Level 4: The Snake
Level 4: The Snake requires the use of the Raft acquired in the previous dungeon to reach its island location, highlighting the increasing reliance on previously obtained items for progression. The dungeon itself features dark rooms and introduces new challenges.
Getting to the Dungeon
To begin Level 4: The Snake, you must first use the Raft. From the starting screen, travel eight screens east, then four screens north to a dock. Use the Raft to go north one screen and enter the cave to obtain an optional Heart Container. Afterward, return to the dock and travel one screen left, one screen up, six screens left, three screens down, and three screens left. Use the dock at this location to reach the island where the dungeon entrance is located. Enter the building.
Room-by-Room Guide
Initial Rooms and Key Items
From the start screen of the dungeon, go through the left door. Defeat the eight Keese in this room to obtain a key. Go back right one screen and then up one screen. In this room, you will encounter Vires, ghostly enemies that split into two smaller red Keese when attacked with the sword. You can either avoid them or defeat them. Use a key to go through the right door. The next room is dark, so use the Blue Candle to light it up and navigate.
The Compass can be found in this room. After collecting it, go back left one screen and then up through the next door. In this room, grab the key and then go left one screen. The next room is another dark one, so light it up with the Blue Candle and then go up one screen. Light up this room as well and collect the key. Continue up to the next room. This room is also dark, so use the Blue Candle. You will notice that water blocks the direct path. Use a key on the locked door to the right.
Navigating the Dungeon
Defeat the five Vires and the Keese in this room to open the door on the right. The locked door above in this room is useless for progression. Continue to the right. In this next room, be cautious of the Like-Likes, slow-moving creatures that will eat your Magical Shield if they catch you. Defeat them along with the Zols. After clearing the enemies, push the left block in this room to reveal a staircase. Descend the stairs. In the underground passage, avoid the Keese and pick up the Stepladder.
This item will allow Link to cross small gaps and bodies of water. Go back up the steps and then left two screens. Use the Stepladder to cross the water and then use a key on the locked door. In the next room, avoid the Vires and go right one screen. Navigate through this room to find and collect the Dungeon Map. If you have Bombs, you can bomb the north wall in this room to find a secret Rupee room and bypass some subsequent rooms. Otherwise, go back left one screen and then up one screen.
Manhandla and the Old Man’s Clue
In this room, you will face another Manhandla. Using bombs is effective here, but the sword can also be used to defeat it. After defeating Manhandla, grab the bombs that it drops. You can bomb the right wall in this room to access the Rupee room mentioned earlier, or simply go up one screen. In the next room, you will encounter an Old Man who provides a vital clue for later in the game: “Walk Into The Waterfall”. This hints at the location of the fifth dungeon. Use a key to go through the door on the right. Light up this dark room with the Blue Candle and grab the key. You have the option to bomb the wall below for the Rupee room if you haven’t already, or continue to the right. Watch out for the Blade Traps in the next room and quickly go down one screen.
Boss: Gleeok
Defeat the Vires and Keese in this room. Then, push the left block to unlock the door and go right to finally face the boss of Level 4. The boss is Gleeok, a two-headed dragon. To defeat Gleeok, you must attack its heads while avoiding the fireballs they shoot. Once a head takes enough damage, it will detach from the body and bounce around the room, continuing to shoot fireballs. You must defeat both heads to vanquish Gleeok. Upon defeating the dragon, it will leave behind a Heart Container. Walk to the center of the room and collect the fourth shard of the Triforce of Wisdom.
Level 4: The Snake emphasizes the importance of using acquired items like the Raft and Stepladder to navigate both the overworld and the dungeon. It also introduces a multi-stage boss fight requiring focus on multiple targets.