Table of Contents
- Prologue: The First Three Days: Navigating Clock Town and initial objectives.
- Woodfall Region: Deku Palace exploration and Woodfall Temple guide.
- Snowhead Region: Goron Village challenges and Snowhead Temple walkthrough.
- Great Bay Region: Zora Hall quests and Great Bay Temple strategies.
- Ikana Canyon: Ancient Castle of Ikana and Stone Tower Temple solutions.
- Final Confrontation: Preparations and strategies for facing Majora.
Journey to Woodfall: Accessing the Southern Swamp
Transitioning from Clock Town to Termina Field
Following the initial events within Clock Town, which culminate in acquiring the Deku Mask, the path to the Woodfall Region begins by exiting Clock Town through its south gate and entering the expansive Termina Field . This transition marks the commencement of the broader adventure beyond the central hub. The game’s design naturally guides the player towards the Southern Swamp as the next significant area to explore after the introductory phase . Tatl’s prompts and the overall narrative progression encourage this direction. Obtaining the Deku Mask is a fundamental prerequisite for this journey, as it unlocks the ability to effectively navigate and interact with the unique environment of the Southern Swamp.
While traversing Termina Field, players should exercise caution regarding the Takkuri bird, a notable enemy encountered near the entrance to Milk Road in the southwestern part of the field . This large bird poses a threat as it can steal Link’s items, including his sword. Although experienced players might consider engaging this foe for the substantial reward of 200 rupees, those who are early in their adventure or focused on reaching Woodfall should generally avoid confrontation due to the Takkuri’s considerable health and its ability to pilfer essential items . This early warning helps players manage potential risks and prioritize their immediate objective of reaching the swamp without unnecessary setbacks.
Locating and Entering the Southern Swamp
From the south exit of Clock Town, the journey continues by heading southeast, following the inclined path towards the Astral Observatory . Proceed past the observatory, continuing south through Termina Field, until the entrance to the Road to Southern Swamp is reached . This path can be found beyond the hollowed log and in the vicinity of the large tree situated in the southern part of the field.
The Road to Southern Swamp introduces several new types of enemies that players will encounter:
- Green Chuchus, which may yield Magic Jars upon their defeat, replenishing Link’s magic power.
- Red Chuchus, which have the potential to drop Recovery Hearts, restoring Link’s health.
- Bad Bats, which are commonly found around the central tree in this area. Defeating these creatures can provide Link with early resources.
Not far from the entrance to the Southern Swamp, a tall tree stands . As Deku Link, target the Bad Bat clinging to the vines near the top of this tree and defeat it using a bubble attack . Subsequently, climb the vines to claim an early Piece of Heart, a valuable collectible that increases Link’s maximum health . This readily available Heart Piece serves as a rewarding discovery for players exploring the initial areas outside Clock Town and encourages the use of Deku Link’s unique abilities.
Continue south along the Road to Southern Swamp until you encounter Tingle, who will be floating in the air suspended from a balloon . Shoot Tingle down with an arrow, and he will offer to sell the Map of Woodfall for 20 rupees . Acquiring this map is highly recommended as it will significantly aid in navigating the often-confusing layout of the Southern Swamp and the subsequent Woodfall area . Having a clear visual representation of the region will undoubtedly enhance the player’s exploration and prevent unnecessary disorientation.
Navigating the Initial Poisonous Swamp
Upon entering the Southern Swamp, it becomes immediately apparent that the waters are poisonous, characterized by their murky and uninviting appearance . This toxic environment prevents Link from traversing the swamp in his Hylian form without taking damage.
To safely navigate this treacherous terrain, players must transform into Deku Link . In his Deku Scrub form, Link possesses the unique ability to swiftly hop across the numerous lily pads scattered across the surface of the poisonous water . Utilizing these natural platforms is the primary method of movement within the initial swamp area.
Close to the entrance of the Southern Swamp, an Owl Statue can be found . A Mini Baba enemy is also located near this statue . In the 3DS version of the game, the familiar owl Kaepora Gaebora will be perched atop this Owl Statue . Speaking with Kaepora Gaebora will prompt him to teach Link the invaluable Song of Soaring . This melody grants Link the power to instantly teleport to any similar Owl Statue that has been previously discovered or to warp directly to the entrance of a dungeon currently being explored . The Song of Soaring is an indispensable tool for efficient travel throughout the vast world of Termina, and players are advised to activate every Owl Statue they encounter to maximize its utility.
From the initial area of the swamp, proceed by heading left through the water . Continue along this path until you come to a noticeable large pot situated near a sign adorned with more pots . Navigate through the narrow canyon located in this vicinity to reach the witches’ store, also known as the Magic Hag’s Potion Shop.
Venture into the cave situated behind the witches’ store . Inside, you will encounter a small monkey who will request that you follow him . It is important to note that the monkey’s movements follow a consistent pattern, particularly on the first day of the three-day cycle . Follow the monkey through the winding passages of the cave. At the end of the monkey’s guided path, you will find an injured witch named Koume . Initiate a conversation with her to learn about her predicament.
After your conversation with Koume, return to the main swamp area and ascend the ladder that leads to the entrance of the Magic Hag’s Potion Shop . Enter the shop and speak with Kotake, Koume’s sister, relaying the information about Koume’s injury . In response, Kotake will provide you with your first Bottle, filled with a vital Red Potion, instructing you to deliver it to her ailing sister . Acquiring the first Bottle is a significant step, as it is a versatile item essential for various side quests and the collection of numerous items throughout the game.
Re-enter the cave located behind the potion shop and follow the same route you took previously, guided by the monkey’s initial path, back to the injured witch, Koume . During your next interaction with her, when prompted, press the designated C button to offer her the Red Potion . Upon receiving the potion, Koume will drink it and her health will be restored . As a token of her gratitude, she will allow you to keep the Bottle, which will undoubtedly prove useful in your future endeavors.
Exit the cave and make your way back to the main swamp area . Retrace your steps and climb up to the large building, which houses the Magic Hag’s Potion Shop . Enter the building and locate the small shack situated in the corner, where you will find and speak with Kotake once more . This time, she will bestow upon you the Pictograph Box, a valuable camera used for taking pictures of the world around you . Furthermore, she will grant you permission to ride her boat, which will provide a safe passage across the swamp to the Deku Palace . The Pictograph Box is a crucial item for completing certain side quests and obtaining valuable Heart Pieces. The boat ride offers a secure means of traversing the deeper, still-poisonous sections of the swamp, effectively bypassing the formidable Big Octo that initially obstructs the direct path to the Deku Palace . During your boat journey to the Deku Palace, you may encounter giant Octorocks lurking in the water . It is generally wise to steer clear of these creatures due to the lingering poison in the surrounding waters, although they can be dealt with more effectively at a later stage.
Navigating the Deku Palace
Entering the Palace and Initial Objectives
As the Deku Palace is exclusively for Deku Scrubs, it is imperative to be in your Deku Link form to gain entry . Upon arriving at the palace via Kotake’s boat, proceed directly ahead and enter the grand throne room.
Within the throne room, engage in conversation with both the stern Deku King and the captive Monkey . During this dialogue, remember to equip your newly acquired Pictograph Box and take a picture of the Deku King . This photograph will be essential later to claim a valuable Heart Piece at the Swamp Tourist Center . After you have spoken with both the King and the Monkey and captured the King’s image, exit the throne room . Taking this early photograph is a crucial step in a rewarding side quest, encouraging players to be observant and interact with the game’s world beyond the immediate main objective.
It will soon become evident that a simple conversation with the Deku King will not resolve the pressing issue of the missing Deku Princess . The unfolding narrative will guide you to understand that a more direct approach is required, necessitating infiltration of the palace grounds to uncover the truth behind the princess’s disappearance and potentially orchestrate a rescue.
Finding the Secret Entrance and the Monkey
Having left the throne room, a helpful monkey located outside the palace will offer a crucial piece of information: the suggestion to seek out the Bean Salesman . This vendor, the monkey explains, sells Magic Beans that can be planted to grow a beanstalk, which in turn will lead to a secret entrance into the palace . To locate the Bean Salesman, exit the main palace area and turn left, following the direction indicated by the sign that reads “Outer Palace Garden”.
Navigate through the outer palace garden, an area designed as a stealth-based maze . Here, you must carefully avoid being seen by the patrolling Deku Palace Guards, a gameplay mechanic reminiscent of the castle infiltration sequences in Ocarina of Time . If you are spotted by a guard, you will be promptly thrown out of the palace grounds, requiring you to restart your navigation of the maze from the beginning.
Within the gardens, there are two distinct paths that can be taken:
- The doorway situated to the right of your entry point into the gardens leads into a maze that ultimately ends at a hole in the ground . Dropping down into this hole will bring you to the Magic Bean seller . Purchase at least one Magic Bean from him; he may even offer one to you without charge.
- Alternatively, if you proceed through the other side of the garden, which is to the left from where you initially entered, you will find a valuable Heart Piece at the very end of this particular maze . Exercise caution to remain unseen by the guards while navigating this path to claim your health-boosting reward.
Obtaining the Magic Bean is a critical step for gaining access to the secret entrance, and the Heart Piece offers another welcome increase to Link’s overall health . After acquiring the bean, you will need to find a soft patch of land to plant it . A pond is located nearby; use an empty bottle to collect some spring water and then water the planted bean . This will cause a large plant to sprout, which you can then use to reach a higher ledge.
Outside the Deku Palace, specifically on the east side, locate another area of soft soil . Plant another Magic Bean here and water it to create yet another plant lift . Ride this newly grown plant upwards to discover a flower shooter, which is a large Deku Flower.
The next stage involves launching yourself from one flower to another using these flower shooters . Be aware that you will encounter resistance in the form of Deku Shrubs situated on approximately every other platform . These enemies will fire Deku Nuts at you . You have two primary strategies for dealing with them: either drop a Deku Nut of your own from above to bomb them, or fire a bubble at them before gliding to their platform . The latter strategy, utilizing bubbles, is generally considered safer and is therefore the recommended approach . Continue your aerial traversal, using the flower shooters to navigate the platforms, until you reach the cave opening that ultimately leads to the monkey’s cell.
Obtaining the Sonata of Awakening
Upon finally reaching the monkey’s cell, remove the Deku Mask to reveal Link’s human form and then speak with the imprisoned monkey . He will plead with you to cut the ropes that bind him . To do so, simply smack the supporting beam holding the ropes with your sword . Once freed, the grateful monkey will inquire if you possess an instrument . As Deku Link, pull out your trusty Ocarina . In response, the monkey will teach you the melody of the Sonata of Awakening, a magical song that holds the power to open the entrance to the mysterious Woodfall Temple.
However, your act of freeing the monkey and learning the secret song will not go unnoticed . The stern Deku King and his vigilant palace guards will witness this event and, displeased with your unauthorized actions, will promptly throw you out of the Deku Palace . Despite this forceful ejection, you have successfully learned the Sonata of Awakening, a crucial step in your quest.
Conquering the Woodfall Temple: A Comprehensive Walkthrough
Reaching the Woodfall Temple Entrance
Following your less-than-graceful departure from the Deku Palace, the monkey, despite his recent imprisonment, will offer a helpful tip, mentioning a Deku shortcut to Woodfall . Turn right (towards the east) and hop across the series of lily pads that lead to a small island where you’ll find a single Deku Flower . Use this flower to launch yourself up to the higher ledge and proceed through the opening.
You will find yourself back in the southern region of the Southern Swamp, but this time you will be positioned atop giant, vibrant orange mushroom-flowers . Be prepared to encounter and defeat the pesky Dragonflies that inhabit this area, as their attacks can knock you down to the swamp below . Utilize Deku Link’s bubble attack to dispatch these airborne foes.
Continue your journey by using the various Deku Flowers to glide from one platform to another, making your way in the direction of the prominent waterfall . In the Nintendo 64 version of the game, you will encounter the wise owl Kaepora Gaebora at this location, who will impart knowledge about Owl Statues and, if you haven’t learned it already, teach you the Song of Soaring . Finally, use the last available Deku Flower to glide across the cascading waters of the waterfall and enter the hidden passage that leads to Woodfall.
Upon stepping into the Woodfall area, you will be presented with a sweeping view of the environment . To your immediate left, spot a lily pad that leads to a small platform where a chest containing a red rupee awaits . Hop across another nearby lily pad to encounter a peculiar enemy called a Hiploop; defeat it to clear your path . Towards the west end of this area (which corresponds to the southeast in the N64 version), you will find a cavern that houses a Great Fairy Fountain, although its benefits will not be fully realized until you have collected Stray Fairies from within the Woodfall Temple.
Ascend the nearby ramp, where you will encounter and need to defeat another Hiploop, followed by a Mad Scrub . Utilize the Mad Scrub’s Deku Flower to reach the platform situated to your right . Drop down from this platform and defeat another Mad Scrub, followed by one more on the opposite side of the ramp . Finally, use the last Deku Flower in this area to reach the central, main platform of Woodfall . Make sure to activate the Owl Statue located on this central platform; doing so will allow you to use the Song of Soaring to quickly return to this location in the future.
Locate the distinctive “Deku Scrub mark” inscribed in the center of the main platform in Woodfall . Ensure that you are wearing the Deku Mask, and then play the Sonata of Awakening on your Ocarina . As the melody resonates, the imposing Woodfall Temple will dramatically rise from the murky depths of the poisonous water, revealing its entrance.
With the temple now accessible, use the Deku Flower situated on the main platform to take flight and glide over to the temple’s entrance, ready to begin your exploration of the first major dungeon.
Woodfall Temple Walkthrough (Room-by-Room)
Entrance Room (A)
Upon entering the temple, immediately smash the jar near the entrance to potentially find a helpful Fairy . If your bottle is empty, capture it, as it could prove useful later in your dungeon exploration . Players of the 3DS version will also find a convenient save station here if they wish to record their progress . Directly ahead, you will notice the first Stray Fairy floating in the air . To collect it, either equip the Great Fairy’s Mask, which you can obtain in Clock Town, or, while wearing the Deku Mask, use the nearby Deku Flower to launch yourself into the fairy.
Put on the Deku Mask and use the Deku Flower on your current platform . Aim towards the east (to your right) and fly to the second platform. On this platform, you will find a large chest; open it to obtain the second Stray Fairy . From this second platform, fly to the next one. Look ahead, and you will see two Skulltulas dangling from the ceiling . Be careful, as flying into their path will cause them to knock you down to the bottom of the room . To avoid this, fly carefully between them (aim for the space between the two patches of grass on the platform below) or around them, and land on the final platform . If you wish, you can defeat these Skulltulas using Deku Nuts or bubbles, or simply proceed through the door located on this final platform.
Central Chamber (B)
Upon entering this large chamber, Tatl will remark on the foul smell of the water, indicating its poisonous nature . To your immediate vicinity, you will encounter a Withered Deku Baba . Defeating it may yield a Deku Stick, an item that will be needed shortly . Proceed down the ramp, where you will find a regular Deku Baba . Defeating this enemy will reward you with the third Stray Fairy . Turn around to face the opposite side of the room, and you will notice several Carnivorous Lily Pads . Remember to only wear the Deku Mask when interacting with these, as they will attempt to devour you in your Hylian form . These lily pads act as stepping stones, so hop across them to reach the door on the other side of the room . Once you reach the door, instead of going through it, turn to your right to see a platform with several jars . Hop over to this platform and smash the jars to uncover the fourth Stray Fairy . Return to the door and enter.
Snapper Den (D) – Dungeon Map
As you step into this room, the door will slam shut behind you, and you will be forced to confront three Snapper enemies before you can proceed . There are two primary methods for defeating these shelled foes:
- Don the Deku Mask and dive into one of the conveniently placed Deku Flowers. Wait for a Snapper to pass directly over you, and then release the A button to burst upwards and strike its vulnerable underbelly.
- Alternatively, you can use an explosive item such as a Bomb or the Blast Mask to flip the Snapper onto its back, exposing its soft underside. Once flipped, quickly slash at it with your sword three times to defeat it.
Upon successfully defeating all three Snappers, the door will unlock, and a large treasure chest will materialize in the center of the room . Open this chest to claim the Dungeon Map, a valuable item that will provide a detailed layout of the Woodfall Temple, greatly aiding in your navigation.
Deku Flower Room (C) – Small Key
Return to the Central Chamber (B) and, as Deku Link, hop across the treacherous Carnivorous Flowers . Make your way to the Deku Flower situated in the middle of the room and use it to fly to the door located on the opposite side . Entering this room, you will once again find a Deku Flower in the center. Use it to propel yourself to the area on your right, where a distinctive gold-lined chest awaits . Open this chest to obtain a crucial Small Key, which will be necessary to unlock further areas within the temple.
If you are playing the Nintendo 64 version of the game, take a moment to look to the left of this chest, specifically at the northwest corner of the room. You should spot a beehive attached to the wall . Equip the Deku Mask and shoot the beehive with a bubble attack. This will cause it to fall into the poisonous water below, revealing the fifth Stray Fairy that was hidden inside . You can collect this fairy by either equipping the Great Fairy Mask or by simply jumping into the poisonous water while wearing the Deku Mask (you will reappear on the platform without taking any damage) . Once you have the Small Key and potentially the fifth Stray Fairy, head back through the west door to return to the Central Chamber.
Block Room (E) – Compass
Back in the Central Chamber (B), locate the locked door and use the Small Key you just acquired to open it . As you move forward into this room, Tatl will provide a brief explanation on how to manipulate the large block situated here . Grab onto the block (distinguishable by the Majora’s Mask symbol emblazoned on it) and push it forward to create a pathway to the rest of the bridge . Take the path to your right and follow it around until you encounter a Skulltula . Defeat this spider, and it will leave behind a Stray Fairy (this will be the fifth Stray Fairy in the 3DS version, or the sixth if you collected the one from the beehive in the N64 version).
Continue along the bridge until you reach the block again. Push it forward once more so that it is now blocking the door you initially entered from . You will now face a small torch puzzle . Equip a Deku Stick (which you can obtain from the Withered Deku Baba in the Central Chamber) and light it by touching it to the nearby lit torch in the corner of the room . Quickly run to the far south part of the room and use the lit Deku Stick to light the unlit torch located there . Successfully lighting this second torch will unbar the door leading to the next area . Slash your sword to extinguish the Deku Stick (which will also deter any Moths in the vicinity if you haven’t already dealt with them) and proceed through the now unlocked door.
Dragonflies & Compass Room (F)
In this next room, you will need to defeat two Dragonflies . You can accomplish this by shooting bubbles at them in your Deku form, or by luring them into attacking, dodging their attack, and then quickly slashing their tail with your sword . Once both Dragonflies have been defeated, a large treasure chest will appear in the middle of the room . Open this chest to obtain the Compass, a valuable item that will reveal the location of all treasure chests within the Woodfall Temple on your map.
Second Floor Access
Return to the Central Chamber (B). On the western side of this large room, you will find a ramp leading upwards to the second floor of the Woodfall Temple . Follow this ramp to continue your exploration of the upper levels.
Dark Room with Black Boes
Upon reaching the second floor, locate the door that leads into a dimly lit room. In the very center of this darkened chamber stands a single torch . Equip a Deku Stick and light it using the central torch . Then, quickly run around the perimeter of the room in a counter-clockwise direction, using your lit Deku Stick to ignite the three other unlit torches situated around the room . Successfully lighting all four torches will cause the door on the opposite side of the room to unlock . Be prepared to face a multitude of shadowy Black Boes that inhabit this dark space . Defeat all of these elusive enemies, and a treasure chest will appear, containing the seventh Stray Fairy .
Mini-Boss: Dinofols Room
Proceed through the now unlocked door to confront the first mini-boss of the Woodfall Temple, a formidable Dinofols . This lizard-like warrior is quick and agile . A reliable strategy for defeating it is to use Deku Nuts to briefly stun the Dinofols, creating an opening for you to attack with your sword . Alternatively, if you have already acquired the Hero’s Bow (which, according to the intended progression, is obtained after defeating this Dinofols), you can use arrows to attack from a safer distance . Be vigilant and use your shield to block its attacks when necessary . Upon successfully defeating the Dinofols, you will be rewarded with the Hero’s Bow, a crucial item that will be essential for solving puzzles and progressing through later areas of the game.
Room with Floating Flower Platforms
After your victory over the Dinofols and the acquisition of the Hero’s Bow, continue along the L-shaped path leading from the Dinofols’ chamber. This path will lead you to a large room featuring a series of floating flower platforms suspended above a pool of poisonous swamp water . Switch to your Deku Link form and descend to the lower level of this room to find and defeat the two Dragonflies that reside here . Eliminating these enemies will make navigating the flower platforms much easier.
Keep an eye out for Stray Fairy #8, which is trapped within a bubble at the far end of the room . Use an arrow from your newly acquired Hero’s Bow or a Deku Bubble to pop the bubble and free the fairy, or simply equip the Great Fairy Mask to attract it to you . Utilize the Deku Flowers scattered across the platforms to hover across the room . On the second level of this area, turn to your right, and you will find Stray Fairy #9 encased in a pink globe; collect it . Then, switch back to your Hylian form (Link), proceed to the other doorway on this level, and stand on the switch located there . Stepping on this switch will cause two ladders to appear in the Central Chamber below.
Room with Beehive and Eye Switch
Return to the Central Chamber and ascend the ladders that have now appeared. Enter the door on the second floor . Look upwards, and you will spot a beehive attached to the ceiling, which contains Stray Fairy #10 . Shoot the beehive down using an arrow from your Hero’s Bow or a Deku Bubble . Turn right and proceed through the next doorway.
Mini-Boss: Gekko Room (Boss Key)
You will now face the second mini-boss of the Woodfall Temple, a slippery Gekko . After you inflict a few hits on it, the Gekko will summon a Snapper to aid it in battle . The Gekko will ride around the room on the Snapper’s back . To defeat this duo, switch to Deku Link and use the same technique you employed against the Snappers earlier in the dungeon: dive into a Deku Flower and burst upwards to knock the Gekko off its shelled companion . Once the Gekko is dismounted, it will begin to crawl along the walls and ceiling of the room . Quickly switch back to your Hylian form (Link), lock onto the Gekko using Z-Targeting, and shoot it with an arrow from your Hero’s Bow . Repeat this process a total of three times to defeat the Gekko.
Upon defeating the Gekko, the door at the far end of the room will unlock, revealing a treasure chest . Open this chest to claim the Boss Key, which is essential for accessing the final boss of the Woodfall Temple . With the Boss Key in hand, return to the large Central Chamber (B) with the mechanical flower and stand on the switch you activated earlier to lower the central flower platform.
Final Section before Boss
Return to the large Central Chamber (B) and use the Boss Key on the locked door located on the north side of the room . Proceed through the door. Now, aim your Hero’s Bow at the far wall and shoot the yellow diamond target . This action will activate the small flower launcher situated in the middle of the room, causing it to move up and down . As Deku Link, use this moving flower launcher to reach the door on the second floor.
Go through the door, and you will find yourself in a room with a series of ledges and Deku Flowers . As Deku Link, climb up the ledges located to the right of the door . When you reach the final ledge, switch back to Link and fire an arrow at the distant crystal switch . This will extinguish the flames that were previously burning on the two center pillars . Now, switch back to Deku Link and glide over to the first pillar . While on this pillar, carefully search the alcoves along the wall to find Stray Fairies #12, #13, and #14 . The final Stray Fairy in the temple, Stray Fairy #15, is located above the fire pillars . Shoot the pink globe containing it with your bow, and then equip the Great Fairy Mask to lure it towards you.
Return to the previous room and use the Deku Flower to launch yourself over to the other door in the room . This will lead you to a small room where you will face three Snapper enemies . Defeat them using the same methods you employed earlier (Deku Flower burst or bombs) . After defeating them, return to the room with the moving flower launcher.
From the platform near the entrance of this room, turn around and hop down to the flower launcher situated beneath the small room . Launch out of this lower launcher and hover over to the first pillar, landing on the second one . Finally, use the flower launcher on the second pillar to reach the far roof, where the last flower launcher will propel you to the door leading to the boss chamber.
Boss Fight – Odolwa
Step through the boss door at the top to confront Odolwa, the Masked Jungle Warrior.
Strategy (3DS Version): The boss arena is a large, circular room containing several Deku Flowers . The key to defeating Odolwa in the 3DS version is to utilize these Deku Flowers effectively . As Deku Link, launch yourself into the air using a Deku Flower and then drop Deku Nuts onto Odolwa’s head from above . This will stun the boss and reveal a large eye on the top of his head, which is his primary weak point . Quickly switch to Link and shoot the exposed eye with an arrow from your Hero’s Bow or slash it with your sword . Repeat this cycle of stunning Odolwa with Deku Nuts and then attacking his eye until he is defeated .
Strategy (N64 Version): Lock onto Odolwa using Z-Targeting and strike him with your sword whenever you see an opening, particularly after he completes an attack or during his chanting animation . Be aware of his various attacks, including a ring of fire that he will summon (stand in the center of the ring to avoid damage) and insects that he will call upon to assist him (use bombs to clear them out) . The quick spin slash attack, executed by rotating the control stick and pressing the B button, can also be a very effective way to inflict damage if performed rapidly.
Upon defeating Odolwa, he will disintegrate into blue flames, leaving behind a valuable Heart Container, which will permanently increase your maximum health, and the Odolwa’s Remains, a mask that embodies the essence of the defeated boss . Make sure to collect the Heart Container before picking up the mask . After claiming your rewards, you will be transported to a misty realm where you will encounter one of the benevolent Four Giants and learn the powerful Oath to Order, a song that will be crucial for events later in the game .
Events After Defeating Odolwa
Upon the hard-earned defeat of Odolwa, a significant change occurs in the environment: the poisonous water in the Southern Swamp undergoes a purification process, returning it to its natural, clear state . This transformation allows for much easier movement through the swamp in Link’s Hylian form and may also unveil previously submerged areas or create entirely new paths to explore.
As a result of the swamp’s restoration, new vines may sprout and grow in certain locations, altering the landscape and potentially offering new opportunities for exploration or access to hidden areas. Additionally, a new entrance to the Woodfall Temple itself might become accessible, often leading back to the central regions of the swamp.
Beyond the environmental changes, Link gains a valuable piece of knowledge: the Oath to Order, a powerful song taught to him by one of the Four Giants after Odolwa’s demise . This melody will play a crucial role later in the game, allowing Link to summon these benevolent beings when the need arises. The purification of the swamp is a substantial environmental shift with direct implications for gameplay, encouraging players to revisit the Southern Swamp to discover any secrets or collectibles that were previously inaccessible due to the toxic waters.
The Deku Princess, whose kidnapping was the initial catalyst for Link’s journey into the Woodfall Temple, will be freed from her confinement (though her release is not directly shown during the boss fight) and will safely return to the Deku Palace, effectively resolving the immediate conflict that plagued the Deku Kingdom. As a gesture of their gratitude for your heroic actions, the Deku people will offer Link a special reward, which can be found within the Deku Shrine. To locate this shrine, exit the Deku Palace throne room, proceed past the palace guards, turn right (which will be towards the lower-left side of your map), and hop across the series of lily pads until you reach a cave-like entrance.