Level 2: The Moon introduces new enemy types and a boss encounter that requires a specific item to defeat, moving beyond the simple sword-based combat of the first level.
Getting to the Dungeon
The entrance to Level 2: The Moon is located at grid coordinates D13 on the overworld map. From the entrance of Level 1 (H4), the path involves going right one screen, down two screens, right six screens, up one screen, and left one screen.
Room-by-Room Guide
Initial Rooms
Upon entering Level 2, head up through the door above. Here, you will encounter enemies known as Ropes, snake-like creatures. Defeat them and go through the door to the left. In the next room, defeat the six more Ropes to obtain a key. Return to the entrance and take the pathway on the right. Defeat the five more Ropes in this room to get another key and then head up one screen.
Compass and Map
Avoid the three Ropes in this room and use a key to go through the locked door to the right. The Compass can be found in this room. For a quicker route later, you can bomb the north wall here. Otherwise, return to the left and then head up. Advance through the locked door on the right. In this next room, you will find the Dungeon Map. Similar to the Compass room, the northern wall here can also be bombed for a shortcut. If not taking the shortcut, return left and then head up.
Magical Boomerang and Bombs
Defeat the five Rope enemies in this room to reopen the door ahead and grab the key. Head right one screen. Here, you will encounter Blue Goriyas and Stone Statue enemies. Defeat the Blue Goriyas while avoiding the Stone Statues to obtain the Magical Boomerang. This upgraded boomerang often has different properties or is required for specific puzzles compared to the standard Boomerang. In this room, you can use a bomb to blast open the north wall for a secret passage. If you don’t have bombs or choose not to use them here, backtrack left and then head up. Defeat the Moldorm, a large worm-like enemy, in this room to get a key and then head right. In this next room, use the Magical Boomerang to defeat the four Keese. Doing so will reward you with some Bombs. With these newly acquired bombs (or if you had some already), use one to open a secret pathway to the north.
Old Man and the Boss
Alternatively, from the room with the Moldorm, you can backtrack left and then head up. Defeat all the Ropes in this room to unlock the door ahead. Take the door to the right and defeat the four Gel enemies to get some rupees. Head up from this room to find an Old Man who provides a crucial hint for the upcoming boss fight: “Dodongo Dislikes Smoke”. Backtrack left and then head up. Defeat the five Red Goriyas in this room to get some bombs. Finally, progress up through the door to confront the boss of Level 2.
Boss: Dodongo
The boss of Level 2 is Dodongo, a large dinosaur-like creature. Unlike the boss of the first level, your sword will have no effect on Dodongo. The key to defeating it lies in the Old Man’s hint. Get close to Dodongo as it walks towards you and drop a bomb in its path, almost directly in its mouth. Dodongo will eat the bomb and take damage. Repeat this process once more, and Dodongo will be defeated. Upon its defeat, Dodongo will leave behind a Heart Container and the second shard of the Triforce of Wisdom.
Level 2: The Moon introduces the concept of boss vulnerabilities that extend beyond simple sword attacks. The player must utilize a specific item, bombs, based on a clue provided by an NPC, to overcome the challenge. This adds a layer of puzzle-solving to the combat encounters.