Piece of Heart #1
Location: Faron Woods
Requirements: None
Run up the Great Tree in the center of the woods via its roots. Walk across the tight rope you see to obtain this Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #2
Location: Skyview Temple
Requirements: Beetle
In Skyview Temple, after obtaining the Beetle, you’ll see a Piece of Heart (blocked by a gate) sitting at the bottom of the structure in the middle of the room. Send the Beetle up to around the top of the structure and hit a crystal. Once activated, the gate will lower and you can walk forward to grab the Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #3
Location: The Sky, Pumpkin Landing
Requirements: None
Land on Pumpkin Landing (the island with the giant pumpkin building) in the Sky. Enter the Lumpy Pumpkin and run upstairs. Roll into the wall next to the chandelier, causing it to fall to the floor. Grab the Piece of Heart inside of it.

Piece of Heart #4
Location: Eldin Volcano
Requirements: None
This Piece of Heart can be seen atop one of the high ledges around the volcano. Run past the Pyrup’s hiding place and climb the other ledges to reach it.

Piece of Heart #5
Location: Faron Woods
Requirements: Bomb Bag
Travel to Faron Woods and land at the warp “In the Woods”. Head north and you’ll come across a wall covered by rocks. Blow it up with a bomb to reveal a Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #6
Location: Faron Woods
Requirements: Find the Sacred Water inside Skyview Temple
Travel to Faron Woods and land at the warp “Behind the Temple”. Climb up the vines and talk to Gorko the Goron. After telling you about Goddess Walls, he’ll mention a certain shape he’d come across in his reading (i.e. “arrow in repose,” “crimson source of life,” etc.). These little clues are easy enough to figure out, so draw an arrow, heart, or whichever item Gorko mentions. If done correctly, Gorko will give you a Piece of Heart for help in his research.

Piece of Heart #7
Location: Pumpkin Landing
Requirements: Empty Bottle, clear the Earth Temple, Harp
After knocking the Lumpy Pumpkin’s chandelier to the ground, the owner will demand that you pay for a new one by doing some odd jobs (3) for him. First, he tells you to deliver Hot Pumpkin Soup to Knight Commander Eagus at the Sparring Hall in Skyloft. You have 5 minutes (plenty of time!) to deliver the soup before it gets cold. Second, run to the pumpkin patch on Pumpkin Landing and talk to the little girl there named Kina. She’ll ask for your help in carrying a large stack of pumpkins into the shed on the island. This task is a bit tricky until you get the hang of it, so be patient. Third, the owner asks you to play your Harp to accompany Kina’s singing for entertainment. Sleep in the owner’s bed until night. Play your Harp in accordance with the audience’s waving to finish this quest. This final part is quite difficult, as the audience is very picky. It may take some tries to get the hang of the rhythm, which is the same every time. Once the audience is satisfied with your performance, the owner will reward you with the Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #8
Location: Skyloft
Requirements: Complete the “Kukiel is Lost” side quest, collect 10 Gratitude Crystals
Bring 10 Gratitude Crystals to Batreaux and he will reward you with this Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #9
Location: Skyloft
Requirements: Clawshots
Climb up onto the roof of the Knight Academy and Clawshot onto the roof. You’ll fall down into Zelda’s room. Open the cupboard to obtain this Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #10
Location: Skyloft
Requirements: Complete “Fledge’s Workout” side quest, Bow
Run over to the Sparring Hall. Talk to Fledge, located outside, and he’ll tell you to play a game in which you must shoot pumpkins with your Bow to earn points. Try to shoot consecutive pumpkins in a row to get a multiplier. Get at least 600 points in this game to earn the Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #11
Location: Skyloft
Requirements: Slingshot, defeat Levias in the Thunderhead
You can purchase this Piece of Heart in Beedle’s Airshop for a whopping 1600 Rupees. However, there’s a way to lower the price. Complete the side quest “Beedle’s Missing Beetle,” in which you complete Strich’s bug-catching mini-game on Bug Island in the Thunderhead and give the Horned Colossus Beetle to Beedle. The price on the Piece of Heart will then be lowered to 800 Rupees.

Piece of Heart #12
Location: Fun Fun Island
Requirements: Scrapper
Help out Dodah on Fun Fun Island by finding the lost party wheel located in Lanayru Desert. After returning it to Dodah, play Dodah’s Drop. To get the Piece of Heart for this game, you need to get a perfect score. You must fall through all five rings and land on the space for 50 Rupees.

Piece of Heart #13
Location: Lanayru Desert
Requirements: Bombs
In the northeast area of the desert, there is a wall covered by rocks. Use a Bomb to get past it and follow the path to get to a chest at the end that contains the Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #14
Location: Sandship
Requirements: Clawshots, Bow
Climb to the top of the ship using the ziplines and your Bow. Once at the top, turn around to see another zipline leading down to a higher area of the deck. Use the Clawshots to get to a platform with a chest that contains the Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #15
Location: Shipyard
Requirements: Defeat Moldarach in the Shipyard
Play the mini-game at the Shipyard called Rickety Coaster. Complete the “Heart stopping” course in 1:05:00 or less to get the Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #16
Location: Fire Sanctuary
Requirements: Mogma Mitts
Dig below the ground in the northwest area of the Fire Sanctuary. After hitting the switch, a Mogma also below the ground will freak out and hit the switch back the other way. Catch the Mogma (just a game of tag) and he will let you open a treasure chest, which contains a Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #17
Location: Volcano Summit
Requirements: Mogma Mitts
In the area before the Fire Sanctuary where you had to use Empty Bottles to wet the frog statues to douse the flames, there is a Sheikah Stone that will tell you there is a Piece of Heart nearby. Burrow under the ground in the dig spot in front of the Sheikah Stone and find the other exit here. Emerge from the exit, and find the Piece of Heart in a little cave. Three fairies are swarming around it.

Piece of Heart #18
Location: Lanayru Gorge
Requirements: Revive the Thunder Dragon
Talk to the Thunder Dragon and play his Lightning Round Boss Battle game. Defeat 4 bosses in a row and then quit to obtain this Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #19, Goddess Cube
Location: Faron Woods
Requirements: Goddess Cube #2
Find a Goddess Cube a wee bit south of the entrance to Skyview Temple. Activate it and trace its Goddess Chest location in the Sky to an island south of Skyloft to obtain this Heart Piece.
For more information, check out our Goddess Cube Guide

Piece of Heart #20, Goddess Cube
Location: Faron Woods
Requirements: Clawshots, Goddess Cube #18
A Goddess Cube can be seen on a root of the Great Tree on its eastern side. Clawshot up there using the target located above the root to activate the Cube. This Goddess Chest is found on an island south of Skyloft. Open it to get the Piece of Heart.
For more information, check out our Goddess Cube Guide

Piece of Heart #21, Goddess Cube
Location: Eldin Volcano
Requirements: Water Dragon’s Scale, Goddess Cube #9
Near the summit of the volcano, slide down the sand slide. Take the left path, and the air geyser will propel you upward onto a platform. Dash forward and jump off of this platform and onto another with a Goddess Cube on it. Activate this Cube and follow it to Skyloft where it is semi-hidden in a storage space. Jump into the water and swim through the tunnel to access it and the Piece of Heart inside.
For more information, check out our Goddess Cube Guide

Heart Piece #22, Goddess Cube
Location: Volcano Summit
Requirements: Fireshield Earrings, Goddess Cube #23
Outside of the entrance to the Fire Sanctuary, there is a pool of water. Jump off the circular ledge nearby and maneuver yourself to land on a platform with a Goddess Cube. Track this Cube to Bug Island to get the Piece of Heart.
For more information, check out our Goddess Cube Guide

Piece of Heart #23, Goddess Cube
Location: Lanayru Desert
Requirements: Hook Beetle, Goddess Cube #12
Outside of the Temple of Time, there is a mine cart. Activate the Timeshift Stone on top of one of the platforms here (drop a Bomb Flower on top of it with the Beetle) to send this area back to the past. Push the mine cart to the edge of the timeshift area. Activate a second Timeshift Stone across the gorge with the Beetle and hop in the mine cart. Prepare a Skyward Strike and hit the Goddess Cube on your left as you pass it along the track. Its Goddess Chest is found on Beedle’s Island in the Sky. Track it down to get the Piece of Heart.
For more information, check out our Goddess Cube Guide

Piece of Heart #24, Goddess Cube
Location: Pirate Stronghold
Requirements: Clawshots, Goddess Cube #22
After clearing the Pirate Stronghold, Clawshot onto the target above the door where you exit. Clawshot to the next target onto the platform. Run forward to activate this Goddess Cube. Its Goddess Chest is located east in Skyloft. Find it to get the Piece of Heart.
For more information, check out our Goddess Cube Guide
Life Medal #1
Location: Skyloft
Requirements: Slingshot
Purchase this Life Medal at Beedle’s Airshop for 800 Rupees and put it in your Adventure Pouch for another full heart.
Life Medal #2, Goddess Cube
Location: The Sky
Requirements: Clawshots, Goddess Cube #16
Travel to the southern area of Lanayru Desert and Clawshot your way onto the section of wall with a Goddess Cube. Activate the Cube and return to the Sky to get the chest with the Life Medal, located northwest of Fun Fun Island.
For more information, check out our Goddess Cube Guide