Hidden skills are quite necessary to become more powerful in Twilight Princess. Without them, you won’t last very long against the dreadful creatures of the Twili. Unfortunately, the only way to aquire hidden skills is by locating these things called “howling stones”, which are rather difficult to find. If you need help on your quest to gain power, you’ve come to the right place. One thing to take note of, however. This guide is formatted for the Wii version of the game, and several things are differ from the Gamecube iteration. The game is mirrored on the Wii, (ex. left becomes right) and some of the controls are different. Keep that in mind, and let’s continue!
Howling Stone #1
Location: N/A
Golden Wolf: After freeing Faron Woods from twilight, you’ll encounter this wolf just before you come across the Forest Temple. This encounter is a part of the story, so you don’t even have to look for the golden wolf in question.
Hidden Skill: The “Ending Blow”. After knocking an enemy onto the ground, press the “A” button to deliver a finishing blow. A rather useful move to use on Bokoblins, Lizalfos, and other easily knocked down enemies.
Howling Stone #2
Location: On the path to Death Mountain, you’ll come across a geyser field. Somewhere in the middle of it, you’ll find a Howling Stone. It’s not really that hard to spot, so you shouldn’t have any trouble with this one.
Golden Wolf: After dispelling the twilight from Eldin, return to Ordon Spring to find this Golden Wolf.
Hidden Skill: Shield Attack. While Z targeting, wait for an enemy to approach you, then thrust your nunchuck forward! This will unleash the shield attack, an attack that can breifly stun weaker enemies.
Howling Stone #3
Location: Upper Zora’s River. Directly in front of the door leading to the fishing hole, you’ll see an cliff cropping out over the Zora’s River. At the edge of the outcropping, there will be a howling stone. You must have freed the Zora’s River from ice before you can access this stone.
Golden Wolf: To the east side of Hyrule Castle Town, you’ll see a pillar with the obvious golden wolf sitting on top.
Hidden Skill: Back Slice. This is one of my favorite hidden skills. To execute it, roll around to the backside of your enemy, then shake the Wii Remote to attack! You should get this skill as fast as possible, because it’s really useful!
Howling Stone #4
Location: North Faron Woods, just before the entrance to the Sacred Grove.
Golden Wolf: In the field south of Castle Town, you’ll find this wolf lounging around the staircase towards the left side of the field.
Hidden Skill: Helm Splitter. This move further expands upon the Shield Attack move. To execute it, unleash the shield attack on your target, then quickly press the “A” button. This will unleash the helm splitter. Quite useful on fodder like Bokoblins and Lizalfos.
Howling Stone #5
Location: Near the tower watching over Lake Hylia. Just after climbing a ladder, turn to your left, and you should spot it.
Golden Wolf: You’ll find it towards the northeastern end of Gerudo Desert. You’ll need to use a boar to access the area it’s in.
Hidden Skill: Mortal Draw. This move is really useful against Darknuts and other armored enemies, so you should learn it as soon as you can. To execute it, close in on an enemy without Z targeting or drawing your sword. Wait for the right moment, then press the A button.
Howling Stone #6
Location: Snowpeak. Just before entering the cave that leads to the top of Snowpeak, turn around and you’ll see a howling stone. It’ll be at the edge of a cliff hanging over the lower parts of Snowpeak, so howling at it feels rather epic, especially if you do it at night.
Golden Wolf: In the Kakariko Graveyard. The wolf will be in plain sight, so you shouldn’t have any trouble.
Hidden Skill: Jump Strike. A jump attack that can deal radius damage. To execute, ready a jump attack, but hold down the jump attack button to charge it up. Then, when your blade has “shing”ed, release the button!
Howling Stone #7
Location: You’ll find the final howling stone in the Hidden Village. Smash through a building on the left side, and eventually, you’ll come to a backlot with two things in it. A Cucco (the Cucco leader, as it turns out) and a howling stone.
Golden Wolf: To the north of Castle Town, right before going through the gates leading to Hyrule Castle, you’ll see this wolf. Get ready to learn the final hidden skill.
Hidden Skill: Great Spin. When your health is full, unleash a spin attack. This attack’s power and radius will be greatly expanded. Simple to execute, devastating to foes.
“You have at last mastered all of the hidden skills. Although I accepted life as the hero, I could not convey the lessons of that life to those who came after. At last, I have eased those regrets. You who have marched through countless foes, each mightier then the last… You who now gaze to the future with vision unclouded… Surely you can restore Hyrule to its stature of yore as the chosen land of the gods. …Farwell!” “Go and do not falter, my child!”