’re going to have to pay a visit to a popular figure called “the hand in the toilet”. To get to his stinkhole, journey to Lynna Village’s Target Practice. (Past, if you forgot) Travel left twice across a log bridge. There you’ll find half a house pushed against a wall. Enter it and talk to The Hand in the Toilet to obtain his… leavings, AKA the Stink Bag.
Tasty Meat: Present G7
The next barterer lives on Tokay Island, in present day. Start by swimming or sailing to the hut where the annoying trading Tokay lives, on the far northeast corner of the island (Past). From his house, head down and play the Tune of Currents to summon a warp. After bouncing back to the present, head down one more screen and walk inside the house. Simply talk to the stuffed up Tokay in this house to finally leave the Stink Bag and gain a much more pleasing item, The Tasty Meat!
Doggie Mask: Present B3
Back on the outskirts of present day Lynna City is the ravenous Happy Mask salesman (Yep, another Majora’s Mask character!). If you give him your Tasty Meat, he’ll let you have a free mask! In order to present him with this culinary delight, you’re going to need to find his house. So, walk north a screen from the Lynna shop to arive at Vasu’s. From here continue left three times, over a bridge. Head south over another bridge and left. Now just head north and west, enter his house and exchange your Tasty Meat for the Doggie Mask.
Dumbbell: Present D4
Lucky for you the next item is very close to the Mask Man’s house. All you have to do is travel right a screen, down, and right twice to arrive at Mamu Yuan’s House. Enter and talk to her, and she’ll take your Doggie Mask from you. In exchange, for helping out her fearful Fido, she’ll give you the Dumbell.
Cheesy Mustache: Past B1
To the far north lies Symmetry village, and you will need the help of Ricky, Moosh, or Dimitri to get there. Once you arrive, use your Harp of Ages to return to the past. Go inside the middle house and walk downstairs. If you talk to the “muscular” hunk, he’ll give you the Cheesy Mustache in exchange for your Dumbell.
Funny Joke: Present D3
Your next stop lies in Lynna City in the present, so start by journeying to its Blue Roofed Shop. From there, simply walk left two screens and up one. Talk to the man waiting outside of a house and he will trade you a Funny Joke for your Cheesy Mustache hoping that this little add-on will give him his “Big Break.”
Touching Book: Past D3
If you go to the exact same location in the past, you can acquire the Touching Book! If you have learned the Tune of Ages, just strum that and walk in the house. If you haven’t… just play the Tune of Currents and walk left once from the Post Office. Go inside and talk to the Dekedan, who is depressed for some unannounced reason. If you can cheer him up with the Funny Joke, you will gain the Touching Book.
Magical Oar: Past or Present Random Location
Maple may be a rude, annoying pinata, but she does have a heart! After receiving the touching book, kill 30 enemies and walk to one of the Maple Locations. Bump into her and you’ll drop the Touching Book. Here Maple will say something about needing the book for her boss, Syrup. She’ll then take it in exchange for the Magic Oar.
Sea Ukulele: Past D6
Remember Rafton? He was the boy that helped build a raft for you right before the third dungeon. Journey to His House and talk to him. He will explain how he longs to win a raft race but needs a paddle, so hand your Magic Oar over. After saying something about the toy-like propulsion system, he’ll give you the Sea Ukulele!
Broken Sword: Past F3
This next one’s in the past, so use your Harp of Ages and journey to the area where the father and son were playing catch, near the Maku Tree’s Gate. If you continue traversing down using your Roc’s feather and Switchhook to brave several chasms, you’ll arrive at a small cave with an old Zora inside. Talk to him and give him the Sea Ukulele to gain the Broken Sword!
Noble Sword: Past B2
To finally end this tiring sidequest, you must climb Restoration Wall and have Patch fix The Broken Sword. After braving the highlands surrounding Symmetry Village, climb the vines and talk to Patch. Agree to participate in his little “game”, and follow him downstairs. If you can push all eight of the Hardhat Beetles into the holes at the corner of the room, you’ll gain the Noble Sword!