Before I start explaining the bosses, you should use shield with EVERY boss. I really shouldn’t have to explain that.
Parapa Palace: Horsehead: Horsehead is a knight with a horse’s head. Hence the name. Horsehead only has one real attack; he occasionally swings his mace at you. Be really careful of this, it will hurt real bad and you can’t afford this so early in the game. To defeat him, you must jump up and slash him in the head with your sword. Then, return the crystal to Parapa Desert to destroy the palace.
Morgue Swamp Palace: Helmethead: Yet another knight to battle in the marsh swamp. Instead of having one animal head, Helmethead has three human heads. Defeating Helmethead will almost be like some kind of deja vu of Horsehead. You have to jump up and hit him in the head. Every few hits, one of his heads will fly away and start shooting lasers at you. After there are two or three heads flying around the room, that means Helmet head is almost finished. Hit him a few more times to defeat him and return the crystal to Marsh Swamp.
Tower of Hera: Mounted Iron Knuckle: The mounted Iron Knuckle is a blue Iron Knuckle riding on a horse. Before you enter the battle arena, make sure you got the downward thrust from the swordsman at the church in Mido. When the battle starts, Iron Knuckle will be off-screen. But then he will charge at you from the right side of the room at full speed. To defeat him, equip the jump spell and use the downward thrust on his horse. Do this several times to kill Iron Knuckle’s horse. After the horse is dead, you will be able to fight Iron Knuckle as a normal blue one. That part should be a breeze by now.
Maze Island Palace: Carrock: Carrock is the first real hallmark Legend of Zelda monster you will fight. He is a giant Wizzrobe that shoots energy waves at you. Carrock will begin warping around the room firing at you. To beat him, use the Reflect Spell and duck down with your shield ready. You are able to turn around when ducking so be ready. When Carrock appears, reflect his magic beams back at him. Many times, he will disappear before the beam returns to him. But just claim your space and eventually one will hit him. You also have to be careful because Carrock may reappear in the same spot that you are standing, so if you see that he is going to, find a new spot
Water Palace: Gooma: Gooma is a huge, barbaric looking monster that carries a ball and chain. Gooma , being the least clothed boss in the game, I guess, makes him completely vulnerable. Only thing that makes Gooma difficult is his mace. When he begins to wind up to throw it at you, use the Jump Spell to dodge his mace. When you land, strike him in the stomach with his sword.
Three Eye Rock Palace: Barba: Barba�s battle arena is the most dangerous in the whole game, for it has several lava pits. Barba is a huge dragon that will pop his neck out and start shooting fireballs at you. To defeat him, you must jump up, with Jump Spell, and slash him in the head. This may sound easy but it isn’t. So close to his head makes you open to his fire and it will be easy to fall into the lava pit. So continue slashing his head until he is destroyed.
Midoro Palace Boss 1: Thunderbird: Thunderbird is the wizard that put Zelda into her deep, unnatural sleep. Although he is only a mini-boss, a lot of people think he is difficult. To defeat him, first use the Thunder Spell you got from Old Kasuto, to expose Thunderbird’s face. Thunderbird’s body doesn’t inflict damage but he will constantly send a barrage of fireballs at you that will do a lot of damage. So use Reflect to defend yourself, pay more attention to the fireballs than Thunderbird, and Jump to strike him in the face with your sword to clear the way to the Triforce of Courage.
Midoro Palace Boss 2: Dark Link: Now the moment of truth that will decide the outcome of the adventure! The one thing blocking you from the Triforce of Courage is your own shadow. Now this guy has to be the most difficult boss in the whole series, I think. You could do some button mashing but Dark Link has this thing for using the same attacks as you so will just probably die. Duck down on the left side of the Battle arena. Dark Link will then go charging at you. Sometimes, Dark Link will drop his guard and give you a chance to get a good shot on him. But still be ready to dodge his sword attacks. More than likely, he will attack you. So this is the best way: Duck, Jump, Strike. Continue this pattern over and over until Dark Link is destroyed and the Triforce is yours!