This initial phase of the adventure focuses on equipping Link with essential items and increasing his survivability before he ventures into the first perilous dungeon. While not strictly mandatory to immediately enter Level 1, undertaking these preparatory steps significantly enhances the player’s experience by providing the necessary tools and resilience for the challenges ahead.
1.1 – Acquiring the Bombs
The journey begins on the starting screen, often referred to as location H8 on the game’s overworld map. The first crucial step is to enter the nearby cave, where an Old Man bestows upon Link the Wooden Sword. This initial weapon, though basic, is necessary to defeat the various enemies that roam the land and to collect rupees, the game’s currency. To acquire bombs, an essential tool for both combat and exploration, Link must accumulate at least 20 rupees. Early in the adventure, common adversaries such as Octoroks, Tektites, and Leevers are the primary sources of these valuable coins.
Once sufficient rupees have been gathered, the player must navigate to the shop that sells bombs, located far to the east of the starting position. From the initial screen, this requires traveling eight screens to the right and then one screen upwards. The early emphasis on collecting rupees and purchasing bombs introduces a fundamental aspect of the game: resource management. Players quickly learn that their ability to progress is directly tied to their capacity to acquire and utilize the necessary tools, encouraging a balanced approach between exploration and combat.
1.2 – Finding Heart Containers
Increasing Link’s maximum health is paramount for survival. The first opportunity to do so lies relatively close to the bomb shop. From the shop’s location, the player should head up two screens, right two screens, up one screen, and finally right one more screen. Here, a cave entrance will be visible. By using a bomb to blast open the northern wall of this cave, Link will discover his first Heart Container, permanently adding to his life gauge.
Another Heart Container can be found by backtracking from this location. The player should head back down one screen, then left one screen, and ascend the staircase. Entering the cave at the top of the stairs will lead to a large central rock formation. Placing a bomb at the bottom-right portion of this rock will reveal a secret cave containing the second Heart Container. The strategic placement of these early health upgrades encourages players to explore the overworld and rewards those who venture off the most direct path, hinting at the numerous secrets and hidden items scattered throughout Hyrule.
1.3 – Obtaining the White Sword
The White Sword offers a significant upgrade over the initial Wooden Sword, dealing double the damage. Obtaining it requires a slightly more involved process. First, the player needs to acquire the Letter from an Old Man. From the location of the second Heart Container, head back down a screen, then left a screen, and up the staircase again. Entering the cave here will result in the Old Man giving Link the Letter. This Letter is crucial for a later step.
Next, the player will need the Blue Candle, which can be purchased for 60 rupees at location G7 on the overworld map. With the Blue Candle in hand, the player should then proceed to the potion shop. This shop is accessed by showing the Letter to an Old Woman located in a cave at E7 on the map. From the potion shop, the White Sword can be found by heading left one screen, down three screens, and then right one screen. On this screen, there will be five green bushes.
Using the Blue Candle to burn the bush located at the bottom-right will reveal a staircase leading to a cave where the White Sword awaits. The process of obtaining the White Sword, involving multiple steps and requiring specific items like the Letter and the Blue Candle, demonstrates the interconnected nature of the overworld and highlights the importance of exploration and item acquisition for progression.
1.4 – Getting the Magical Shield
The Magical Shield provides enhanced defense, protecting Link from certain projectiles. Acquiring it involves further exploration and resource gathering. Using the Blue Candle, the player should burn down specific bushes in various locations to uncover rupees, accumulating wealth for the purchase. One such location is found after acquiring the White Sword: head back down a screen, left three screens, down a screen, and then right a screen. Burn the bottom-right bush to reveal a staircase leading to 30 rupees. Another 30 rupees can be found two screens down and by burning the bush near the top-right corner. Further along, one screen left, burning another bush reveals 10 rupees.
From the cave where the Letter was obtained, heading right a screen and down a screen reveals more bushes; burning the bottom-left one leads to 10 rupees. The exact location of the shop selling the Magical Shield during this early “Gathering” phase requires further investigation, as the provided snippets do not explicitly state it. However, the process of collecting rupees through exploration underscores the value of thoroughly searching the environment.
1.5 – Finding Arrows and Potions
Arrows provide a valuable ranged attack option, essential for certain enemies and bosses. These can be purchased at a shop located at P7 on the overworld map. Potions are crucial for restoring Link’s health. Access to the potion shop is granted by showing the Letter obtained earlier to the Old Woman in the cave at E7. She offers two types of potions: the Life Potion (blue bottle), which can be used once to fully restore health, and the Second Potion (red bottle), which also fully restores health and can be used multiple times.
While traveling to these locations, players can continue to find secret rupee caches by burning bushes and bombing walls, as detailed in section 1.4 and. The game’s design, which restricts access to vital resources like potions behind specific interactions, adds a layer of engagement beyond mere combat and puzzle-solving.
1.6 – Purchasing the Blue Ring
The Blue Ring offers significant defensive benefits by halving the damage Link receives. It can be purchased for a hefty sum of 250 rupees. The shop selling the Blue Ring is located by heading right three screens and then up two screens from the potion shop. Upon arriving at this location, the player will notice six Armos statues. Activating the correct Armos statue will reveal a staircase leading down to the secret cave where the Blue Ring can be purchased.The substantial cost of the Blue Ring and the minor puzzle required to access the shop indicate its value as a powerful early-game item that greatly enhances Link’s survivability.
With these essential items acquired, Link is now significantly better equipped to face the challenges that await in the first dungeon.