Level 7: The Demon requires acquiring a specific item, Enemy Bait, before even entering the dungeon, highlighting the increasing complexity of the challenges. The dungeon itself features a maze-like structure and the return of familiar enemies.
Getting to the Dungeon
To reach Level 7, you will first need to acquire some Enemy Bait from a special shop. From the game’s start screen, go up one screen, left three screens, and up three screens. Tap the Armos statue in the top row, middle position, to reveal a staircase leading to a secret shop. Purchase the Bait for 60 rupees. From this secret shop, go down two screens, left two screens, and up one screen to find a pond. Use the Whistle to drain the pond, revealing the entrance to Level 7: The Demon.
Room-by-Room Guide
Initial Exploration and Key Items
Go right from the entrance. You will encounter two Moldorms. You can either defeat them or use a bomb to blast through the wall and proceed up. The north wall in the next room can be bombed, but for now, head right. Defeat all the Goriyas in this room to open the door above, leading to an Old Man who provides a cryptic hint: “THERE’S A SECRET IN THE TIP OF THE NOSE”.
Continue to the right. In the next room, you will encounter a Digdogger. You can choose to defeat it to obtain some bombs or simply proceed to the right. Defeat the Stalfos in the following room to get a key. Then, backtrack left four screens. Now, bomb either the top or the left wall in this area. Defeating the Goriyas in the next room will reward you with bombs.
Go through the left secret wall. Defeat the Keese in the next room to get some bombs and then go down one screen. Defeat the enemies in this room to obtain a key. Then, go up two screens. You will find three Dodongos in this room. You can either skip them or defeat them for 5 rupees. Use a key to go up to the next area. In this room, you can acquire the second bomb upgrade, allowing you to carry up to 16 bombs. After obtaining the upgrade, go down one screen and then right.
Navigating Further and Key Items
Defeat the Goriyas in the next room and then proceed right. Defeat the Stalfos in the following room; one of them will be holding the Compass. After obtaining it, go left one screen and then up. Defeat all the Goriyas and Keese in this room.
Be careful to avoid the Bubbles. Then, go up to the next area. You will encounter another Digdogger here. You can bomb the right wall to find a room with Moldorms that hold a key, or simply go left. The next room contains six Goriyas. You can either defeat them for 5 rupees or avoid them. Use a key to go up to the next area. In this room, you will find a hungry Goriya blocking your path. Use the Bait you acquired earlier to pass it. In the center of the room, grab the Dungeon Map. Then, bomb the wall above. Go up to the next room and grab 10 rupees. Then, bomb the right wall.
Defeat the Goriyas in the following room to get some rupees and then proceed to the right. Defeat all the Goriyas in the next room to open the door. Grab the key and then go left one screen and down one screen. The left door in this room is locked and leads back to a previous area. Instead, bomb the right wall and go through. Defeat all the Goriyas in the next room and then push the left block. This will reveal the Red Candle. Exit this room and bomb the right wall. Defeat the Goriyas in the next area to get some bombs. The locked door above in this room leads to a room with Moldorms that will give you extra bombs. Go right through the locked door.
Boss: Aquamentus
In the next room, you will face another Digdogger. Use a bomb and then the Whistle to defeat it. Go up to the next room. You will find three Dodongos here. Defeating them will yield some bombs. Go right to the next room and bomb the secret wall. This is the “tip of the nose” mentioned in the Old Man’s hint earlier. Defeat the five Wallmasters in this room.
Then, push the middle block on the right side to reveal a staircase and descend. Navigate through the underground passage. At the end, bomb the right wall and go through to face the boss of Level 7. The boss is Aquamentus, the same as the boss from Level 1. Use the same strategies as before to defeat it. Upon its defeat, grab the Heart Container. Then, walk to the center of the room and collect the seventh shard of the Triforce of Wisdom.
Level 7: The Demon presents a more intricate dungeon layout, requiring the use of a specific item (Bait) to progress and featuring a mix of familiar and challenging enemies. The return of Aquamentus as a boss might suggest a thematic connection or serve as a measure of the player’s progress.