Released in 2000 for the Nintendo 64, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask stands as a unique and darker entry in the Zelda series. Departing from the traditional quest to save Princess Zelda, this installment follows Link’s journey in Termina, a parallel world on the brink of apocalypse. With the moon threatening to crash in three days, players must navigate a repeating time cycle, utilizing various masks to transform and gain new abilities, all while uncovering deep narratives and intricate side quests. This game challenges players with its time-based mechanics and richly woven storylines, offering an experience that is both haunting and immersive.
- Prologue: The First Three Days: Navigating Clock Town and initial objectives.
- Woodfall Region: Deku Palace exploration and Woodfall Temple guide.
- Snowhead Region: Goron Village challenges and Snowhead Temple walkthrough.
- Great Bay Region: Zora Hall quests and Great Bay Temple strategies.
- Ikana Canyon: Ancient Castle of Ikana and Stone Tower Temple solutions.
- Final Confrontation: Preparations and strategies for facing Majora.
- Anju and Kafei’s Quest: Detailed steps to reunite the couple.
- Romani Ranch Events: Protecting the ranch and related activities.
- Goron Races: Participation requirements and rewards.
- Frog Choir: Locations and coordination of the frog choir.
- Oceanside Spider House: Strategies to clear the spider-infested house.
Mask Collection Guide: Location, acquisition, and abilities of all masks.
Heart Piece Locations: Comprehensive list and methods to obtain all heart pieces.
Items and Upgrades: Acquisition and enhancement of swords, shields, bottles, wallets, quivers, and other equipment.
Boss Strategies: Effective tactics to defeat each major boss.
Enemies and Mini-Bosses: Descriptions and strategies for common foes and mini-bosses.
Songs and Ocarina Guide: List of all ocarina songs and their effects.
Bomber’s Notebook: Tracking character schedules and side quests.
Secrets and Easter Eggs: Hidden features and fun facts within the game.
Version Differences: Comparisons between the original N64 version and the 3DS remake.