Table of Contents
- Prologue: The First Three Days: Navigating Clock Town and initial objectives.
- Woodfall Region: Deku Palace exploration and Woodfall Temple guide.
- Snowhead Region: Goron Village challenges and Snowhead Temple walkthrough.
- Great Bay Region: Zora Hall quests and Great Bay Temple strategies.
- Ikana Canyon: Ancient Castle of Ikana and Stone Tower Temple solutions.
- Final Confrontation: Preparations and strategies for facing Majora.
The final hours of the three-day cycle are upon us in the land of Termina. Link’s relentless efforts to prevent the catastrophic fall of the moon have led him to this climactic moment: a direct confrontation with Majora, the malevolent entity pulling the strings of chaos. The weight of Termina’s fate rests on Link’s shoulders, but with thorough preparation and a well-defined strategy, victory against this formidable foe is within reach. This guide will provide the necessary steps and tactical advice to navigate the final encounter and ultimately triumph over Majora.
Pre-Battle Preparations
Before initiating the final showdown, gathering essential items and acquiring key masks will significantly enhance Link’s chances of survival and success. The approach to this battle can vary depending on whether Link has obtained the powerful Fierce Deity Mask. For those opting for the more challenging path, without the aid of the Fierce Deity Mask, a strong emphasis should be placed on stocking up on vital consumables. Having multiple Bottles is of paramount importance, as they serve as containers for life-saving resources. These bottles should ideally be filled with Fairies, which offer a crucial safety net by automatically reviving Link with a small amount of health should he fall in battle. Additionally, Blue Potions are highly recommended, as they replenish both health and magic, the latter being essential for utilizing transformation masks and certain offensive maneuvers. For a significant advantage, acquiring a bottle of Chateau Romani is highly beneficial. This special milk grants Link unlimited magic for a limited time, allowing for the sustained use of magic-intensive abilities. Beyond these core survival items, the Hero’s Bow and Arrows, particularly Light Arrows, can prove invaluable for stunning Majora and dealing significant damage, especially in its final form. Lastly, the Mirror Shield is absolutely necessary to effectively counter Majora’s Mask’s powerful laser attack by reflecting it back at the boss. In terms of standard equipment, wielding the Gilded Sword, the strongest sword Link can obtain, and the reliable Hero’s Shield will provide a solid foundation for both offense and defense. While the “hard way” relies heavily on consumables, acquiring certain masks can still offer tactical advantages. The Zora Mask is particularly useful, as it allows Link to utilize the Zora Boomerangs to strike Majora’s Mask’s vulnerable back and provides access to a protective barrier that can be effective against Majora’s Wrath. The Goron Mask offers the ability to ram into Majora’s Incarnation with considerable force, potentially stunning or knocking it down. The Deku Mask can be used defensively, allowing Link to burrow underground and evade Majora’s Mask’s spinning ram attack. While not directly for combat, the Great Fairy’s Mask, if worn within the moon dungeons, will attract any Stray Fairies, potentially allowing Link to gather upgrades before the final fight. For players who have diligently explored Termina and completed numerous side quests, the acquisition of the Fierce Deity Mask provides a significant advantage, often making the final battle considerably easier. Obtaining this ultimate mask requires the collection of all 20 non-transformation masks present in the game. The journey to acquire this mask begins after entering the Moon, which is accessed by playing the Oath to Order inside the Clock Tower at midnight on the Final Day. Within the moon’s surreal landscape, Link will encounter a large field with a prominent tree and five children playing. Four of these children wear the masks of the defeated temple bosses, while the fifth wears Majora’s Mask. Speaking to the four children wearing the boss masks (Odolwa, Goht, Gyorg, Twinmold) initiates a series of short, unique dungeons or challenges, each testing Link’s abilities in a specific transformation. To participate in each challenge, Link must give a specific number of masks to each child: two for Odolwa, four for Goht, six for Gyorg, and eight for Twinmold. It is important to note that all the given masks are returned upon completion of each challenge. As an additional reward for completing these trials, Link will obtain the final four Heart Pieces in the game. After successfully navigating all four challenges, speaking to the child wearing Majora’s Mask will grant Link the powerful Fierce Deity Mask. Accepting this child’s invitation to “play” will then transport Link directly to the arena to face Majora in its various forms.
Step-by-Step Guide to the Final Confrontation
The final confrontation with Majora begins as the clock strikes midnight on the Final Day in Clock Town. At this crucial moment, the grand doors of the Clock Tower will slowly open, inviting Link to enter. Stepping inside marks the commencement of the climactic sequence of events. Within the Clock Tower, Link will find the seemingly subdued Skull Kid. Standing before him, the player must play the “Oath to Order” on the Ocarina. This melody triggers a breathtaking cutscene where the four benevolent giants descend from the sky, their immense power halting the moon’s terrifying descent towards Termina. The scene takes a dramatic turn as Majora’s Mask abruptly detaches itself from Skull Kid, revealing its own malevolent consciousness and its control over the imp. The once inert moon now pulsates with an eerie life, its grotesque face contorting with newfound power as it becomes a living entity. Driven by his unwavering resolve, Link will bravely follow the now-sentient Majora’s Mask as it vanishes into the ominous opening of the moon. Upon entering the moon, Link finds himself in a strikingly serene and dreamlike environment: a vast field of lush green grass under a tranquil sky, with a colossal and strangely comforting tree standing prominently in the distance. Beneath this tree, five enigmatic children are engaged in peaceful play, each wearing a distinct mask. Four of these children wear the masks representing the remains of the defeated temple bosses, while the fifth child wears the very mask Link seeks to destroy: Majora’s Mask. Players who have collected all the non-transformation masks have the option to undertake a series of unique challenges presented by the four children wearing the boss masks. These short dungeons test Link’s mastery of specific transformations. The Odolwa (Deku Link Challenge) requires the player to give two masks and navigate a series of flower launchers as Deku Link, with a Heart Piece as the reward. The Goht (Goron Link Challenge) demands four masks and tests the player’s rolling skills as Goron Link across a treacherous path, culminating in another Heart Piece. The Gyorg (Zora Link Challenge) requires six masks and involves navigating a complex underwater maze as Zora Link, with a Heart Piece hidden within. Finally, the Twinmold Challenge asks for eight masks and pits Link against familiar foes, with the Great Fairy Sword recommended for ease; a Heart Piece is the reward after defeating a Garo Master and using the Hookshot (N64) or a Fire Arrow (3DS). After completing all four challenges, speaking to the child wearing Majora’s Mask will result in the acquisition of the immensely powerful Fierce Deity Mask. Accepting the child’s offer to “play” will then transport Link to the final boss arena.
Facing Majora: Strategies for Each Phase
The battle against Majora unfolds in three distinct and increasingly challenging phases. Understanding the attack patterns of each form and employing the correct strategies is crucial for survival.
Phase 1: Majora’s Mask
In its initial form, Majora’s Mask will employ several dangerous attack patterns. It will frequently execute a spinning ram attack, charging rapidly at Link in an attempt to knock him down. The mask can also unleash a piercing laser beam directly at Link, requiring swift evasion or a well-timed defense. Once it has sustained some damage, Majora’s Mask will summon spectral forms of the four defeated temple bosses, which will materialize and fire energy projectiles at Link from all directions. It is also noted that Majora’s Mask may possess a fire attack capable of instantly defeating Zora Link. The primary vulnerability of Majora’s Mask in this phase is its unprotected back. All offensive efforts should be directed towards this area. The most effective method for striking the mask’s back is by utilizing Zora Link’s Boomerangs. Their homing capabilities make them ideal for hitting the elusive target when it turns to face Link. Once the boomerangs successfully stun the mask, quickly switch to Link (or Goron Link for a powerful ground pound) and unleash a barrage of attacks with your sword, preferably the Gilded Sword or the Great Fairy Sword. When the mask unleashes its laser beam, the Mirror Shield is essential for reflecting the attack back at Majora’s Mask, causing damage and negating the threat. As the spectral guardian masks appear, prioritize eliminating them with well-aimed arrows to reduce the number of projectiles Link needs to evade. If Link is in Deku Link form, he can utilize the ability to burrow into the ground to completely avoid the damage from the spinning ram attack. Maintaining a lock-on with Z-Targeting will help keep the fast-moving mask in view, and patience is key to waiting for the opportune moment to strike its vulnerable back.
Phase 2: Majora’s Incarnation
The second phase sees Majora’s Mask sprout legs and transform into Majora’s Incarnation. This form is characterized by its erratic and incredibly fast movements, making it a difficult target to hit. It will dart around the arena in unpredictable patterns and may also randomly fire laser beams at Link. The most reliable strategy against Majora’s Incarnation is to stun it with well-aimed arrows. Even regular arrows will provide a brief window of vulnerability. Immediately after stunning the boss, rush in and deliver a series of powerful sword slashes. Keeping the shield raised when not actively attacking will help mitigate any unexpected laser fire or physical contact. As Zora Link, the boomerang can be useful for chasing down the taunting Incarnation and potentially inflicting damage or a brief stun. Alternatively, as Goron Link, utilizing the powerful rolling ability to ram into Majora’s Incarnation can knock it to the ground, providing another opportunity for attack. For human Link, a well-timed quick spin attack can also knock the Incarnation down, allowing for a follow-up jump attack. Maintaining Z-Targeting is crucial for tracking this agile boss, and players should be prepared to adapt their strategy if one approach proves ineffective.
Phase 3: Majora’s Wrath
The final and most challenging phase is against Majora’s Wrath. This form is a more powerful and aggressive version of the previous one, now equipped with dangerous whip-like tentacles. These tentacles can be used for both offense and defense, and players must be extremely cautious as they can stun-lock Link with repeated attacks, leading to significant damage. As Majora’s Wrath nears defeat, it may begin launching spinning tops that will actively home in on Link, adding another layer of difficulty in the final moments. Maintaining Z-Targeting is essential to keep track of Majora’s Wrath’s fast and erratic movements. Continue to stun the boss with arrows, with Light Arrows proving particularly effective in this phase. Zora Link’s barrier becomes incredibly valuable in this final encounter. Using it can stun Majora’s Wrath, creating an opening to get in close and unleash powerful attacks with the Great Fairy Sword. When Majora’s Wrath attempts to latch onto Link with its whip arms, timing the use of Zora Link’s barrier to send an electric shock back at it will stun the boss and provide another opportunity for attack. Following up this stun with powerful slashes from the Great Fairy’s Sword will maximize damage output. Maintaining a reasonable distance can help avoid the tentacle stun-lock, and mastering the timing of Zora Link’s barrier is key for both defense and offense. Players should also be prepared to dodge the homing spinning tops in the final moments of the battle.
The Happy Mask Salesman’s Presence
The enigmatic Happy Mask Salesman plays a pivotal role in the overarching narrative of Majora’s Mask. Link’s adventure begins with an encounter with the Salesman, who urgently requests the retrieval of Majora’s Mask, which was stolen from him by the Skull Kid. The Salesman also teaches Link the Song of Healing, a crucial melody that allows him to transform into a Deku Scrub and begin his quest. However, the Salesman is not directly involved in the immediate events leading up to the final confrontation within the moon. The focus shifts to Skull Kid and the mysterious children inhabiting the moon’s interior. After Link successfully defeats Majora and saves Termina, the Happy Mask Salesman reappears. He calmly retrieves the now powerless Majora’s Mask, his initial objective seemingly fulfilled. Interestingly, his dialogue often carries a hint of disappointment that the mask has lost its “evil” power, suggesting his motives might have been more complex than simply wanting to contain a dangerous artifact. This has led to various fan theories surrounding his true nature, with some speculating about his potential connection to the ancient tribe who created Majora’s Mask or even suggesting he might be a more powerful, perhaps even mischievous, entity himself.
The End of the Nightmare: Understanding the Ending Sequences
Upon defeating Majora, players will initially witness a standard ending sequence depicting the dawn of a new day in Termina and Link’s departure, having successfully averted the moon’s fall. However, for those who have diligently collected all 20 non-transformation masks throughout their journey, a more comprehensive and extended ending sequence will play during the game’s credits. These additional scenes offer heartwarming glimpses into the lives of various characters across Termina, showcasing the positive impact of Link’s heroic actions and providing a greater sense of closure to their individual stories. Examples of these scenes include the Postman finally enjoying his newfound freedom, the Rosa Sisters showcasing their improved dance routine, Cremia proudly observing Romani’s archery practice, Grog surrounded by his fully grown Cuccos, a lively celebration at the Milk Bar featuring Gorman and the Troupe Leader, and a poignant moment with Anju in her wedding dress, still with a lingering sadness over Kafei’s absence.
Conclusion: Triumph Over Terror
The confrontation with Majora represents the ultimate test of Link’s courage, skill, and resourcefulness in Majora’s Mask. By diligently preparing with the necessary items and masks, understanding the attack patterns of each of Majora’s forms, and strategically employing the most effective tactics, players can overcome this formidable challenge and bring peace back to the land of Termina. The satisfaction of witnessing the dawn of a new day, free from the looming threat of the moon, is a testament to the player’s perseverance and Link’s unwavering heroism.
Recommended Items and Their Uses for the Final Boss Fight
Item Name |
Primary Use in Final Battle |
Bottles |
Storing Fairies (revival), Blue Potions (health/magic), Chateau Romani (unlimited magic) |
Fairies |
Automatic revival upon defeat |
Blue Potion |
Restores both health and magic |
Chateau Romani |
Provides unlimited magic |
Hero’s Bow |
Ranged attacks, stunning |
Arrows |
Stunning Majora in all forms |
Light Arrows |
Highly effective against Majora’s Wrath |
Mirror Shield |
Reflects Majora’s Mask’s laser beam |
Gilded Sword |
Powerful melee weapon |
Hero’s Shield |
Standard defense against attacks |
Majora’s Forms, Attack Patterns, and Strategies
Phase |
Key Attack Patterns |
Effective Strategies |
Useful Masks/Items |
Majora’s Mask |
Spinning Ram, Laser Beam, Summoning Guardian Masks, Fire Attack (potential) |
Attack the back with Zora Boomerangs, reflect laser with Mirror Shield, defeat guardian masks with arrows, burrow as Deku Link |
Zora Mask, Mirror Shield, Deku Mask |
Majora’s Incarnation |
Erratic Movement, Laser Beams |
Stun with arrows, attack with sword, use Zora Boomerang, Goron Roll, Human Link’s quick spin |
Goron Mask, Zora Mask |
Majora’s Wrath |
Whip-like Tentacles, Tentacle Stun-Lock, Homing Spinning Tops |
Stun with arrows (Light Arrows), use Zora Barrier to stun and attack with Great Fairy Sword, shock with barrier against tentacle grab |
Zora Mask, Great Fairy Sword |