Table of Contents
- Prologue: The First Three Days: Navigating Clock Town and initial objectives.
- Woodfall Region: Deku Palace exploration and Woodfall Temple guide.
- Snowhead Region: Goron Village challenges and Snowhead Temple walkthrough.
- Great Bay Region: Zora Hall quests and Great Bay Temple strategies.
- Ikana Canyon: Ancient Castle of Ikana and Stone Tower Temple solutions.
- Final Confrontation: Preparations and strategies for facing Majora.
The Great Bay region, a significant area in Termina, becomes accessible after Link has reunited with his horse, Epona. This reunion allows Link to jump the barrier to the west of Clock Town and enter the Great Bay Coast. Upon arrival, the region presents a largely deserted beach and bay, with the murky waters and hot weather conditions believed to be the cause of the evil residing within the Great Bay Temple. Key locations within the Great Bay area include the Fisherman’s Hut, Marine Research Lab, Oceanside Spider House, Pinnacle Rock, Pirates’ Cove, Zora Hall, and the entrance to the Great Bay Temple itself. An injured Zora named Mikau will be found floating in the bay, initiating a quest to recover stolen Zora eggs, which is crucial for accessing the Great Bay Temple. To fully navigate the region, acquiring the Great Bay Map from Tingle, who can be shot down from a building on a wooden platform in the bay, is highly recommended.
Exploring the Great Bay Coast
Before venturing into the Great Bay Temple, several key actions and optional explorations can be undertaken in the Great Bay Coast. Obtaining the Zora Mask is a primary objective, achieved by assisting the injured Zora, Mikau, to the shore and playing the Song of Healing. This transformation is essential for underwater navigation and combat within the region and the upcoming temple. The Pirate Fortress, located in the northern part of the Great Bay area through a secret underwater entrance marked by skull-adorned wooden boards, holds the Hookshot, a vital item for traversing the Great Bay Temple. Navigating the fortress involves avoiding guards, activating switches as Goron Link, and solving block puzzles. The Hookshot is found after a short cutscene revealing the location of Zora eggs, obtained by defeating Gerudo pirates and opening a chest.
Optional activities in the Great Bay Coast offer opportunities to acquire valuable items like Heart Pieces.
- Piece of Heart #28: Inside the Pirates’ Fortress, after using a Goron Pound on a switch, a new hole opens. Swimming through this passage, manipulating blocks, and using the Bunny Hood to quickly reach a switch before a cage closes will reward the player with a Heart Piece. The placement of this Heart Piece within a side area of the fortress indicates its non-essential nature for temple completion.
- Piece of Heart #29: Heading to Pinnacle Rock, found between two prominent rocks in the northern part of Great Bay, and releasing a bottled seahorse will initiate a quest to reunite it with its friend. Following the seahorse through the maze-like area and defeating all the sea snakes will lead to the reunion and the acquisition of a Heart Piece. This Heart Piece is clearly optional, tied to a specific side quest involving the seahorse.
- Piece of Heart #30 (Waterfall Rapids): After obtaining the Zora Mask, a visit to the waterfall near Zora Cape allows for an optional Heart Piece acquisition. By using the Hookshot to reach the top of the waterfall, Link can encounter the Beaver Brothers and win a race against them twice to receive this reward. The nature of this Heart Piece being tied to a mini-game signifies its optional status.
- Piece of Heart #31 (Islands): Upon clearing the Great Bay Temple, a boat appears between the Oceanside Observatory and the Pirate Fortress. Riding this boat to a small island and scoring at least 20 points in the provided minigame grants another Heart Piece. This Heart Piece is only accessible after the temple’s completion, marking it as entirely optional for the main progression.
- Piece of Heart #33 (Oceanside Spider House): Near the fisherman’s hut, bombing an entrance reveals the Coastal Skulltula House. Inside, by equipping the Captain’s Hat (obtained from a different Skulltula House) and speaking to the Stalchildren, the order of masks above the fireplace will be revealed. Shooting these masks in the correct sequence will open a grate leading to a Heart Piece. This Heart Piece is part of a larger side quest involving the Oceanside Spider House and is not required for temple completion.
- Piece of Heart #34 (Termina Field near Great Bay): Just before the entrance to Great Bay Coast from Termina Field, a large boulder can be destroyed using Goron Link’s power or bombs. Dropping into the revealed area, defeating the enemies, shooting down beehives, and then retrieving the Heart Piece as Zora Link constitutes an optional exploration in the vicinity of the Great Bay region.
- Piece of Heart in Marine Research Lab: By bottling four or five fish found swimming near the waterfall by Zora Cape and bringing them to the Marine Research Lab, Link can feed them to the large fish in the tank. Witnessing the large fish consume the smaller ones will result in obtaining a Heart Piece. This Heart Piece is tied to a specific interaction within the Marine Research Lab and is not necessary for completing the temple.
- Piece of Heart in Zora Hall: Within Lulu’s room in Zora Hall, an Akindo Nut can be given the Mountain Title Deed (obtained through a side quest in Snowhead). Subsequently, using the Deku Launcher in the room will allow access to a Heart Piece. This Heart Piece requires completion of a side quest in a different region, highlighting its optional nature for the Great Bay Temple.
The abundance of optional Heart Pieces across the Great Bay Coast encourages thorough exploration of the region beyond the main objective of reaching the temple. These rewards are often tied to specific side quests, mini-games, or environmental puzzles, adding depth to the gameplay experience.
Great Bay Temple Walkthrough
The Great Bay Temple, the third major dungeon in Majora’s Mask, is located off the coastline and is initially surrounded by an impenetrable tornado. Accessing the temple requires learning and playing the New Wave Bossa Nova near the giant sea turtle in the Great Bay Coast, which will then transport Link to the temple’s entrance.
Temple Entrance and First Room: Upon entering the temple, the initial chamber offers crates that can be smashed for useful supplies such as arrows, magic, bombs, and a Fairy. On the upper ledge of this room are four unlit torches. Lighting all four of these torches, either with a Deku Stick lit from the lower torches or by using Fire Arrows, will cause a chest to appear containing Stray Fairy #1. This initial puzzle sets the tone for the environmental manipulation required throughout the temple. Proceeding through the first door leads to the next challenge.
Water Wheel Room: This room is dominated by a large, actively spinning waterwheel. As Zora Link, swim to the far side of the room. In the far corner, underwater, there is a yellow platform with a switch. Sink down and push or pull this platform until it disappears. Directly beneath this platform, swim through or break the bubble to collect Stray Fairy #2. To progress further, take the moving platform to the west of the entrance door. This platform leads to an area with rupees and a Big Skulltula. Defeating the Skulltula will yield Stray Fairy #3. After collecting this fairy, jump down and take the opposite moving platform, which goes up to a platform with two Big Skulltulas (defeating them is optional). From this platform, jump onto the yellow water pump when it is at its lowest point, and then ride it up to the higher platform across the way. Continue through the small hallway to the next area.
Main Propeller Room: This expansive chamber features a massive rotating propeller that stirs a strong current. Jump onto the rotating platform to access side platforms where barrels are located. Rolling into these barrels on the west side of the room will reveal Stray Fairy #4. Hop down to the lower platform adjacent to the water and look into the spinning vortex below. Shoot the lone jar situated in the center of this vortex with an arrow to release Stray Fairy #5. Equip the Great Fairy Mask to have the fairy come to you. As Zora Link, follow the flow of the water through the upper YELLOW colored pipe path to proceed. The interconnected nature of the rooms becomes apparent as the water flow dictates the accessible paths.
Dungeon Map Room (YELLOW Path): This room is populated by several Skullfish, which can be easily defeated using Zora Link’s R button attack. Float to the surface and climb onto the lowest ledge. Turn around and use the Hookshot to grapple onto the chest, opening it to obtain the Dungeon Map. This acquisition is a standard step in most Zelda dungeons, providing a layout of the temple. Just across from the chest containing the Dungeon Map is a platform with two pots. Break one of these pots to find Stray Fairy #6. The placement of Stray Fairies within breakable objects is a recurring theme.
Compass Room (Through GREEN Path Later): Notice the door to the south, which is currently inaccessible. Sink to the bottom of the water and swim through the next opening, which is guarded by Dexihands. These enemies can be defeated by charging up Zora Link’s Double Cutters or by swimming through them while holding the R button for a quick attack. Proceed through the GREEN colored pipe path.
Bio Deku Baba Hall (GREEN Path): This small hallway introduces Bio Deku Babas hanging upside down. Stand underneath them as Zora Link and use the R + B attack to defeat them. Hop along the lily pads to reach the far platform. Defeating the last Bio Deku Baba on this platform will cause a large chest to appear. Open this chest to find Stray Fairy #7. Enter the door at the end of the hall.
Compass Room (Revisited): You will now find yourself in the room previously noted with the inaccessible southern door. Put on the Zora Mask to increase your height and jump across the lily pads to the platform. Pull yourself up and open the chest to obtain the Compass. The Compass reveals the location of the boss and any remaining Stray Fairies on the dungeon map. Sink back down into the water and defeat the Bio Deku Babas that were previously sliced down, as well as the Dexihand. Break the jars in this area to recover arrows and magic. Open the chest at the bottom to acquire a Small Key. Small Keys are essential for unlocking doors that block progression. Float back up to the surface and climb out of the water. In the flowing water next to the door, there are some Dexihands. Shoot the jar positioned between them with an arrow to find Stray Fairy #8. Either use the Great Fairy Mask to collect it or hop into the flowing water and allow the Dexihands to shake you into the fairy before tossing you out. Hop back into the flowing water to be carried back to the main propeller room.
RED Pipe Path (Small Key Door): In the main propeller room, ignore the Shell Blades and Skullfish in the water. Float up to the surface and ignore the Octorok for now. Locate the RED pipe and climb on top of it, out of the water. Shoot the Real Bombchu patrolling the pipe with an arrow or Zora Link’s Double Cutters. Follow the pipe to the locked door and use the Small Key to proceed.
Wart Mini-Boss Room (Ice Arrows): This next room contains twelve pots and two slimes that will continuously reappear, offering an opportunity to replenish magic and arrows before the upcoming fight. Prepare for a mini-boss encounter. Mini-Boss: Wart. Look towards the ceiling where Wart is suspended. Use the Hookshot or arrows to pull away the pink eyes that orbit the central mass. Once an eye is detached, shoot it with an arrow or the Hookshot. Repeat this process until all the orbiting eyes are gone, causing the central Wart to fall to the ground. The remaining eyes will roll around on the floor. Slash through these smaller eyes with your sword. Finally, slash the Wart in its main eye when it opens. Defeating Wart will reward you with the Ice Arrows. Mini-boss encounters typically guard essential items needed for further progression within the dungeon.
Manipulating Water Flow (RED Cranks): Exit the Wart mini-boss room and return to the main propeller room. Climb back onto the red pipe. Use the newly acquired Ice Arrows to freeze one of the Octoroks on the red pipe, turning it into a solid ice block. Use this ice block as a platform to reach the large red crank located in the center of the room and turn it. This action will redirect the flow of water through some of the red pipes in the temple. Return to the propeller room via the blue-ish passageway and once again go through the top tunnel with both red and green pipes. Get out of the water on the other side and use the Ice Arrows to create a series of ice platforms, allowing you to reach the door on the far side of the gap. Break the pots on this platform to find Stray Fairy #9. Go through the door into the next room. Here, shoot the slime with an Ice Arrow to create another ice block. Push this ice block against the red crank in the room to hoist yourself up to a higher level where you can turn the crank. Turning this crank will cause water to flow through the remaining red pipes in the temple.
Gekko Mini-Boss Room (Boss Key): Head back to the room where you obtained the Small Key, the Compass Room. Use the Ice Arrows to create platforms that allow you to reach the hallway filled with icicles. Melt these icicles, as well as the ice block at the end of the hall, using Fire Arrows. Proceed inside to face another mini-boss, a Gekko. Mini-Boss: Gekko. When the Gekko is visible, shoot it with an arrow. It will then likely retreat to the ceiling and hide inside a Mad Jelly blob, attempting to drop on you. Watch the floor for its shadow and avoid the impact. When the blob is on the ceiling, fire an Ice Arrow at it to freeze it, causing the Gekko to fall. Repeat this process until the Gekko is defeated. Upon its defeat, the door leading to the Boss Key will open. The acquisition of the Boss Key is the final step before challenging the dungeon’s main boss.
Manipulating Water Flow (YELLOW and GREEN Cranks): Return to the large propeller room and climb out of the water. Jump onto the central propeller and pull yourself onto the walkway to return to the first room of the temple. Turn to the right and use the Hookshot on the panel in the ceiling to get on top of the waterspout. From this vantage point, leap to the red crank and turn it. Then, drop down and turn the yellow crank located in this room. These actions will reverse the direction of the current in the main propeller room. Create more ice platforms in the propeller room to reach the area underneath the Hookshot target on the far side of the room. Use the Hookshot to ascend to the second floor and open the chest found there to obtain Stray Fairy #10.
Final Water Flow Adjustments: Return to the main propeller room and make your way to the far platform. Use an Ice Arrow to freeze the waterfall in this area and then climb the ladder behind it. In the next room, utilize Ice Arrows to create platforms that will allow you to reach the crank. Turn the crank, and then head back to the main propeller room.
Path to the Boss (GREEN Pipe): Dive into the newly redirected current in the main propeller room and enter the tunnel with both red and green pipes. Speed through this tunnel to reach a new room containing another propeller. Get onto the vertically moving platform in this room. Wait for the platform to rise and then use an Ice Arrow to freeze the waterfall, which will stop the propeller, granting access to the next room. As you freeze the waterfall, quickly run towards the far side of the platform and look for a small alcove just above the water. Use the Hookshot to reach the chest in this alcove, which contains Stray Fairy #11. Climb back up onto the now-stopped propeller, turn around, and you will see another alcove above the gears. Hookshot to this chest to find Stray Fairy #12. Proceed to the next room.
Seesaw Room: This room is characterized by several teeter-totter platforms. Employ a combination of Fire and Ice Arrows to manipulate the waterfalls in this room, allowing you to reach the green crank. The seesaw directly in front of the entrance has a secret passage underneath. Drop down as Zora Link and swim into the large barrel using your electric barrier (activated with the R button) to collect Stray Fairy #13. To exit this area, go to the teeter-totter near the entrance. Stand on the end closest to the ground and shoot a Fire Arrow at the icy top of the other end. This will raise you up to the walkway. Before leaving the room, get onto the teeter-totter on the far side. Climb the green pipe and maneuver around the barrier to reach a chest. Open it to obtain Stray Fairy #14. Enter the door to the next room.
Final Preparations and Boss Door: Work your way up the platforms in this room until you reach a crank. Turn the crank to create a new waterspout. The boss door is now accessible. Use the Boss Key to unlock it and prepare for the final encounter.
Stray Fairies Near the Boss Room: Before entering the boss fight, there are two more Stray Fairies to collect. In the room with the green platform just before the boss door, shoot the bubble located underneath the platform to free Stray Fairy #15. Sink to the bottom of this same room and look for the last passage that leads back to the giant propeller room. Inside this passage, you will find the final Stray Fairy in a bubble. Pop the bubble using Zora Link’s boomerangs (Double Cutters) and then lure the fairy to dry ground using the Great Fairy Mask.
Boss: Gyorg:
- Strategy (Nintendo 64 Version): The most straightforward method involves first stunning Gyorg by shooting it with an arrow as normal Link. Fire Arrows will inflict additional damage. Once stunned, quickly dive into the water as Zora Link and use your R-button attack to drill into Gyorg. Repeat this process three or four times to defeat the boss.
- Strategy (Nintendo 3DS Version): Dive into the water as Zora Link. Gyorg will attempt to suck you in. While it is doing so, slash or use your R-attack to cut the chains of the spiky mines floating in the arena. If timed correctly, Gyorg will inhale the mines instead of you, causing damage. Additionally, in the 3DS version, you can attack Gyorg’s eye directly whenever it is vulnerable to defeat it.
Defeating Gyorg will clear the Great Bay Temple, removing the tornado surrounding it and progressing the main storyline.
Optional Content in the Great Bay Region and Temple
Beyond the Heart Pieces already mentioned in the Great Bay Coast section, the region and temple contain other optional content.
Great Bay Region (Outside the Temple):
Obtaining the Stone Mask: In the 3DS version of the game, the Stone Mask can be acquired in the Pirates’ Fortress by giving a Clock Town soldier near some crates a Red Potion after using the Lens of Truth to reveal him. This mask makes Link invisible to most enemies.
Completing the Oceanside Spider House: This side quest, accessible by bombing an entrance near the fisherman’s hut, rewards the Captain’s Hat upon completion, which is required for a Heart Piece within the same location.
Winning the Beaver Race: Located at the Waterfall Rapids near Zora Cape, winning a race against the Beaver Brothers will initially grant an Empty Bottle. Winning a second race against both brothers in faster times will yield a Heart Piece.
Playing the Island Minigame: After defeating Gyorg, a boat appears that takes Link to a small group of islands. A sailor there offers a minigame where Link must jump between platforms with lit torches. Scoring 20 or more points within the time limit rewards a Heart Piece.
Feeding Fish in the Marine Research Lab: As detailed earlier, feeding specific fish to the large fish in the tank results in a Heart Piece.
Completing the Seahorse Quest: The quest involving the seahorse in Pinnacle Rock, which leads to a Heart Piece, is entirely optional.
Getting the Heart Piece in Zora Hall: Obtaining the Mountain Title Deed from Snowhead and giving it to the Akindo Nut in Lulu’s room for a Heart Piece is not necessary for game progression.
The Great Bay region is rich with optional content, providing ample opportunity for players to enhance Link’s abilities and explore the world beyond the critical path of the main dungeon.
Great Bay Region Heart Piece Locations:
Heart Piece # | Location Name | How to Obtain It |
28 | Pirates’ Fortress | Pound the Goron switch, navigate the underwater passage, move blocks, use the Bunny Hood to reach a switch opening a cage. |
29 | Pinnacle Rock | Release the bottled seahorse, follow it, and defeat all the sea snakes. |
30 | Waterfall Rapids | Hookshot to the top of the waterfall near Zora Cape and win the Beaver Race twice. |
31 | Islands | After defeating Gyorg, ride the boat to the island and score 20+ points in the minigame. |
33 | Oceanside Spider House | Bomb the entrance, use the Captain’s Hat to learn the mask order, and shoot them above the fireplace. |
34 | Termina Field near Great Bay | Smash the boulder, defeat enemies, shoot beehives, and retrieve the piece as Zora Link. |
N/A | Marine Research Lab | Bottle 4-5 fish and feed them to the big fish in the tank. |
N/A | Zora Hall | In Lulu’s room, give the Akindo Nut the Mountain Title Deed and use the Deku Launcher. |
Great Bay Temple Stray Fairy Locations:
Stray Fairy # | Room/Area | How to Obtain It |
1 | Temple Entrance | Light all four torches on the upper ledge. |
2 | Water Wheel Room | Swim through the bubble just underneath the platform you sank. |
3 | Water Wheel Room | Defeat the Big Skulltula on the western moving platform. |
4 | Main Propeller Room | Roll into the barrels on the west side. |
5 | Main Propeller Room | Shoot the jar in the center of the spinning vortex and use the Great Fairy Mask. |
6 | Dungeon Map Room | Break one of the two pots on the platform across from the Dungeon Map. |
7 | Bio Deku Baba Hall | Inside the large chest after defeating the last Bio Deku Baba. |
8 | Compass Room | Shoot the jar between the Dexihands in the flowing water. |
9 | Manipulating Water Flow (RED Cranks) | Break the pots on the platform after creating ice platforms. |
10 | Manipulating Water Flow (YELLOW and GREEN Cranks) | Hookshot to the chest on the second floor after reversing the current. |
11 | Path to the Boss (GREEN Pipe) | Hookshot to the alcove above the water after freezing the waterfall. |
12 | Path to the Boss (GREEN Pipe) | Hookshot to the alcove above the gears after stopping the propeller. |
13 | Seesaw Room | As Zora Link, swim into the large barrel under the first seesaw. |
14 | Seesaw Room | Get on the far teeter-totter, climb the green pipe, and maneuver to the chest. |
15 | Room Before Boss | Shoot the bubble under the green platform. |
The Great Bay Region and its associated temple present a significant challenge within Majora’s Mask, requiring mastery of Zora Link’s abilities and strategic manipulation of the environment. The temple’s intricate water flow puzzles and formidable boss, Gyorg, demand careful navigation and combat prowess. Beyond the main objective, the region is replete with optional content, including numerous Heart Pieces and the Stone Mask, rewarding players who engage in thorough exploration and side quests. The strategic placement of these optional elements encourages a deeper interaction with the game world, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.