Level 8: The Lion is located in a more remote area of Hyrule and introduces the Magical Key, a highly valuable item for the final dungeon. The level features a mix of challenging enemies and puzzles.
Getting to the Dungeon
To reach Level 8: The Lion, start from the beginning screen and walk right four screens, then up two screens, right one screen, down one screen, and right one more screen. You will find a lone bush blocking the pathway; use the Candle to burn it down and reveal the entrance to the dungeon.
Room-by-Room Guide
Initial Exploration and Key Items
From the entrance of the dungeon, head left one screen and defeat the Manhandla using bombs. Grab the rupees it leaves behind and proceed to the next room. Defeat all the enemies in this room, push the block on the left side, and go down the staircase to collect the Magic Book.
Resurface and head back right two screens to the dungeon entrance. From the entrance, go up one screen and optionally defeat another Manhandla for rupees. Place a bomb along the northern wall to open a secret passage. In the next room, defeat all the Blue Darknuts and the four Stone Statues to obtain a key. Head left one screen.
Light up this dark room with the Blue Candle and grab the key. Continue left another screen, defeat the Red Darknuts, and take the key. Backtrack right two screens and use a key on the locked door. Collect the Compass and go back left one screen. You will notice that the door above is now open. Go through the door and head up through the locked door, ignoring the enemies in this room if you wish.
Dungeon Map and the Magical Key
Bomb the wall at the top of the next room. Defeating the Manhandla in this area will reveal the Dungeon Map. Go up through the locked door. In the next room, use your Arrow to defeat the Gohma and then head right one screen. Defeat all the enemies in this room and push the block on the left side to access a staircase. Climb over the obstacles and grab the Magical Key. This key can open any locked door in the game, making it extremely valuable for the final dungeon.
Resurface and go left one screen, then down two screens to the room with the Blue Darknuts. Defeat them all, and you will notice that the door to the right is now open. Go through it. Defeating the enemies in this room might get you some Bombs, but otherwise, head down the staircase to the right.
Boss: Gleeok
After resurfacing, you will be in a room with eight Pols Voice enemies. Bomb the northern wall and head up to face the boss of Level 8. The boss is Gleeok, who now has four heads, making the fight more challenging than the previous encounter. Use the Magical Sword to attack each of its heads while avoiding their fireballs. Upon defeating Gleeok, grab the Heart Container and go up one screen. Walk to the center of the room to collect the eighth shard of the Triforce of Wisdom.
Level 8: The Lion presents a significant increase in difficulty with the four-headed Gleeok and rewards the player with the highly useful Magical Key, which will be essential for navigating the final dungeon.