Twilit Parasite – Diababa
Weakness: Gale Boomerang, Bomblings and Sword.
The first part of the battle you need to target the Bomblings growing out of the rotten logs. Target them with the R button (or the Z button on the nunchuk) and then target the mouths of Diababa. Do it for each head and let them fall, then the main head of Diababa will appear. Wait for Ook, the monkey you fought earlier, to come and target the Bombling he is carrying and then target Diababa. done correctly, Diababa will get a bomb to the face. Strike his weakpoint, the point in his mouth, to damage him. Repeat again and finish him with the ending blow for a quick victory!
Twilit Ignitor, Fyrus
Weakness: Arrows and Sword.
Fyrus is a simple boss. Merely take the Bow and launch an arrow into his glow eye on the top of his head. He’ll be blind slightly and you can take the time to pull of his chains. Grab the chain and equip the Iron Boots and pull back and make him fall. Repeat it several times and finish him with the Ending Blow. You’ll collect another Heart Container and a Fused Shadow piece.
Twilit Aquatic: Morpheel
Weakness: Clawshot and Sword.
In the first phase of the battle, Morpheel is mostly under the sand but keep its large mouth open and tentacles outstretched like it’s trying to eat its prey… Unfortunately for you, you are his prey. A lone eyeball will come out of the tentacles at times, so use the clawshot to grab it and then pull it closer to you, strike it with your sword as many time and try and reel it back with the Clawshot. Repeat three times and then Morpheel will get…. really angry.
Morpheel will come up from out of the sand and expose his whole body… The largest boss you will find in this game! Get to the side or top of his head and aim at the eye on his head. If you use the Clawshot just right you can latch onto his body and deal a lot of damage. Stay away from aiming at the front of him unless you want to be sucked in and eaten. After a few rounds and an Ending Blow (for a quick kill), Morpheel will fall over dead.
Twilit Fossil – Stallord
Weakness: Spinner and Sword.
Another large boss, but smaller than Morpheel. Take the spinner and ride the side of the ring. Get to his spine and shoot off the side and side the spinner into him doing the Spinner’s Spin Attack on his spine. Several undead soldiers will protect him from the assualt so it’s a matter of killing them, bounce back to the side of the ring then back at his spine. Three hits will fell the beast and the sand will shrink downwards. Proceed onward and use the spinner in the center of the platform to raise it… Suddenly Stallord’s head floats again and knocks you down the platform for the next battle.
Take the Spinner and ride alongside the center platform. Avoid the spikes that come your way by bouncing off to the wall beside you. Continue to do that and avoid Stallord’s fireballs. Once he gets close enough, bounce off with the spinner into his face to knock him down. When you have done so, attack him with your sword (the Master Sword will do more damage). Continue this for about three rounds and he’ll fall, leaving a heart container and the entrance to the Mirror of Twilight.
Twilit Ice Mass – Blizzeta
Weakness: Ball and Chain.
Blizzeta may look easy but she can be hard if you don’t pay attention. In her first form, merely try to bash her with the Ball and Chain until it dwindles in size. She will send out several Mini Freezards to attack you so try and throw the Ball and Chain before they hit you. When you break all the ice, Blizzeta will yell out and for another ice case around herself as well as several spikes.
Tilt the camera to being overhead and avoid the spikes. When all of them fall try and break one or two. After which go to the centerish part of the room, go through the open hole in the circle of spikes, turn around and hit Blizzeta with the Ball and Chain. Continue this three times and she will be defeated.
Twilit Arachnid – Armogohma
Weakness: Arrows, Dominion Rod. (True Form)
Susceptible to most items (Large Eyeball Spider)
In this battle Armo Ghoma will be on the cieling arm your Bow and Arrow and fire at it when it opens the large red eye on its head. Avoid the beam it shoots and launch an arrow into its eye to make it fall. Run over to it and use the Dominion Rod closest to it and then use it again to bash Armogohma. Repeat it three times and you’ll have defeated her… Or not. The battle will still continue as the big red eye is still running around. Surprise! It’s another spider! Kill it with any weapon to get another Heart Container and a Mirror Shard.
Twilit Dragon – Argorok
Weakness: Double Clawshot, Iron Boots and Sword.
Argorok is an aerial boss and you won’t be able to strike it right away with your sword. Equip the Iron Boots to avoid the winds this beasts makes. Avoid its low attacks. When it spends time to rest, clawshot its tail and then pull down on it with the Iron Boots making it drop. Some of the armor will fall off… Continue to repeat it until all of its armor is off.
Now you got him angry. Clawshot to the Peahats in the air and continue to shoot from Peahat to Peahat as Argorok lets loose a torrent of flame. When it stops and rests, clawshot to his back to his weakpoint and keep bashing it with your sword. Continue it for about three rounds and finish him off with the Ending Blow (if you want). Congrats! Another Heart Container and the last Mirror Shard!
Usurper King – Zant
Weakness: Gale Boomerang, Iron Boots, Clawshots, Ball and Chain, Sword.
Zant has a series of six stages of battle. On the Diababa stage, target him with the Gale Boomerang and bring him to shore and avoid his rapid fireball attacks. On the Goron Mines miniboss stage, try to keep your footing and avoid his fireball attack again. Run over to him and slash him open. On the Morpheel stage, you have to pay attention to which large Zant head hides Zant. When you find it, pull him over to you with the Clawshot and then attack him with your sword. On Ook’s stage, he pretty much acts like Ook so stun him with the Gale Boomerang and roll into the pillar to knock him over and strike him with the sword. On Blizzeta’s stage he’ll get really big and try to stomp you. Hurt his feet with the Ball and Chain then chase the little him and strike him with your sword. The final stage is more difficult since he madly chases you with swords and tries to just basically slash you to bits. Avoid those and his Spin Attacks to deal damage. You can reflect his Spin Attack with your own. After which he’ll be defeated and Midna will gain back the Fused Shadows and puncture the Usurper King and expand him till he explodes, leaving a Heart Container.
Ganon’s Puppet – Zelda
Weakness: Reflected Energy Orbs.
Ganon possesses Princess Zelda’s body thinking you won’t hurt him. How wrong he is. He has three attacks: an energy ball, a triforce mark, and a full on charge assualt on you with his sword. When he charges up the energy ball, reflect it with your sword (or your bottle if you want a few laughs). When he uses the triforce mark, get out of the mark and to the side as it will damage you. The same with the sword attack; it’s best to avoid that attack by doing the back slice (without pressing the sword button). After you defeat him, Midna will extract him out of Zelda’s body… and now for the next battle.
Dark Beast – Ganon
Weakness: Arrows, Sword.
Ganon, in a blind rage, turns into his beast form, Ganon! He’ll charge at you so either you can hit him with arrows or use Midna. It’s easier using Midna, so turn into a wolf, grab him, and flip him over exposing his weakpoint, his stomach. Slash at it repeatedly (or do one Mortal Draw to save the work) and he’ll rise and go mad. He’ll tend to warp around the room so find the portal he’ll come out, turn into a wolf again, and then flip him over and repeat. Continue the process and then he’ll fall… However he comes back as a flaming head. Midna will warp Link and Zelda to safety and sacrifice herself to finish Ganon… but it’s not enough…
Dark Lord Ganondorf (Horseback)
Weakness: Light Arrows (Zelda), Sword (Link).
Midna is now presumed dead and Link and Zelda must attack Ganondorf on horseback. Use the spin attack to avoid the ghosts Ganon creates. Get behind Ganon and hopefully Zelda will hit him. When she does, Ganon will slow down and be stunned. Hit him with your sword (spin attack is good). Repeat the process until he falls over leading to the next and final battle with Ganondorf.
Dark Lord Ganondorf (Sword Fight)
Weakness: Master Sword, Fishing Rod (distraction)
In this boss battle, you need to attack Ganondorf’s weakpoint, the glowing silver mark on his chest. At first he’ll charge at you, so do a jump attack. Repeatedly hit the button shown to push him back and deliver a lot of damage by slashing at him like mad. At other times he’ll charge at you and punch you a whole lot so watch out. Using the Fishing Rod to distract him in order to get a few cheap shots. You can also Back Slice him. Finish him off with the Ending Blow in order to defeat him (using the Master Sword since the Ordon Sword will not work)! Congrats! You beat Twilight Princess!