Alright fellow adventurers, ready to tackle the fiery depths of the Fire Temple? This guide will walk you through the entire ordeal, from the moment you realize something’s rotten in Goron City to claiming your hard-earned rewards. We’ll focus on getting you through this dungeon with a 100% completion mindset, so no fluff, just the straight path to victory.
The Fires Within: Unraveling the Crisis in Goron City
Our journey into the heart of the volcano starts with a plea for help from Goron City. This all kicks off with the main quest titled “Yunobo of Goron City” , which is part of the larger “Regional Phenomena” main story arc. If you’ve just wrapped things up in Rito Village, the game will likely nudge you towards Goron City as the next closest area facing trouble. It seems the developers intended a certain flow to our adventure, but hey, you’re the boss of your own Hyrule!
To get the ball rolling, make your way to Goron City and seek out Bludo. He’s the wise-looking Goron you’ll spot near the entrance. Strike up a conversation with him, and you’ll soon meet Yunobo, and the quest will officially begin.
As you wander through Goron City, you’ll quickly notice that something’s amiss. Many of the Gorons are acting rather strangely, and there’s a palpable sense of unease in the air. The source of this bizarre behavior seems to be related to something called “Marbled Rock Roast”. Soon enough, Yunobo himself will appear, and it’ll be pretty clear that he’s also under some sort of influence. He’ll then take off with two younger Gorons, Offrak and Slergo, heading towards YunoboCo HQ in search of more of that peculiar rock roast. Talking to Bludo and other concerned Gorons will likely shed more light on the negative effects this Marbled Rock Roast is having on their society.
For those who haven’t explored this rocky metropolis yet, Goron City is nestled west of Death Mountain and stands as the primary hub in the Eldin region. Before we delve deeper into the volcanic region, it’s highly recommended that you pay a visit to the Goron City Armor Shop. You’ll want to invest in the Flamebreaker Armor set, as it provides essential protection against the extreme heat you’ll encounter on Death Mountain and within the Fire Temple itself. The Flamebreaker Armor piece, the cheapest in the set, will set you back 700 Rupees. Alternatively, if you’re a bit short on cash, you can also find the Flamebreaker Armor at the YunoboCo. Headquarters, located just north of the city.
While you’re in Goron City, take some time to browse the local merchants. The Goron City General Store, situated in the northern part of town, offers useful supplies like Rock Salt, Goron Spice, Cane Sugar, Fire Fruit, and Arrows. You’ll also find various ore merchants scattered around the city. One near the General Goods store buys Sapphires, another in the city center deals in Diamonds, and a couple near Goronbi River Cave offer Flint and Rubies. Completing the “Amber Dealer” side quest, which you can pick up near the ore shop from Ramella, will allow you to sell her amber and later other ores for a decent profit. This could be a good way to earn some quick Rupees for that armor!
To continue our main quest, we need to head towards YunoboCo HQ. Exit Goron City to the northeast, and you’ll find the headquarters further to the north. On your way, keep an eye out for a young Goron named Dugby. You’ll find him near a mine cart station slightly north of the Marakuguc Shrine. Speaking with Dugby will initiate the side quest “The Ancient City Gorondia!”. This quest involves fixing a broken mine cart, usually by attaching a fan, and then taking a ride with Dugby to YunoboCo HQ. Consider this a little practice run with mine carts, as they’ll become quite important later!
Merchant |
Location |
Items Sold |
Goron City Inn |
Regular bed (20 Rupees), Massage (80 Rupees) |
Goron City General Store |
Northern part of Goron City |
Rock Salt, Goron Spice, Cane Sugar, Fire Fruit, Arrows |
Goron City Armor Shop |
Southern part of Goron City |
Flamebreaker Armor Set |
Ore Merchant (near GS) |
Next to the General Goods store |
Sapphires (300 per ore) |
Ore Merchant (center) |
City center |
Diamonds (1,000 per ore) |
Ore Merchants (near GRC) |
Near Goronbi River Cave (1508, 2114, 0324) |
Flint (10 Rupees), Rubies (220 per ore) |
Journey to the Heart of the Volcano: Reaching the Fire Temple
Upon reaching YunoboCo HQ, whether by following the path or taking the scenic mine cart route, you’ll finally come face-to-face with Yunobo. However, he’s clearly not his usual self. The quest log might even hint at a confrontation with “How to Beat Clearly Not Himself Yunobo” , suggesting we’re in for a bit of a scrap.
This initial encounter with Yunobo in his Marbled Rock Roast-induced state will likely involve some form of forced engagement. You’ll need to figure out how to break his control without harming him. One effective tactic is to use the environment to your advantage, such as hitting him into the walls of the cave to stun him. This encounter serves as a crucial tutorial, introducing you to Yunobo’s unique ability, which will be vital for solving the puzzles within the Fire Temple. Once you manage to snap Yunobo out of his trance, he’ll regain his senses and agree to help you find Zelda. More importantly, you’ll gain access to his special ability: Yunobo’s Power of Fire. This allows him to charge forward in a rolling motion, breaking through obstacles and dealing damage.
With Yunobo now by your side, our next major objective is to ascend the formidable Death Mountain. For a relatively safe and structured climb, especially if it’s your first time tackling this fiery peak with Yunobo, consider using the mine cart rail system. The starting point for this rail journey is the Death Mountain West Site. You can find it west of Death Mountain, northeast of Goron City, east of YunoboCo HQ, and south of Lake Darman. The exact coordinates are (2177, 2665, 0521). As you ride the rails upwards, be prepared to face various obstacles. You’ll encounter Bokoblins, roadblocks on the tracks, and chunks of Marbled Rock Toast. This is where Yunobo’s newfound ability comes into play – use his charging roll to clear these obstructions and continue your ascent. Around halfway up the mountain, you might spot the entrance to the Death Mountain West Tunnel. Exploring this tunnel could lead to additional resources or even trigger a side quest like “The Abandoned Laborer” , so it’s worth a quick detour if you’re feeling adventurous.
The rail journey will eventually bring you to the rim of the imposing Death Mountain Crater. Upon reaching this dramatic location, you and Yunobo will have a perplexing encounter with what appears to be Princess Zelda. However, she’ll mysteriously vanish into the crater, and in her place, the colossal boss Moragia will emerge from the depths. This unexpected boss fight is a mandatory step before we can access the Fire Temple.
Moragia is a formidable three-headed rock monster that rises from the lava within the crater. To take down this beast, you’ll need to utilize some Zonai technology. Look around the Death Mountain West Site, and you should find some Zonai Wings. Hop onto one of these makeshift aircraft and activate the steering stick to gain control. Your strategy here is to fly around Moragia, positioning yourself to launch Yunobo directly at each of its three heads. Each head needs to be hit just once with Yunobo’s charged roll to defeat the boss. This fight introduces a unique blend of aerial maneuverability and Yunobo’s power, a taste of the challenges to come.
With Moragia vanquished, a massive chasm will open up in the very spot where it emerged. This is our gateway to the Eldin Canyon Depths, the subterranean realm where the Fire Temple awaits. Take a leap of faith and dive down into the chasm. As you descend, try to aim for the right side of the opening. It’s a good idea to attach some Brightbloom seeds to your arrows to illuminate the dark descent, but be wary of the large pool of lava simmering at the bottom. If you land on the right side, you should come across a large, imposing statue. From the base of this statue, climb up the surrounding rocks, and you’ll find the Mustis Lightroot on your right, with Yunobo patiently waiting beside it. Activating this Lightroot will illuminate a significant portion of the Depths, making navigation much easier and revealing potential dangers and pathways.
Finally, we’ve reached our destination. The Fire Temple, also known as Lost Gorondia Rediscovered, is located deep within the Eldin Canyon Depths, beneath the fiery expanse of Death Mountain. As you and Yunobo approach the base of the temple, speak to him to trigger a brief cutscene. The entrance to the temple is blocked by a large boulder. Put Yunobo’s crushing power to good use and have him smash through it, granting you access to the trials within.
Forging Ahead: Navigating the Fire Temple
Step through the newly opened passage and into the initial corridor of the Fire Temple. As you proceed, keep an eye out for a small alcove on the right – it usually holds a Zonai Chest containing some handy Arrows. At the end of this corridor, you’ll find a grate and, more importantly, a fast travel gate. Make sure to activate this immediately. Trust me, having a quick way back to the entrance can be a lifesaver in this fiery labyrinth.
Once you’re in the central chamber, interact with the large Zonai device. A cutscene will play, revealing that the gate ahead is secured by five locks. A map of the Fire Temple will briefly flash on the screen, highlighting the general locations of these five locks across three different levels. These locks are scattered throughout the temple: two on the first floor (Northwest and South), one on the second floor, one on the fourth floor, and one on the fifth floor. Our primary objective now is to find and unlock all five of these padlocks.
Let’s tackle the first one, located on the first floor to the south. From the central chamber, head up the steps to the right of the locked gate. Follow the path until you encounter a Soldier Construct II. Take it down, and then look to your left. You’ll see a stream of lava with a few stone platforms bobbing along. Carefully hop across these platforms to reach the other side. Once you’re across, look to your left again, and you should spot a Zonai Hydrant on the ground. Pick it up and activate it to spray water. Notice how the water solidifies as it hits the lava, creating temporary platforms. Use this to create a safe path across the larger lava flow to the other side. You might even find it helpful to fuse the Hydrant to your shield for a more controlled platform creation. On the other side, you’ll find some mine cart tracks and a cart with a Zonai Fan attached. Hop in and activate the fan. Ride the cart forward until you see a large, circular target – this is a track switching device. Use Yunobo’s ability to launch him into the target. This will change the direction of the tracks. Continue riding along the new path until the cart comes to a stop at a gate.
Get out of the cart and head to the left. You’ll encounter a Fire Like here. Remember, ice attacks are your best friend against these fiery foes. Defeating it will reward you with a chest and a Fire Like Stone. Climb up the pillar where the Fire Like was hanging and look across to the opposite side. You should see a higher platform with another Construct chilling in a mine cart and a chest containing a valuable Diamond. Now, head back to the area where you fought the Fire Like and face the pillar it was on. Look to your right – you should see a doorway blocked by a large boulder. Unleash Yunobo’s power and have him smash through the boulder. Enter the newly opened room, and you’ll find the first gong at the back. Have Yunobo roll into it to make it ring, and congratulations, you’ve unlocked the first of the five padlocks ! Don’t forget to grab the Zonai Devices near the door in this room.
Before we continue, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the essential tools we’ll be relying on throughout the Fire Temple:
- Flamebreaker Armor: As mentioned earlier, having at least one piece of this armor (or a fireproof elixir) is crucial for surviving the intense heat.
- Yunobo’s Power of Fire: This is your primary tool for breaking obstacles and activating gongs.
- Zonai Hydrants: These are your go-to for creating safe passage across lava flows.
- Mine Carts and Tracks: The temple’s layout is heavily reliant on mine cart transportation. Understanding how to ride them and manipulate the tracks is key.
- Ultrahand: Essential for manipulating objects, like attaching fans or rockets to mine carts and repairing broken structures.
- Recall: Can be useful for retrieving Hydrant-created platforms or other creative puzzle solutions.
- Arrows: Always handy for hitting switches, taking down enemies, and triggering events from a distance. Keep an eye out for chests containing arrows throughout the temple.
Throughout the Fire Temple, you’ll encounter a few recurring enemies. Here’s a quick rundown of the mini-bosses you’ll face:
- Fire Like: As encountered during the first padlock puzzle (1F South). These creatures hang from the ceiling and spit fire projectiles. Their main weakness is ice – any ice-based attack will make quick work of them.
- Soldier Constructs and Captain Constructs: These robotic foes are scattered throughout the temple, often guarding pathways or treasure. Their attack patterns vary, but standard combat tactics should suffice. If they have elemental affiliations, exploit those weaknesses. Fusing strong materials to your weapons will significantly boost your damage output.
- Igneo Pebblits: These small, fiery creatures can be a nuisance in certain areas. They jump around and try to inflict fire damage. A few quick weapon strikes or a well-aimed shot from Yunobo should take care of them.
Now, let’s get back to unlocking those padlocks!
1F Lock Northwest
From the central chamber, head south and then take a left (west) towards the two lava rivers. Cross the first, smaller lava river using the readily available stone slates. For the wider second river, you’ll need to employ those trusty Hydrants to create a path of solidified lava. On the other side, you’ll find more Hydrants. Grab one and take it down the small slope towards the lava. Use it to create some more slate platforms. Now, with your Ultrahand, stick these pieces together to form a makeshift bridge across to the large marbled rock. Finally, send Yunobo rolling into the marbled rock to shatter it. In the newly accessible area, simply roll Yunobo into the massive gong to unlock the second padlock.
2F Lock
Return to the mine cart you used to reach the first padlock on the south end of 1F. You’ll likely need to grab a new cart if the old one despawned. Hit the bell-looking device to turn the mine cart around so it’s facing back the way you came. Get back in, activate the fan, and then use Yunobo to hit the arrow switch ahead, changing the track’s direction from left to right. The cart will come to a stop at a gate. Hit the bell to open the gate and continue riding north. You’ll find a chest here containing 10 arrows. After grabbing the loot, ride the mine cart back to the middle platform. Get out and cross the small bridge to your left. You’ll see another bell – hit it to lower the tracks down a level. Now, use your Ultrahand to carefully place the mine cart onto these newly lowered tracks and hop in for a ride north into a lava-filled chamber. In the middle of the lava pool, you’ll see another marbled boulder. Use Yunobo to break it. This will allow the water from a Hydrant above to flow into the lava, creating more of those handy slate platforms. Hop onto one of these platforms as it floats towards you, and then use your Recall ability to send it back the way it came, allowing you to reach the other side of the lava pool where the gong awaits. Have Yunobo give it a good whack to unlock the third padlock.
4F Lock
From the 3F central room (which you likely reached via the mine cart from the 2F lock), you need to make your way to the southwest section of the map. You’ll notice a set of broken mine cart tracks leading across a large gap. Find a mine cart and use your Ultrahand to attach a Zonai Rocket (or two for extra oomph) to the back, angled upwards and forwards. Hop in and activate the rockets to launch yourself across the gap and onto the 4F section. Head straight forward, and you’ll encounter a broken bridge with a large marbled boulder high up on the ceiling. Use your Ultrahand to grab the broken end of the bridge and connect it back together. This will create a sloping ramp. Before you send Yunobo soaring, climb up the newly repaired bridge and go around the back – you’ll find a chest containing a Ruby. Now, face the bridge and use Yunobo’s ability to send him rolling up the bridge and launching into the ceiling, hitting and breaking the marbled boulder. This will cause a large cube to fall down to the ground. Quickly use your Recall ability on the falling cube and hop on top of it. Ride it upwards to reach a higher platform. From here, you should be able to spot the gong. Have Yunobo roll into it to unlock the fourth padlock.
5F Lock
Return to the 3F central room once more. Locate the short set of mine cart tracks in the northwest corner. Hop into a mine cart and take a quick ride to reach a chest containing a Strong Zonaite Shield. From this same area, you should be able to spot a ramp you likely created earlier for the 4F lock puzzle. Aim Yunobo up this ramp towards a marbled boulder to the southwest and fire him off. Alternatively, if you prefer a different approach, you can glide around from the area where you unlocked the fourth padlock on 5F. Once you’re in the vicinity of the boulder, drop down the central hole in the floor. Keep an eye out as you fall – there’s a chest partway down containing a Soldier II Reaper. Continue dropping down, and you’ll eventually land back on 1F in an enclosed room. Here, you’ll find the final gong. Have Yunobo hit it to unlock the fifth and final padlock ! You can also hit a nearby switch to open a gate, providing a shortcut back to the central chamber.
We’ve done it! All five padlocks are now open. Head back to the fast travel portal in the central chamber and interact with the Zonai device to finally open the large, locked door. Prepare yourself, adventurer, for the final challenge awaits beyond.
The Final Showdown: Marbled Gohma
With all five padlocks unlocked, make your way back to the central chamber and interact with the Zonai device to open the massive door leading to the boss arena. Prepare yourself to face the Scourge of the Fire Temple: the Marbled Gohma!
Phase 1
The Marbled Gohma is a colossal, cyclopean horror made of fire and lava. Its primary weakness in this phase lies in its legs, which are composed of red boulders, and its single, massive eye. Be ready for its attacks, which include stomping its legs, unleashing a shockwave by slamming all its legs into the ground , and hurling explosive rocks or boulders your way. To bring this behemoth down, you’ll need to rely heavily on Yunobo. Use his Charge Attack to smash into its rocky legs. Focus on one leg at a time until you’ve broken two of them.
Once enough leg segments are destroyed, the Gohma will collapse, leaving its enormous eye vulnerable. Quickly run towards its fallen body and climb up to reach the eye. Unleash your strongest melee attacks! Weapons fused with Diamonds or those with ice elemental properties tend to be particularly effective. Be mindful of when the Gohma starts to rumble – this is your cue to get away, as it will try to shake you off, which can be fatal. Keep dodging its explosive boulders or, if you’re feeling fancy, try using Recall to phase through them. Repeat this process of breaking legs and attacking the eye until the Gohma’s health is reduced to roughly half, triggering the second phase of the fight.
Phase 2
The Marbled Gohma will now transition to the ceiling, crawling around and making direct attacks on its legs impossible. It will continue to bombard you with exploding boulders and introduce a new, dangerous attack: creating a ring of explosive rocks that quickly closes in on you. Your strategy now shifts to targeting its legs while it’s on the ceiling. Watch its movements and head to the curved section of the wall that’s closest to its current position. Launch Yunobo up the curved wall, aiming to hit one of its legs. With a bit of luck and good timing, Yunobo will connect, causing the Gohma to fall back to the ground for a short period. Seize this opportunity to climb onto its body and attack its exposed eye once again.
To escape the deadly ring of explosive rocks, the most reliable method is to use your Recall ability on one of the boulders, reversing its trajectory and creating a gap for you to escape. Yunobo can also be used to break one of the stones in the circle, but it’s generally better to save his charge for bringing the boss down. Continue this cycle of hitting its legs on the ceiling with Yunobo and then attacking its eye when it’s grounded until its health bar is completely depleted. Congratulations, you’ve conquered the Marbled Gohma!
After the Inferno: Rewards and Resolution
With the Marbled Gohma defeated, you’ll be rewarded with a valuable Heart Container, increasing your maximum health. You’ll also receive the Vow of Yunobo, Sage of Fire. This powerful item allows you to summon an avatar of Yunobo at any time, enabling you to utilize his Power of Fire ability whenever you need it. However, keep in mind that his assistance might be more effective in certain environments. After the dust settles, speak with Yunobo to trigger a series of cutscenes that will advance the main storyline. Following these scenes, you’ll be automatically returned to Goron City.
Upon your return to Goron City, you’ll notice that the strange affliction affecting the Gorons has been lifted. The crisis has been averted thanks to your heroic efforts! Make sure to speak with both Yunobo and the Goron City elder. This conversation will unlock a new side quest, “The Hidden Treasures at the Lizard Lakes,” which promises a special helm as a reward. You’ll also find that other side quests, such as “Moon-Gazing Gorons” and “The Hidden Treasure at Lizard Lakes,” are now available for you to undertake.
Finally, it’s a good idea to make your way back to Lookout Landing after completing the Fire Temple. Major events like this often trigger further story progression and new quests in the central hub. Additionally, if you haven’t acquired the Flamebreaker Armor yet, you might find it available for purchase there.
In conclusion, your journey through Goron City and the Fire Temple has been a challenging but ultimately rewarding one. You’ve helped the Gorons overcome a mysterious crisis, gained a powerful new ally in Yunobo, and proven your courage against a formidable foe. The rewards you’ve earned will undoubtedly aid you in your future adventures across Hyrule. Now go forth, fellow gamer, and continue your quest to save the kingdom!