Table of Contents
- Prologue: The First Three Days: Navigating Clock Town and initial objectives.
- Woodfall Region: Deku Palace exploration and Woodfall Temple guide.
- Snowhead Region: Goron Village challenges and Snowhead Temple walkthrough.
- Great Bay Region: Zora Hall quests and Great Bay Temple strategies.
- Ikana Canyon: Ancient Castle of Ikana and Stone Tower Temple solutions.
- Final Confrontation: Preparations and strategies for facing Majora.
Introduction to Ikana Canyon
Ikana Canyon stands as the hauntingly beautiful yet desolate final major region within the world of Termina, situated to the east of the bustling Clock Town . Unlike the vibrant and lively regions encountered earlier in Link’s quest, Ikana Canyon presents a stark contrast with its barren landscape, perpetual twilight, and an eerie silence punctuated only by the moans of undead entities and the whispers of regretful spirits . This was once the proud Kingdom of Ikana, a thriving civilization steeped in history, but now it lies in ruins, a testament to a forgotten conflict and a lingering curse . The oppressive atmosphere serves as a constant reminder of the impending doom facing Termina, amplifying the weight of Link’s final tasks . The environment itself seems to mirror the themes of loss and decay that permeate this region.
The significance of Ikana Canyon in Majora’s Mask cannot be overstated. It is the last major area that the hero must thoroughly explore before facing the malevolent entity of Majora and attempting to prevent the catastrophic collision of the moon with Termina . Within its cursed borders lies the Stone Tower Temple, the fourth and final dungeon that Link must conquer in his quest to awaken the sleeping giants and ultimately save the world . Navigating the treacherous landscape of Ikana, uncovering its hidden secrets, and ultimately defeating the evil residing within the Stone Tower Temple are crucial steps that will determine the fate of Termina and its inhabitants . The challenges encountered here are designed to be the most demanding, requiring the player to utilize all the skills and items acquired throughout their journey.
Preparations for Entering Ikana Canyon
To even set foot within the cursed lands of Ikana Canyon, certain preparations are necessary. Link must possess three key items: Epona, the loyal steed; the Garo Mask, an artifact imbued with mysterious power; and the versatile Hookshot . Epona, Link’s trusty horse, is obtained by playing Epona’s Song at Romani Ranch after successfully defending the ranch from otherworldly invaders (this knowledge is generally assumed by players reaching this stage). The Garo Mask is a reward for triumphing over the Gorman brothers in a challenging horse race held at the Gorman Track, located along Milk Road . Finally, the Hookshot is typically found within the Pirate’s Fortress in the Great Bay region, a testament to earlier explorations . The necessity of these specific items acts as a deliberate progression gate, ensuring that players have thoroughly explored the preceding regions of Termina and have acquired the essential tools needed to face the trials that await them in Ikana Canyon . This interconnectedness of the game world is a hallmark of the Majora’s Mask experience.
Journey to Ikana Canyon
The journey to Ikana Canyon begins east of Clock Town, requiring Link to ride Epona across the vast expanse of Termina Field . The path is initially blocked by fences, which Epona can effortlessly leap over with a well-timed command . Upon reaching the canyon’s entrance, Link will encounter a peculiar, one-eyed figure perched atop a cliff – the Poe Collector . This enigmatic being will not grant passage to just anyone. It is only by donning the Garo Mask that Link can interact with the Poe Collector, who, upon recognizing the mask, will reveal a small, seemingly ordinary tree beside him . This seemingly insignificant tree holds the key to entering the canyon, as it serves as a target for the Hookshot, allowing Link to grapple upwards and gain access to the desolate lands beyond . While alternative, often more challenging, methods for entering Ikana Canyon exist, particularly for speedrunners seeking to optimize their playthroughs , the intended path for a standard walkthrough involves this interaction with the Poe Collector . This interaction emphasizes the recurring theme of masks in Majora’s Mask, highlighting their power to influence interactions and perceptions within the world of Termina, especially in this region steeped in the lore of the undead.
Initial Traversal of Ikana Canyon
Once inside Ikana Canyon, the initial traversal presents its own set of challenges. The path forward is often blocked by Octorocks, those familiar aquatic pests now inhabiting the dried riverbeds . However, these foes can be turned into temporary platforms by striking them with Ice Arrows, allowing Link to hop across the gaps . Further progression often requires the skillful use of the Hookshot to latch onto targets on higher ledges, facilitating a vertical ascent through the canyon . Early in this initial climb, Link will encounter and can activate an Owl Statue. This statue serves as a crucial warp point, allowing for quick returns to the canyon’s entrance should the need arise . These early obstacles and the required item usage provide a gentle introduction to the types of challenges that will become increasingly complex as Link delves deeper into Ikana Canyon and its final dungeon.
Obtaining the Ikana Canyon Map
For players who wish to have a map of the Ikana Canyon region, they can purchase one from Tingle, the eccentric mapmaker . Tingle can be found floating in the air near the Owl Statue at the entrance of Ikana Canyon . Simply shoot down his balloon with an arrow, and he will offer to sell you the map of the Ikana area for a small fee . Having this map can aid in navigating the various locations and points of interest within the canyon.
Key Locations in Ikana Canyon
Exploring the desolate landscape of Ikana Canyon reveals several key locations, each contributing to the region’s somber atmosphere and playing a role in the progression towards the Stone Tower Temple.
Spring Water Cave
The Spring Water Cave is located in the northern part of the canyon . Inside, Link encounters the spectral figure of Sharp, one of the Composer Brothers . A curse has befallen the cave, causing the river that once flowed through it to dry up, further contributing to the canyon’s desolation . To break this curse and restore the water’s flow, Link must play the Song of Storms on his Ocarina . Playing this melody will trigger a cutscene involving Sharp and will magically restore the river, which in turn powers the waterwheel of the nearby Music Box House . This sequence demonstrates the importance of music in interacting with the environment and characters within Majora’s Mask, particularly in resolving the cursed state of Ikana Canyon . Restoring the river is a mandatory step in progressing through Ikana, linking this environmental puzzle directly to the narrative of the region’s curse.
Music Box House
The Music Box House is another significant location, inhabited by Pamela, a young girl, and her father, who has been partially transformed into a Gibdo . To gain entry, Link must either use the Stone Mask, which renders him invisible to most enemies, or cleverly distract Pamela, perhaps by planting a bomb near the house, allowing him to slip inside unnoticed . Inside, Link will find Pamela’s father hiding in a closet . By playing the Song of Healing, Link can lift the curse afflicting Pamela’s father, restoring him to his human form and in the process obtaining the crucial Gibdo Mask . Pamela’s father will then reveal valuable information about the Gibdos residing in the well beneath Ikana . The “Farewell to Gibdos” song, which begins to play from the Music Box House once the waterwheel is powered, has a magical effect, causing the undead Gibdos in the canyon to sink into the ground, temporarily pacifying them . This sequence introduces a poignant side story about the curse’s impact on individuals and highlights the importance of the Gibdo Mask for interacting with the environment and solving puzzles in the subsequent area. Acquiring the Gibdo Mask is a key step after restoring the river’s flow, establishing a clear progression through Ikana Canyon.
Beneath the Well
Beneath the Well is located in the northern section of Ikana Canyon and becomes accessible after obtaining the Gibdo Mask . This area acts as a significant mini-dungeon. The Gibdo Mask is essential here, as it allows Link to communicate with the numerous Gibdos inhabiting the well . Progression through the well involves a unique trading sequence. Each Gibdo guards a door and will only allow Link to pass if he provides them with a specific item . The required items include 5 Magic Beans (or 1 in the 3DS version), 10 Deku Nuts (or 1 in the 3DS version), 10 Bombs, a Fish, Milk, Bugs, Spring Water, a Big Poe, and Hot Water . Navigating this maze-like well requires careful resource management and understanding the Gibdos’ requests . Ultimately, after fulfilling the Gibdos’ demands, Link will reach a final room containing four unlit torches . Lighting all these torches with Fire Arrows or Deku Sticks will cause a chest to appear, containing the invaluable Mirror Shield . Beneath the Well serves as a critical step in the overall progression, testing the player’s ability to gather and utilize resources effectively. The Mirror Shield obtained here is essential for accessing the next area, Ikana Castle, and ultimately the Stone Tower Temple.
Ikana Graveyard
The Ikana Graveyard is another location of interest within the canyon . While the Song of Storms, obtained here, is likely acquired before fully venturing into Ikana Canyon, the graveyard contributes significantly to the region’s haunted atmosphere . It provides backstory about the fallen royalty of the Kingdom of Ikana and further reinforces the narrative of a cursed land.
Ancient Castle of Ikana
The Ancient Castle of Ikana becomes accessible after Link obtains the Mirror Shield by exiting Beneath the Well . This location acts as a mini-dungeon that Link must traverse before reaching the Stone Tower. Within the castle, Link will face various enemies and puzzles, eventually leading to an encounter with the mini-boss, Igos du Ikana, the skeletal king of the fallen kingdom . Defeating Igos du Ikana will reward Link with the Elegy of Emptiness, a crucial song required to access and ascend the Stone Tower . Ikana Castle serves as a vital stepping stone in the progression, bridging the gap between Beneath the Well and the final dungeon, while further developing the tragic lore of the once-proud kingdom.
Other Points of Interest
Finally, Sakon’s Hideout and the Spirit House are other points of interest within Ikana Canyon . While they may not be directly essential for progressing to the Stone Tower Temple, they offer additional challenges, rewards, and insights into the world of Ikana, catering to players seeking a more complete exploration of the region.
Ascending Stone Tower
At the far end of Ikana Canyon stands the imposing structure of the Stone Tower . Its sheer size and ominous presence dominate the landscape, creating a palpable sense of anticipation and perhaps even dread for the player who knows this is the final major hurdle before the confrontation with Majora.
To reach the entrance of the Stone Tower Temple, located at the summit of this towering structure, Link must utilize the Elegy of Emptiness, the song learned from Igos du Ikana . The ascent involves a unique puzzle where Link must play the Elegy of Emptiness while transformed into each of his three main forms – Hylian Link, Goron Link, and Zora Link – on specific switches to manipulate the stone blocks and create a navigable path upwards . This sequence not only tests the player’s knowledge of the song but also their mastery of the transformation masks and their respective abilities . Reaching the top of the tower, Link will find another Owl Statue, providing a valuable save and warp point before entering the temple itself . The arduous climb up the Stone Tower, requiring the strategic use of all three transformations, serves as a practical application of the skills Link has acquired throughout his journey in Termina.
Stone Tower Temple Walkthrough
Finally, at the summit, lies the entrance to the Stone Tower Temple . Stepping through this threshold marks the culmination of the journey through the haunted Ikana Canyon and the beginning of the final major dungeon in Majora’s Mask. The challenges within will test every aspect of Link’s abilities as he inches closer to confronting the source of the region’s curse and ultimately, Majora himself.
The Stone Tower Temple is a sprawling and intricate dungeon, filled with challenging puzzles and formidable enemies. Here is a step-by-step guide to navigating its treacherous depths:
Upon entering the temple, Link will immediately notice the peculiar architecture, with platforms and structures appearing upside-down . The first task is to shoot the golden eye switch located on the large statue straight ahead using the Hero’s Bow . This action will cause a chest to appear on a nearby platform . Use the Hookshot to reach this chest and open it to obtain the first Stray Fairy of the dungeon . The immediate reward of a Stray Fairy encourages exploration from the outset.
The next room is teeming with Real Bombchus . Eliminate them carefully before focusing on the cracked wall directly across from the entrance . Use a Bomb or the Blast Mask to detonate the cracked wall, revealing some crates . Roll into the crates to uncover a large block that can be pushed or pulled . Drag this block onto the nearby floor switch to keep it pressed down . Proceed to the northern part of the room where three switches are located . Utilize the Elegy of Emptiness to create empty shells of Link, Goron Link, and Zora Link, placing them on the three switches to open the gate ahead . This puzzle requires the player to strategically use the Elegy of Emptiness with different forms, demonstrating the dungeon’s emphasis on transformation mechanics.
Beyond the gate lies a staircase leading down to a dark basement filled with lava . Equip the Goron Mask to safely traverse the lava and approach the six Armos Statues scattered throughout the room . Fire Punch each of the statues to activate them, causing them to bounce around the room . Defeat all six activated Armos Statues to make a treasure chest appear, containing the second Small Key . Additionally, in this room, use the Mirror Shield to reflect light onto the Sun Block, revealing a chest containing the Dungeon Map . The Dungeon Map is particularly valuable in this complex temple. This section highlights the need to switch between forms for both combat and puzzle-solving, a recurring theme in the Stone Tower Temple.
Return to the main level and use the second Small Key to unlock the locked door . This leads to a large, water-filled room . Defeat the various enemies in the water and then spot the switch on a ledge across a gap . The easiest way to reach this switch is by using Deku Link to hop across the water . Stepping on the switch will cause a chest to appear, containing the third Small Key . Now, swim through the underwater passage beneath the Dexihand . On the other side, climb onto the ledge and stand in the beam of light shining down from above . Use the Mirror Shield to reflect this light onto the mirror on the southern wall, charging it up . Then, quickly reflect the charged light onto the nearby Sun Block, revealing a shortcut back to the entrance and an alcove containing a chest guarded by a Real Bombchu . Defeat the Bombchu and open the chest to obtain the Compass . This room introduces light puzzles, a common element in Zelda dungeons, and requires the use of different forms for navigation and puzzle-solving.
Use the third Small Key to open the next locked door . This leads to a room where Link will face the Garo Master, a formidable mini-boss . Unlike previous Garo encounters, the Garo Master’s attacks cannot be blocked. The key to defeating him is to dodge his swift sword strikes and then counter with your own sword attacks or by using Fire Arrows . Upon defeating the Garo Master, Link will be rewarded with the powerful Light Arrows . The Garo Master serves as a significant test of combat skills and provides an essential item for the remainder of the dungeon and the final boss fight.
With the Light Arrows in hand, return to the temple’s entrance . Look above the entrance for a large, red gem-like symbol – the sun emblem . Shoot this emblem with a Light Arrow to trigger a dramatic transformation: the entire Stone Tower Temple will flip upside down . This unique mechanic requires Link to navigate the familiar temple in a completely new orientation, presenting altered gravity and new challenges.
Now in the inverted temple, proceed through the entrance room. Float directly across to the platform where you previously obtained the Compass. You will now find a chest containing Stray Fairy #9 . Next, use the air geysers to propel Deku Link into a small alcove in the wall, where a foot switch will reveal a chest containing the fourth and final Small Key.
Return to the inverted version of the water-filled room where you obtained the third Small Key. Shoot the frozen eye switch with a Fire Arrow to make an upside-down chest appear back in the normal version of the temple . We will retrieve this later. Continue through the inverted temple until you reach the lava room. Defeat the Wizzrobe in this upside-down fiery chamber to make a chest appear . Use the Hookshot to reach this chest and obtain Stray Fairy #11.
Make your way back to the inverted entrance room. On the far platform, you will see a yellow switch . Hit this switch with an arrow to make a chest appear in the inverted version of the room. Return to the normal orientation of the entrance room, and you will find the chest at the bottom, containing Stray Fairy #12.
Finally, navigate to the large pool room in the inverted temple. Shoot the sun emblem near the top of the room with a Light Arrow . Return to the normal version of the pool room, and you will find a chest containing Stray Fairy #13 on a raised platform . At the bottom of this same normal pool room, step on the switch behind the mines . Return to the inverted version and use the Elegy of Emptiness on the blue switch to extinguish the flames guarding a chest containing the Boss Key.
Before proceeding to the boss, players may wish to collect any remaining Stray Fairies in the temple. Finding all fifteen will reward Link with the powerful Great Fairy’s Sword at the Great Fairy Fountain near the entrance to Stone Tower . It is also wise to save at the Owl Statue located near the boss door before the final encounter.
Key Item |
Location |
Small Key #1 |
Room with Real Bombchus |
Small Key #2 |
Basement with Armos Statues |
Small Key #3 |
Water-Filled Room |
Small Key #4 |
Inverted Underwater Room |
Compass |
Water-Filled Room |
Dungeon Map |
Basement with Armos Statues |
Light Arrows |
Defeat Garo Master |
Boss Key |
Inverted Room with Large Pool |
Stone Tower Temple Boss: Twinmold
The final challenge within the Stone Tower Temple is the boss, Twinmold, a pair of giant, masked insects . This battle takes place in a large arena filled with sand and stone pillars . Twinmold has two forms, a blue and a red worm, both of which burrow in and out of the sand, attempting to ram Link.
The primary strategy for defeating Twinmold involves using the Giant’s Mask, which Link obtains in a chest shortly before the boss encounter . Wearing this mask transforms Link into a giant, making him the only being capable of effectively battling the massive insects . The weak points of both Twinmold are their heads and tails . As Giant Link, attack these points with your sword. The Giant’s Mask rapidly depletes magic, but destroying the stone pillars in the arena, either by attacking them or by luring Twinmold into them, will reveal Magic Jars to replenish your supply.
In the Nintendo 64 version of the game, the red Twinmold can be particularly challenging. It is crucial to hit it multiple times while it is flying above the sand. If it burrows back into the sand before taking enough damage, its hit counter will reset . Once Twinmold is on the ground, you can grab either its head or tail and spin it to inflict significant damage . Throwing the large, circular rocks found in the arena at Twinmold can also instantly knock it down, providing an opportunity for further attacks . Rotating the control stick counterclockwise while spinning Twinmold will shorten the number of cycles required to inflict maximum damage.
In the 3DS remake, the fight is slightly different. The first phase requires Link to shoot Light Arrows at the gigantic beasts while in his normal form . For the second phase, Link uses the Giant’s Mask to grapple and swing the remaining Twinmold around, similar to a maneuver in Super Mario 64.
Defeating both the blue and red Twinmold will reward Link with Twinmold’s Remains and a Heart Container, signifying the successful completion of the Stone Tower Temple and the liberation of the fourth Giant.
Lore of Ikana Canyon and Stone Tower Temple
The lore surrounding Ikana Canyon and the Stone Tower Temple is rich and adds a layer of depth to the game’s narrative. Ikana Canyon was once the site of a great and prosperous kingdom, but it fell into ruin long before the events of Majora’s Mask . A devastating war is believed to have taken place between the Ikana Kingdom and the Garo tribe, leaving the land scarred and populated by restless spirits and the undead.
The curse that plagues Ikana Canyon is said to originate from the Stone Tower Temple . According to Igos du Ikana, the curse began when someone opened the doors to the Stone Tower . It is heavily implied that Skull Kid, under the influence of Majora’s Mask, was responsible for unleashing the evil within the temple . This act stirred the dead spirits and brought unrest to the fallen kingdom . Even Sharp, the composer brother, attributes the curse on the land to the “masked one,” clearly referring to Skull Kid.
The Stone Tower itself is believed to have been built by an ancient tribe who rejected the goddesses and sought to challenge the heavens . They even created the Giant’s Mask, believing it could rival the power of the goddesses . However, their ambition led to their downfall, and the Stone Tower Temple became a place of sealing, eventually containing the powerful and malevolent Majora’s Mask . Some theories suggest that the ancient tribe eventually became the inhabitants of the Ikana Kingdom, tasked with guarding the sealed evil within the tower . The war with the Garo could then be seen as a conflict over control of this powerful artifact . The very act of reversing the Stone Tower’s gravity is a testament to the ancient tribe’s magic, used to seal away the mask.
The curse on Ikana is multifaceted. There’s the overarching curse affecting the entire region, causing the unrest of the undead . Then there’s the curse on specific individuals, like Sharp and Pamela’s father . The resolution of these curses often involves music, highlighting its power to heal and dispel evil in the world of Termina . Ultimately, by defeating Twinmold and freeing the Giant trapped within the Stone Tower Temple, Link lifts the curse from Ikana Canyon, bringing a sense of peace to the troubled spirits of the fallen kingdom.