Hey there, guide readers. You’re probably coming here because you need to find some Heart Pieces in the game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Well you’re in luck! Here is the full listing of where all the Heart Pieces in Twilight Princess are, along with the ways to get them. A few things to note however, before you take off. This guide is formatted for the Wii version of the game. To those playing on the Gamecube, these directions are backwards because on the Gamecube, the game is mirrored. To avoid confusion, flip the directions around as if you are looking into a mirror (ex. left becomes right). Happy questing!
Heart Piece #1
Location: Ordon Village
Requirements: Epona
Yes, as a matter of fact, there is a heart piece in the very first place you come across! Unfortunately, you cannot get it until after you re-obtain Epona in Kakariko Village. Once you’re in Ordon Village, head over to Fado (Link’s old boss) in Ordon Ranch, and ask if you can herd the goats. After doing so, Fado should give you a shiny new heart piece.
Heart Piece #2
Location: Faron Woods
Requirements: Bombs, Rod of Dominion
Head to the house of the lantern salesman (or Coro, as he’s formally known). Once there, you’ll see a three way fork in the road. The far right path goes back the way you came, the middle path is blocked off by a rock, and the far left path leads to Hyrule field. Head down the middle path, and blow the rock blocking your way up with a bomb. You’ll see a bird-like statue somewhere in the newly exposed area. Use your Dominion Rod to move the statue into a nearby niche in the ground, then transform into wolf form. Use Midna to jump atop the statue and beyond. Soon, you’ll reach a ledge. Once you’ve landed on this ledge, walk forward until you enter a new area. Here, you’ll find a chest. Open it to obtain a new heart piece!
Heart Piece #3
Location: Faron Woods
Requirements: Lantern
In the big field (later covered in purple mist), head to the cave at the northeast corner in which you found the key for the North Woods gate. Enter and you’ll see two torches just asking to be lit. Pull out your lantern and do so. Once lit, the lanterns will reveal a hidden chest. Climb up and open it to find a heart piece! Congratulations!
Heart Piece #4
Location: Forest Temple
Requirements: None
You know those annoying carnivorous plants that’ll eat you if you try to jump over them (Deku Likes)? Well one of them happens to be concealing a chest with a heart piece in it. When you enter the circular room with a wooden staircase, you’ll see many of these plants. One of them appears to have a small room hidden behind it. Toss a spider bomb into its gaping mouth to make short work of it (you’ll need to toss the bomb down a gap in the woodwork), enter the concealed room, and open the chest behind it. Now you have another heart piece!
Heart Piece #5
Location: Forest Temple
Requirements: Gale Boomerang
Your next heart piece lies in a room with two pillars, a tiled bridge with a small river flowing beneath it, and several subterranean creatures called “Tilepedes” that will attack you from below if you walk across the tile they’re hiding under, attempting to knock you off your footing. These snake-like creatures hide beneath the tiles of the bridge and the floor beyond, and will only give a small sign that they are there hiding there. You have to look for a small head poking up from underneath a tile to see where the Tilepedes are. Use the gale boomerang to unearth them, and then use your sword to finish them off. After clearing the floor of these nasty foes, blow out the four torches in the room to reveal a chest with one of those crazy heart pieces we’ve been talking about inside.
Heart Piece #6
Location: Southern Hyrule Field
Requirements: Gale Boomerang
Near the southern end of the bridge in the southern area of Hyrule field, in a grove of trees, you’ll see something rather shiny and red in the branches of the center tree. Yes, it’s another heart piece. Pull out your Gale Boomerang to latch onto it and pull it towards you.
Heart Piece #7
Location: Kakariko Gorge Area
Requirements: Gale Boomerang
In the gorge, there is a tall rock formation with a sparkly heart piece on it. Pull out and use your Gale Boomerang to grab the Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #8
Location: Kakariko Gorge Area
Requirements: Bombs, Lantern
Towards the south western side of Kakariko gorge, you’ll see a bombable wall. Blow it up to reveal a cave. Explore the cave, burning cobwebs with your lantern as you go, until you find a dead end with two torches on either side. Light them to reveal a chest with a heart piece in it!
Heart Piece #9
Location: Kakariko Gorge Area
Requirements: Double Clawshot
On a rock formation near the entrance of the Gorge area (the same one you pulled a heart piece off earlier), there is a spot you can latch onto with a clawshot. Do so and then latch onto some vines, then drop onto the ledge underneath them. Open the chest on the ledge and BOOM! Heart piece get!
Heart Piece #10
Location: Eldin Bridge Area
Requirements: Bombs, Clawshot
After leaving Kakariko Village from it’s north exit, you will soon see a bombable rock on your right. Blow it up and then follow the path you just exposed, climbing up the face of the cliff, until you come to a gap. Use your clawshot to grapple onto vines on the other side of the gap, then climb up the vines until you’ve grabbed secure footing on the ledge above. Now, turn left and walk forward until you come to another gap. This time, jump down the gap. Now, walk forward until you find a chest. Open it for another heart piece.
Heart Piece #11
Location: Eldin Bridge Area
Requirements: Clawshot, Iron Boots, Bombs
On the north side of the bridge, you’ll see a ledge. On this ledge, you’ll see a spot you can latch onto with your clawshot. Do it and then drop down and follow a path to a cave, blowing up rocks as you go. Enter it, and you’ll see an environment similar to the Goron mines, so navigate this place in the same way. Walk to the end of the ledge you’re standing on, then jump off! In mid fall, put on your iron boots. You’ll fall into a magnetic stream that will cause you to attach to a magnetic wall. Once here, walk to the floor. Then simply open a chest you’ll find there for yet another heart piece.
Heart Piece #12
Location: Eldin Bridge Area
Requirements: Rod of Dominion
On Eldin Bridge, you’ll see the south side has a tower with a ledge you can climb up on, but the ledge is too high up to reach and too far away from the bridge to jump to. Don’t give up though! Getting to this tower is easier than it first seems! First though, you need to restore the bridge. To do this, head to Gerudo desert. There, you’ll find a giant slab of rock that can be used as a bridge. Warp the rock to the Bridge of Eldin to restore it to its former glory! Then, head to the bridge’s north end and find a bird-looking statue. Use your Dominion Rod to bring the statue all the way to the south end. Then, drop it onto the floor of the gap between the bridge and the tower, and use it as a platform to jump into the tower. Climb up the ladder in the tower and you’ll find a chest with a heart piece in it at the top.
Heart Piece #13
Location: Eldin Bridge Area
Requirements: Spinner
North from Eldin Bridge, you’ll cross a wooden bridge, and then you’ll see a small path branching off leading to a spinner track. Ride the spinner track to a ledge, then switch to wolf form and dig into an underground chamber. Kill all the enemies that appear in this underground chamber to reveal a chest containing a heart piece.
Heart Piece #14
Location: North of Hyrule Castle
Requirements: Spinner
In the southern part of the field, north of the castle, there are several boulders blocking the path to Lake Hylia. Blow ’em up and then set off down the path towards the lake. Once you come upon a few Spinner Tracks, ride them to a platform at their end to get to a chest containing a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #15
Location: North of Hyrule Castle
Requirements: Bombs, Ball and Chain
In a field to the north of the castle, you’ll see a river. Just above the river, there is a gray pathway sloping upward. Follow it until you see a vacant area with a bombable rock. Blow it up to reveal a frozen cave. Enter and destroy an ice wall with your ball and chain to reveal a slider puzzle (like those in the Snowpeak Ruins). Solve it to reveal another slider puzzle. Solve this one and you are greeted by yet another slider puzzle. After solving all three, go into the final room to grab your reward; a heart piece.
Heart Piece #16
Location: Kakariko Village
Requirements: Goron Mines Clear
After you’ve cleared the Goron Mines, climb to the top of Kakariko Village’s watchtower using ladders and Gorons. Once you reach the top, talk to Talo (the little kid). This will trigger a target practice minigame. Upon completion, Talo will give you a Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #17
Location: Kakariko Village
Requirements: Bombs, Iron Boots
At the southern end of Kakariko Village, you’ll see a bombable rock. Bomb it to reveal a path that leads to a diving board of sorts above the back end of Kakariko Spring. Jump off of it with your Iron Boots on and sink to the bottom of the spring. Open the chest that you find there for a Piece of Heart!
Heart Piece #18
Location: Kakariko Village
Requirements: Bomb Arrows, Gale Boomerang
Directly above the bombable rock near the Kakariko Spring, there are several boulders. Destroy them with bomb arrows to expose a Piece of Heart, and use your Gale Boomerang to grab it.
Heart Piece #19
Location: Kakariko Village
Requirements: Lakebed Temple Clear
After clearing the Lakebed Temple, donate 1000 rupees to Malo Mart. Once you do so, you will be given a ginormo-barrel of hot spring water. Take it to the newly repaired Castle Town bridge and throw it on a tired Goron sitting on it to rejuvenate him. You will be rewarded with a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #20
Location: Death Mountain
Requirements: Goron Mines Clear
After beating the Goron Mines, head from Kakariko Village to Death Mountain. Talk to the second Goron you see and have him launch you up to the cliff to the side of the main path. Follow the path from this cliff until you find an opening in the cliff face. Enter and drop down for a heart piece.
Heart Piece #21
Location: Goron Mines
Requirements: Iron Boots
Just after you meet the first Goron Elder and are walking on the magnetic ceiling, head northward, then west (or east, if you’re playing on the ‘cube). Eventually, you’ll come to a ledge with a chest on it. Open it for a Heart Piece!
Heart Piece #22
Location: Goron Mines
Requirements: Iron Boots
In a specific room, you’ll see two giant magnetic beams. Navigate them to find a chest containing a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #23
Location: Lake Hylia
Go into the Spirit cave and use your clawshot to grab the upper ledge. Then, head to the back of the chamber. Light the torches there to reveal another chest containing a Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #24
Location: Lake Hylia
Requirements: Bombs, Hero’s Bow, Lantern
Near the howling stone and the ginormous tower up on a cliff (you’ll need to climb a ladder to get there), look around for a bombable wall. Blow it up and enter the cave concealed behind it. Inside this cave, there’s a long path leading to it’s back. The entire cave is shrouded in darkness, so it’s nearly impossible to navigate without your lantern. I recommend bringing at least one full bottle of Lantern oil, just in case. In every room, there are at least two bombable rocks, with one leading down further into the cave, and the other(s) typically concealing enemies or treasures. To quote Peppy Hare, you’re going to need to ‘use bombs wisely’, on your trek through this cave, as not to waste them all. Be weary of the many enemies you’ll encounter, and work your way to the back. Once there, you’ll find several torches that need to be lit. Do so to reveal a chest with a heart piece in it.
Heart Piece #25
Location: Lake Hylia
Requirements: None
Bring some rupees. Talk to Fyer and launch yourself up to Falbi’s “Flight By Foul”. Use a Cucco to fly to the island in the center of the lake. Land on the platform second to the top. Inside the chest, you’ll find a heart piece!
Heart Piece #26
Location: Lake Hylia
Requirements: Control of Wolf Form
Head to a patch of Hawk Grass to the left of the spirit cave. Howl next to it to summon a giant flying creature. Then participate in a fruit collecting minigame. If you score over 10000 points, you’ll be given a Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #27
Location: Lakebed Temple
Requirements: Clawshot
In the room with the rotating staircase, Clawshot up onto the hanging chandelier, then open the chest!
Heart Piece #28
Location: Lakebed Temple
Requirements: Clawshot
On floor B2, turn on all waterwheels, then return to the main chamber with the staircases. Rotate them until the water is running down them towards the direction of the room you just left. Swim down the readymade river and cross the freshly risen bridge and you’ll enter a small room with a switch. Step on the switch to open a gate blocking a chest, then kill the monsters that will jump out. Once you have done so, step on the switch again and clawshot from the switch to the target above the chest. Open the chest for a Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #29
Location: Fishing Hole
Requirements: Clawshot or Gale Boomerang
Get up to the fishing hole, rent a canoe, get out to the center of the lake, and grab the piece of heart from on the big rock in the middle of the lake using either the Clawshot or Gale Boomerang.
Heart Piece #30
Location: Castle Town
Requirements: None
Donate 1000 rupees to the old man praying for peace near a goat house to receive a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #31
Location: Sacred Grove
Requirements: Bombs
After defeating the Skull Kid, destroy a bombable rock in the area to reveal a spot you can dig in as a wolf. Turn into a wolf and dig into an underground chamber. Kill every enemy in sight to reveal a chest containing a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #32
Location: Sacred Grove
Requirements: Rod of Dominion
In the Chamber before the Temple of Time, in front of the Master Sword room, on either side of the stairs, you’ll see bird like statues. Move the one on the stair’s left side to reveal a cul-de-sac with a chest in it. Open it for a Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #33
Location: Gerudo Desert
Requirements: None
After trekking across the sands of the Gerudo Desert, you’ll eventually come across an enemy campsite. Take out the enemies, and then find a pig roasting over their campfire. Attack the pig until it disintegrates and it will reveal a Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #34
Location: Arbiter’s Grounds
Requirements: Clawshot
In the room with the four poes, clawshot to the platform with a chest on it in the northern corner. Open it for a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #35
Location: Arbiter’s Grounds
Requirements: Spinner
On the basement level, in a room towards the North you’ll see a bunch of spinner tracks. Navigate them ’till you reach the ledge with a chest and an enemy on it. It’ll be on the west (or east for you ‘cubers) side. Open the chest for a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #36
Location: Snowpeak
Requirements: Snowpeak Ruins Clear
After beating the Snowpeak Ruins, get back up to the top of the mountain by warping, then talk to Yeto and agree to a race. Beat him, then return to the top of the mountain again and race Yeta. Beat her for a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #37
Location: Snowpeak Ruins
Requirements: Ball and Chain
On the second floor of the main entrance, get out your ball and chain and fling it at the chandeliers it to swing them back and forth. Jump across them and once you reach the other side, open the chest for a Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #38
Location: Snowpeak Ruins
Requirements: Ball and Chain
At the top of the room with a spiral staircase and a few cages containing Freezards, you’ll see a spot on the floor that stands apart from the rest with a strange, broken Clawshot target above it. Smash the spot with your Ball and Chain to open up a hole that leads to a chest. Fall down and open it for a Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #39
Location: Temple of Time
Requirements: Rod of Dominion
When leading the statue back to the first floor of the Temple of Time, You’ll come to a room that you can shoot an eye switch to move walls. In the center of the room is an electric barrier. Move the statue through the electricity and onto the switch behind it. Then, follow suit (the electricity will shut off when the switch is pressed) and open the chest for yet another Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #40
Location: Temple of Time
Requirements: Rod of Dominion
On the fifth floor to the south, there is a set of steps with a statue sitting on one of the rails. Use the Dominion Rod to walk it to the switch on the end. Then, find another statue. Toss it onto the other rail. Use the Dominion Rod again and walk it up to the switch as well. Once the switch has been pressed, a chest will appear, containing a Piece of Heart.
Heart Piece #41
Location: Hidden Village
Requirements: Restore Ilia’s Memory
After you’ve restored Ilia’s memory, head back to the Hidden Village, head to the right, smash through a building, and find the self proclaimed “Cucco Leader”. Talk to him and he’ll tell you to talk to all the cats in the village. Once you do, talk to the Cucco Leader again and he’ll bestow upon you a shiny new Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #42
Location: City in the Sky
Requirements: Double Clawshot
After destroying the plant on the eastern wing of the first floor, use your handy-dandy Clawshot to climb your way to the second floor. Move counterclockwise through the room, and you’ll eventually reach a point where you can grapple to an overhang. Cross the gap to find a chest with a Piece of Heart inside.
Heart Piece #43
Location: City in the Sky
Requirements: Double Clawshot
On top of one tower are several Peahats. Grapple across them, but instead of dropping down as soon as you reach the last Peahat, make a quarter turn to the direction of more Peahats, and grapple across them as well to get to an alcove with a chest in it. Open it for a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #44
Location: Palace of Twilight
Requirements: Sol or the Master Sword Infused With the Power of Light, Clawshot
In the first wing you can get into, you’ll find a room with a lot of waterfalls made of darkness (darkfalls?). You can either clear the darkness away using Sol or the Master Sword infused with light. Clear a path through the one on the far right (or left for those on the Gamecube), and then clawshot up to a chest containing a Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #45
Location: Palace of Twilight
Requirements: Sol or the Master Sword Infused With the Power of Light
In the first room of the second wing you can enter, activate the light platforms by using Sol or the Master Sword infused with light. One of the light platforms will take you to a ledge with a chest containing a Heart Piece on it. Congratulations!