Table of Contents
- Prologue: Escape from Hyrule Castle: Step-by-step guide to escaping the castle, introducing basic mechanics.
- Chapter 1: Suthorn Forest & The Mysterious Rifts: Navigating Suthorn Village and completing the Suthorn Ruins dungeon.
- Chapter 2: Gerudo Desert: Guidance on completing quests and dungeons in the Gerudo Desert region.
- Chapter 3: Jabul Waters: Strategies for tackling quests and dungeons in the Jabul Waters region.
- Chapter 4: Return to Hyrule Castle: Progressing the main storyline upon returning to the castle.
- Chapter 5: Eldin Volcano: Strategies for navigating the Eldin Volcano region and its challenges.
- Chapter 6: Faron Wetlands: Guidance on completing quests and dungeons in the Faron Wetlands.
- Chapter 7: Hebra Mountains: Navigating the Hebra Mountains region and overcoming its challenges.
- Chapter 8: The Eternal Forest & Endgame: Preparation and strategies for the final challenges and boss encounters.
How to Reach Jabul Waters
After completing Chapter 2 (the Suthorn Ruins), Zelda can set out for Jabul Waters, an aquatic region in the northeast of Hyrule. At this point the world opens up, and Zelda can tackle Jabul Waters or Gerudo Desert next in any order. Jabul Waters lies past Hyrule Castle, above Lake Hylia, and reaching it requires navigating a canyon trail and coastline. It’s wise to prepare by stocking up on items (and completing The Blocked Path side quest to clear the road east of the castle) before you depart.
Travel Steps:
Depart Suthorn Prairie: From the Suthorn Prairie (north of Luebury’s house), head north to Hyrule Field and make your way toward Hyrule Castle Town. Save and resupply in Castle Town if needed.
Clear the Canyon Path: Take the eastern road out of Castle Town toward Lake Hylia. The path leads through a narrow canyon above Lake Hylia, which may be initially blocked by boulders (complete “The Blocked Path” quest or use bombs to remove them). Along this rocky corridor, watch out for rolling Caromadillos that tumble down – dodge or stun them with a projectile.
Reach Seesyde Village: Follow the canyon as it bends north. It will open up to a sandy beachfront area – you’ve arrived at Jabul Waters. Continue along the shore until you see the huts of Seesyde Village, the first settlement in this region. A cutscene will introduce the lush, waterlogged landscape of Jabul Waters as Zelda steps onto the beach.

Along the last stretch to Seesyde Village, Zelda encounters scuttling Sand Crabs on the beach. These quick crustaceans move side-to-side to snap at her, but they can’t chase directly – a simple strategy is to grab a nearby rock and toss it to crush them. Also beware of spiky Sea Urchins in tide pools; stepping on them hurts, so either clear them out or use Echoes to drop boulders and create a safe path across the water. As you enter Seesyde Village, a brief scene introduces local NPCs and triggers the start of The Jabul Waters Rift main quest. Zelda learns that Lord Jabu-Jabu, the great fish spirit of these waters, has been acting aggressively. Now it’s time to explore the area, talk to villagers, and tackle quests on the way to resolving this aquatic crisis.
Quests and Side Missions
Jabul Waters offers a variety of side quests that you can undertake for extra rewards and story insights. Many of these can be picked up in Seesyde Village before or during the main quest. Below is a list of all available side missions in the region, with their starting locations, objectives, and rewards:
Deliver the Grilled Fish – Location: Seesyde Village. How to Start: Speak with the woman by the docks in Seesyde Village. She’ll ask Zelda to deliver a freshly Grilled Fish to someone (a hungry person outside the village). Objective: Carry the grilled fish to the specified NPC (be mindful not to take too long or it might “cool”). Reward: Bubble Kelp (an edible plant from the sea).
A Treat for My Person – Location: Seesyde Village. Unlock Requirement: Obtain the Cat Clothes outfit for Zelda. (Once Zelda has a feline costume, an NPC in Seesyde – a pet owner – will approach her.) Objective: Help a pet owner find a special treat for their beloved “person” (a play on a pet’s perspective of its owner). This involves fetching a rare fish from Zora River. Reward: Might Crystal (used to upgrade Zelda’s abilities).
The Zappy Shipwreck – Location: Seesyde Village. Unlock Requirement: Complete the main quest Still Missing (restoring Hyrule Castle) – this side quest becomes available later in the game. Objective: A man in Seesyde is worried about a “zappy” monster infesting his wrecked ship in the southwest sea. Zelda must travel to the Wrecked Ship (southwest of Zora Cove), pry open the hatch, and defeat the jellyfish-like boss inside (the infamous Barinade from past legends). Reward: Fairy Bottle (upon completing the quest). Bonus: Defeating Barinade in the ship also grants a Piece of Heart and some rupees as loot.
The Zora Child’s Fate – Location: River Zora Village. Unlock Requirement: Finish the Chaos at River Zora Village main quest segment (during the Jabul Waters storyline). Objective: Investigate what became of a young Zora who went missing during Jabu-Jabu’s rampage. This quest sends Zelda to find clues (talk to Zora elders and perhaps dive in Zora River) regarding the child’s whereabouts or wellbeing. It ties up a loose end from the main story events. Reward: Zora Scale– a scale from the Zoras that likely increases Zelda’s diving ability (as in past Zelda titles, a Zora Scale lets the hero dive deeper or longer).
Precious Treasure – Location: Sea Zora Village. Unlock Requirement: Complete The Jabul Waters Rift main quest (i.e. finish the Jabul Waters chapter). Objective: A Sea Zora treasure hunter asks Zelda’s help in retrieving a precious family treasure lost in the Jabul Waters. This involves searching a hidden area (perhaps a sunken cave or an offshore sandbar) for a treasure chest. Reward: Monster Stones (a collection of monster remains or ore). These stones can be used for trading or upgrading equipment.
Out of Bubble Kelp – Location: Seesyde Village. How to Start: Talk to the Business Scrub merchant near the village market. He’s run out of Bubble Kelp stock, which is used for making potions. Objective: Gather some Bubble Kelp for the merchant. You can find Bubble Kelp underwater in Jabul Waters (for example, Zelda finds some in a chest during the Rampage in Zora Cove segment). Deliver the kelp to the Business Scrub. Reward: 20 Rupees (and a thankful merchant).
Big Shot – Location: Zora Cove (Crossflows Plaza area). Unlock Requirement: Complete Still Missing (similar prerequisite as Zappy Shipwreck). Objective: Test your prowess in a target-shooting challenge organized by a River Zora at Crossflows Plaza. Zelda must hit a series of distant or moving targets (using her bow or Echo projectiles) within a time limit. Precision and timing are key. Reward: Riverhorse– a unique prize that could be an echo or item (possibly an aquatic mount or a charm that increases swim speed; the name hints at a creature that helps in water).
Secret Chief Talks – Location: Zora Cove. Unlock Requirement: Complete Still Missing. Objective: This quest involves a bit of stealth/listening. The two Zora chiefs, having reconciled, plan a private conversation at Crossflows Plaza. A nosy Zora asks Zelda to eavesdrop on the meeting or obtain the “secret” discussion details (perhaps to publish in a local paper or to satisfy curiosity). Zelda will need to discreetly observe the chiefs (likely using an Echo that can hide her or by finding a high vantage point) and then report back. Reward: Gold Brooch– an accessory that Zelda can wear (this could boost her defense or just be a valuable keepsake symbolizing the unity of the Zora tribes).
Each side quest adds flavor to Jabul Waters and often provides useful items or Echoes. It’s recommended to tackle Deliver the Grilled Fish and Out of Bubble Kelp early for some supplies, and attempt The Zappy Shipwreck before leaving the region, as it nets a Fairy Bottle and Heart Piece which are very helpful. Quests like Big Shot and Secret Chief Talks unlock later but can be revisited once available for completion’s sake.
Main Dungeon Walkthrough: Jabul Ruins
The primary dungeon in Jabul Waters is the Jabul Ruins, an ancient water temple located deep within Lord Jabu-Jabu’s domain. After resolving the surface chaos (and defeating the fake Jabu-Jabu at the Den), Zelda will dive into a portal leading to the Stilled Jabul Waters, an otherworldly frozen realm, and find the entrance to the Jabul Ruins at its northwest corner. This dungeon is characterized by rising and lowering water levels and a central hub room with mechanisms to control the flow. In particular, Zelda must activate five colored switches (pink, orange, blue, green, and yellow) throughout the rooms to restore water flow and open the path to the boss. Below is a room-by-room walkthrough of the Jabul Ruins:
Pink Switch (Entrance Hall): Upon entering, walk forward and be prepared – the floor will collapse, dropping Zelda into a lower water-filled chamber. Swim through this underwater area using Bind (Tri’s power) to move large boulders blocking the way. Early on, Zelda encounters a giant fish shadow lurking here (the boss Vocavor teases you by summoning a massive whirlpool). Avoid the whirlpool’s pull by swimming around it to the rightand continue until you can surface. Climb out on the far ledge. Before leaving this area, activate the Waypoint stone here to create a fast-travel warp point in the dungeon. Head up one screen and step on the Pink Switch, causing water to begin flowing into the central chamber. (This also partially raises the water level in the hub.) Zelda notes four more color switches are needed to fully flood the main chamber.
Orange Switch (Southeast Wing): Return to the now-partially flooded main chamber and go to the bottom-right. Climb down the ladder into an underground side-scrolling passage. Navigate rightward to find a chest containing the Dungeon Map. Continue through the flooded tunnel, which opens into a larger room teeming with enemies: Octoroks snipe at you from the water and snapping Chompfish patrol the pools. Use your Echo abilities here – for example, summon a flying Echo like a Peahat to take out the spitting Octoroks safely from above, and cast Water Block echoes to create stepping platforms that lift Zelda out of reach of the Chompfish. From a higher ledge, drop heavy objects (or Sea Urchin echoes) onto the Chompfish to defeat them. Explore the room for goodies: a hidden chest in the northwest corner yields 50 Rupees (use a Trampoline Echo or clever platforming to reach it). When ready, climb the stairs on the north side and step on the Orange Switch, sending more water flowing into the main hall. A door opens back to the hub – drop through the hole on the left and climb up the ladder to return to the central chamber.
Blue Switch (Southwest Wing): Now head to the bottom-left of the main chamber and descend the ladder there. You’ll enter a deep underwater section for the Blue Switch puzzle. As you swim down, the environment grows dark – look for patches of glowing blue coral which light up the surroundings when you pass over them. Use these corals to navigate through the murky depths. Maintain Zelda’s oxygen by stopping at rising air bubbles periodically to refill her breath meter. In this undersea area, defeat or dodge the aquatic foes: a Tangler Lv.2 (a more dangerous vine creature) lurks here and can entangle you, so strike quickly with an Echo or sword. You’ll also face several Bio Deku Babas (underwater Deku Baba plants); dispatch them with a Chompfin or Tangler Echo for safety. In the southwest corner underwater is a chest holding 100 Rupees – snag that if you need cash. Now resurface at the top-left of this area into a small room with four torches (three unlit and one oddly underwater). To solve this puzzle, dive down and use Bind to grab the submerged torch and drag it out of the water onto land. Then use an Ignizol Echo (a fire-based echo) to light the torch you just placed, as well as the other two unlit torches, until all four torches are burning. This will unlock a door. Go through and step on the Blue Switch, raising the water level further in the central chamber. Drop down the hole that appears and climb back up to the main hall.
Green Switch (Upper Level East): With three switches activated, the water in the hub rises enough to form a strong water geyser in the middle. Ride the geyser up to the higher floor of the main chamber. There are two doors up here (northeast for Green, northwest for Yellow). Go through the northeast door first for the Green Switch. You’ll enter another multi-level flooded section. Jump into the water and use Bind on a movable wooden platform to create a path to the southwest corner underwater. In that corner, there’s a chest containing a Golden Egg (a valuable treasure) – pick it up. Continue to dive deeper, pulling and pushing underwater planks and boulders out of your way with Bind. Midway through, you’ll come across a large submerged treasure chest – open it to obtain the Big Key for the dungeon. (This key will unlock the boss door later.) With the Big Key in hand, make your way to the far right side of this underwater area. Use a Bombfish Echo to blast apart some wooden boxes blocking an upward path, and surface on the right side ledge. Here, hostile Dark Tanglers and Dark Biris (shadowy versions of enemies) will attack – defeat them with water-based attacks or rapid strikes in Swordfighter form. In the next chamber to the left, eliminate a couple of Bio Deku Babas. Now you’ll see the Green Switch, but it might be in a tricky spot (underwater or behind a gate). Solve this by using Bind to grab a heavy object (like a nearby pot, statue, or even creating a Boulder Echo) and placing it onto the Green Switch. The weight will activate the switch, sending more water gushing to the central room. With that done, return to the main hall: swim down the left hole and move a plank and boulder aside to loop back to the hub.
Yellow Switch (Upper Level West): Back in the high central chamber, ride the water geyser again, this time through the northwest door. This area presents a mix of combat and platforming challenges. First, deal with a pack of Octoroks that guard the entrance – use a flying Echo or a ranged attack to take them out from a distance so their rock shots don’t knock you off platforms. The room ahead has flowing water and floating wooden planks serving as moving platforms. Jump across these bobbing planks to reach the left side. (If you fall, swim back and try again; timing your jumps is key, especially as the current pushes the planks.) Once on the left ledge, use an echo like the Trampoline to bounce up to a higher safe area. (Tip: Alternatively, switch to Zelda’s Swordfighter Form which grants a slightly higher jump to help reach ledges.) Proceed against the current to the next door, defeating any foes (like River Zols or crabs) along the way.In the next room, Zelda must hit a series of crystal targets to open the path. There are targets at various heights and positions here. Use your Echo abilities and items to hit them as follows:
- High Distant Target: Use a projectile-type Echo (for example, a Spear Moblin echo that throws a spear) to hit a far-away switch above water. Aim and activate the echo to strike the crystal.
- Mid-Level Target: Climb onto the stack of wooden boxes in the center. From there, toss a Rock (create one with a Rock Echo if needed) at the next switch on a ledge. The weight of the rock will trigger the target.
- Underwater Target: At the bottom, one target is submerged and guarded by Sea Urchins. Use a Bombfish – either an echo or a live one if available – to clear out the urchins, then hit the underwater switch (the Bombfish’s explosion or its body can trigger it).
- High Left Target: On the far left, a switch sits high up near the ceiling. To reach it, stand on the platform just below it and stack a few Soft Bed echoes (or Old Bed echoes) to create a makeshift stair, allowing Zelda to climb up close to the switch. Once in range, either swing in Swordfighter form or use a short-range echo to hit that target.
- Top-Left Target: The final switch is at the top-left corner, past some wooden crates. Go through the now-open door at the north end and you’ll be on a high ledge overlooking that corner. Use Bombfish or Bind to remove the floating wooden boxes obstructing your line of sight. Then shoot the last target (or jump slash it) to complete the sequence.
When all these targets have been activated, a door opens to a small room. Head right into that room and step on the Yellow Switch, the fifth and final mechanism. This causes a surge of water to pour into the central chamber, fully powering the main water flow. Now drop down the hole on the right to return to the main hall.
Boss – Vocavor: Back in the central room, with all five switches triggered, the water level is at maximum and a powerful geyser erupts in the middle. Ride this water column all the way up to the highest platform. Use the Big Key to unlock the ornate boss door, then drop down into the boss arena to face Vocavor, the leviathan terror of Jabul Waters.Boss Battle: Vocavor – Vocavor is a giant, long-bodied fish with glowing blue scales on its back. It attacks in the large pool, creating whirlpools and charging at Zelda. To defeat it, follow these steps and tactics:
- Expose its Weak Point: Notice the cluster of bright blue scales on Vocavor’s dorsal area. Zelda must damage these scales first. Use an Echo creature that can reach high or hit from above – for example, launch a Chompfin echo (a piranha-like fish) toward Vocavor’s back. The Chompfin will knock off the scales if aimed well. Alternatively, other ranged echoes (like a Spear Moblin or Bombfish) can work, but Chompfin is particularly effective. After enough hits, all the blue scales are destroyed, leaving Vocavor’s back vulnerable. This will briefly stun the boss.
- Deal Damage: While Vocavor is stunned and stationary, switch Zelda to an offensive stance. It’s recommended to use Swordfighter Form and jump into the fray, slashing at Vocavor’s exposed back or belly. You can also summon close-combat echoes if available. Do as much damage as possible before the boss recovers.
- Avoid Whirlpool Attack: Vocavor’s primary attack is spitting out small whirlpools that home in on Zelda. These water vortexes will pull you under and deal damage if they connect. Keep moving to the sides and either dive below them or climb out on platforms (if any) to evade. Swim underneath or over the whirlpools as they approach – they dissipate after a short distance.
- Second Phase: After taking sufficient damage, Vocavor grows enraged. It will roar and drain some water from the arena (lowering the water level) and begin swimming faster. In this phase, Vocavor creates one massive whirlpool in the center of the room. This giant whirlpool is stronger and harder to avoid – try to stay as far away as possible, or if pulled in, swim against the current to break free. The effort of producing this huge vortex will exhaust Vocavor momentarily. When you see it tire out (it pauses, gills panting), that’s your cue to attack again. If the water is low, you can even use a flying Echo (like a Peahat) or the Peahat Form to strike from above, but Swordfighter Zelda’s jump strike can also connect while it’s near the surface.
- Repeat and Finish: Continue the pattern: avoid the whirlpools (small and large), knock off any scales that regenerate (if the fight drags on, Vocavor might regenerate some armor), and hit it when it’s stunned or tired. With steady attacks, Vocavor will eventually run out of strength. Deliver the final blows to defeat the giant fish.
When Vocavor is vanquished, it will sink and explode into echo energy. Zelda is rewarded with a Heart Container (increasing her maximum hearts) and possibly a cache of Tri-Force Echo energy or another unique item as part of the loot. Grab your rewards, then use the portal that appears to exit the dungeon.
After completing Jabul Ruins, the rift in Jabul Waters is sealed and the region returns to normal. Zelda will find herself back outside Lord Jabu-Jabu’s Den, where the once-enraged deity is now calm again. Congratulations – the main chapter dungeon is cleared!
Echoes and Items to Collect
Jabul Waters is rich in Echoes and hidden collectibles. As Zelda explores, she can use the Tri Rod (with the help of the spirit Tri) to create Echoes – mystical copies of creatures or objects – which are key to solving puzzles and fighting enemies. Here are the key Echoes and items to find in this chapter:
New Echoes in Jabul Waters: Several unique Echo types can be obtained from the local fauna and flora:
- In Seesyde Village and the coast, you’ll encounter Sand Crabs. Defeating one grants the Sand Crab Echo, which allows Zelda to summon a scuttling crab (useful for scaring certain enemies or triggering pressure plates). You can also acquire a Grilled Fish Echo – interestingly, this comes from a cooked fish (obtained via cooking or a quest) and can be used to lure carnivorous creatures or as a throwable distraction.
- In Zora Cove (the open water area), look for aquatic enemy echoes: Tangler (a vine-like plant that can ensnare targets), Albatrawl (a flying fish creature that skims the water), Hydrozol (a water-elemental slime), Chompfish (a piranha that bites foes), and Biri (a tiny jellyfish that delivers electric shocks). Each of these Echoes can be captured by defeating the creature. For instance, acquiring a Bombfish Echo is very useful – Bombfish are found in Zora River and act as living explosives; with the echo, Zelda can summon a Bombfish to blow up cracked rocks or damage groups of enemies.
- Up in Zora River, additional echoes like Tektite (the bouncing spider-like bug) and Needlefly (a flying bug) can be found. The Ignizol Echo (fire-based slime) is also extremely handy for lighting torches, and can be learned from fire slimes possibly found near the area or obtained earlier. Don’t forget to activate any Waypoint stones you find to fast-travel and to refresh your Echo energy.
Equipment and Upgrades: One major upgrade in Jabul Waters is the Zora’s Flippers. In the River Zora Village shop, you can buy Zora’s Flippers for 350 Rupees. These flippers greatly improve Zelda’s swimming ability – with them, she can swim faster and dive underwater longer (essential for exploring submerged caves and for sections like the Rampage underwater cave and Jabul Ruins puzzles). If you’re low on rupees, be sure to open chests and defeat enemies (Chompfish often drop rupees) to afford this item before tackling deep water challenges. Another useful item is the Fairy Bottle obtained from The Zappy Shipwreck side quest, which allows you to capture a fairy or store a potion for emergencies. Similarly, the Zora Scale from The Zora Child’s Fate quest can be seen as an upgrade – in classic Zelda fashion, a scale might let the heroine dive to greater depths, opening up new exploration areas in water.
Heart Pieces: There are multiple Pieces of Heart hidden around Jabul Waters, which are crucial for increasing Zelda’s health:
- One Heart Piece is on top of a tall pillar in the lake behind the entrance to Lord Jabu-Jabu’s Den. You may need to wait until Jabu-Jabu is calm and water levels are normal, then use the Water Block Echo (gained in the Stilled realm) to create a vertical path of water blocks to swim up and reach this pillar, or climb from a nearby high ledge once the area is accessible.
- Another Heart Piece lies underwater behind the highest waterfall of Zora River. Swim into the waterfall’s base (once you have Zora Flippers) and look for a small cave or alcove containing the piece. Be mindful of the current and any lurking River Zols.
- A third Heart Piece is hidden beneath a cracked rock east of Zora Cove. This requires diving and using a Bombfish (or bomb) to break the submerged rock, revealing a secret grotto with the piece. Watch out for enemies when you surface in the hidden area.
- A fourth Heart Piece can be found in a cave east of Zora Cove. This cave is tricky: it’s a secret cavern where you must extinguish all torches in a particular room to open a gate to the Heart Piece. To do this, you might use an Aquazol (water slime echo) or simply carry water in a bottle to douse flames. Once all torches are out, the Piece of Heart will appear. (This puzzle is essentially the opposite of the usual light-torch puzzles!)
- Additionally, the mini-dungeon in the Wrecked Ship (Barinade’s lair from The Zappy Shipwreck quest) yields a Heart Piece upon defeating the boss. Don’t leave that ship without claiming it.
By collecting these, you can potentially gain at least one or two extra heart containers in total, which is a huge boost for the upcoming chapters.
Treasure Chests and Loot: Jabul Waters has plenty of chests besides the Heart Pieces. In Seesyde Village, you can find a couple of chests (one is visible on a ledge – use a ladder behind a house to reach it; another is buried in sand near the dock). In Crossflows Plaza, there’s a hidden cave accessible by bombing a wall where a chest holds some rupees. Within Stilled Jabul Waters (the Still World version of the region), make sure to grab the chest containing 50 Rupees at the northwest before entering Jabul Ruins. Many chests contain Might Crystals as well – for example, after helping Dradd in the Stilled Upper Zora River, Zelda receives two Might Crystals. And when you finish the Jabul Waters Rift quest (defeat the false Jabu-Jabu and Vocavor), you earn a bundle of 5 Might Crystals as a reward. Might Crystals are used to empower Tri’s abilities (essentially leveling up your Echo capacity or Tri’s forms), so they’re valuable. Lastly, keep an eye out for gathering spots: Bubble Kelp can be harvested in underwater sections (useful for side quests and cooking), and crates or barrels in villages might contain arrows or bombs. Exploring every nook in this water-themed region really pays off in supplies.
Combat Strategies
Traversing Jabul Waters means dealing with a host of water-based enemies and unique environmental hazards. Here are some tips and tactics for combat in this chapter:
Adapt to Enemy Movement: Many enemies here move in ways that can be tricky until you learn their pattern. For instance, Sand Crabs scuttle rapidly side-to-side but have trouble changing direction. If you face them on land, simply step out of their horizontal path and strike, or even better, toss a rock or Bomb at them to take them out instantly. Tektites (the four-legged bugs) will hop on water surfaces and lunge at you – wait for them to land and slash quickly, or use a ranged Echo (like a Spear Moblin or arrow Echo) to hit them mid-jump. Octoroks pop out of the water and spit rocks; you can deflect the rocks with a well-timed shield or magic barrier, but it’s often easier to eliminate Octoroks from afar. Use a flying Echo such as a Peahat or send a projectile to hit the Octorok so you don’t have to chase it around. Clearing Octoroks first ensures you won’t be pestered by projectiles while dealing with other monsters.
Dealing with Aquatic Enemies: In the water, you’ll encounter Chompfish (aggressive fish that homing on you) and Hydrozols/Water Zols (amorphous blobs). For Chompfish, staying on land or on a Water Block (so they can’t reach you) and then dropping something on them is effective. If you must fight in water, a Chompfin Echo of your own can fight fire with fire (or fish with fish!). Electric foes like Biri and Biri Lv.2 float around in water and will shock you if you touch them – use a ranged attack to defeat these jellies. One strategy is to toss a Boomerang Echo or use a long reach weapon to hit Biri from outside their electric radius. Also, note that when Biri electrify, the surrounding water may zap you; luring them onto land or into shallow water before striking can make it safer.
Use Echoes to Your Advantage: By now, Zelda’s arsenal of Echoes should include a variety of elements. Bombfish Echoes are extremely useful in Jabul Waters – not only for puzzles but as a combat tool. If a group of enemies is clustered (say a pack of crabs or a swarm of small Zols), summoning a Bombfish near them can clear them out with one explosion. Tangler Echoes can immobilize fast enemies by wrapping them in vines, giving you time to finish them. Flying Echoes like Peahat or Albatrawl can hit enemies that are otherwise hard to reach (like those Octoroks on distant water). Don’t forget defensive echoes too: a Rock or Boulder Echo dropped in a narrow path can block enemies from reaching you. The Old Bed Echo might sound silly, but as seen in puzzles, a stack of beds can lift Zelda or block projectiles – be creative!
Environmental Hazards: Water itself is a hazard in this chapter. Whirlpools appear both in the overworld and during the Vocavor boss fight. If you see a whirlpool forming (the water circling in a spiral), steer clear. In the overworld Zora River or Zora Cove, natural whirlpools might drag Zelda to another area or just cause damage. Swim perpendicular to the current to escape, or use the Iron Boots Echo (if you have one) to anchor yourself until it subsides. Strong currents (like those in the Zora Cove cave during Rampage in Zora Cove) will push Zelda around underwater. To handle these, use stationary echoes (like a Boulder) to create a temporary wall, or find pockets of calm (behind coral or rocks) to catch your breath. Always keep an eye on Zelda’s Breath Meter when diving – in long underwater segments, make mental notes of where the air bubble vents are. Plan your route from bubble to bubble, and consider equipping the Zora’s Flippers or an accessory that slows breath depletion if you have one.
Effective Weapon Choices: While Echoes do a lot, Zelda herself can fight in various ways. In Jabul Waters, having a melee weapon like a sword (through Swordfighter Form) is important for when enemies get close or swarm. The Swordfighter Form not only increases attack power but also gives Zelda a moderate jump capability which can help dodge or reach elevated foes. Use this form to combo attack enemies like Dark Tektites or when Vocavor is stunned to deal maximum damage. For ranged combat, if you have a bow or slingshot unlocked, pick up some arrows (there’s an arrow shop in Seesyde) to snipe foes like Octoroks, or use Light Magic Echoes to hit multiple targets. Elemental matching is also useful: fire-based attacks (Ignizol Echo or Fire Arrow) work well against plant enemies (Deku Babas, Tanglers), while ice or water attacks can douse fire-based threats. Electric attacks (if you obtained a Zapper Echo or similar) can stun water creatures, but be careful using electricity while in the water, as it could backfire and shock Zelda too.
Potions and Fairies: Combat in Jabul Waters can be attritional – many small hits from things like crabs, octorok rocks, or spikes can add up. Now that you can obtain a Fairy Bottle, it’s a good idea to catch a fairy (there’s often one near Lord Jabu-Jabu’s Den after you calm it, or use a Smoothie from the local smoothie shop to heal). Keep a fairy in a bottle so if you fall in battle, it revives you. Also make use of the region’s ingredients: Bubble Kelp and fish can be blended into smoothies at the Crossflows Plaza Smoothie Shop to grant effects like faster swimming or shock resistance. Preparation goes a long way to ease combat.
In summary, use the environment and Echoes to tilt fights in your favor. Jabul Waters’ enemies often have a weakness you can exploit (be it a pattern or an element). By planning your approach – sniping what you can from land, isolating enemies, and using the right echoes – you can get through most encounters without losing too many hearts. And when in doubt, remember you can always retreat to a safe spot (climb onto a rock or out of the water) to regroup during a tough fight.
Key Story Events

Arrival and Mystery of the Rampage: As Zelda enters Jabul Waters, she witnesses fear and confusion among the locals. In Seesyde Village, a Hylian couple by the stamp stand talk about Lord Jabu-Jabu going mad, something unprecedented in their lifetimes. Jabu-Jabu is the guardian deity of the region (much like he was for the Zoras in past tales), so his rampage threatens everyone – the River Zora, Sea Zora, and Hylians alike. Zelda’s guide, Tri, advises her to investigate the cause by speaking to the Zora leaders. This kicks off The Jabul Waters Rift main story quest.
Seeking the Zora Chiefs: Zelda learns that to access Lord Jabu-Jabu’s Den, a special song performed in unison by the two Zora clan chiefs is required. With this info, she sets out to gather the chiefs. Traveling up the Zora River to the northwest, she reaches the River Zora Village and meets Chief Dradd of the River Zora clan. Dradd is distraught about Jabu-Jabu and, before Zelda can fully explain the plan, he rushes off – determined to calm Jabu-Jabu alone with his music, and muttering grievances about the Sea Zora chief. Zelda then dives into Zora Cove to visit the Sea Zora Village underwater, where she finds Chief Kushara. Similarly, Kushara is proud and thinks her solo performance will soothe the deity, dismissing Zelda’s request for cooperation and leaving for the concert site.
Failed Concert at Crossflows Plaza: Both chiefs converge at Crossflows Plaza (a location between the two villages) and attempt to play music to calm Jabu-Jabu – but they refuse to work together. When Zelda arrives, she witnesses Dradd and Kushara each playing their own melody out of sync, resulting in a cacophony. The disharmony only agitates Lord Jabu-Jabu further. In a dramatic scene, the enraged giant fish surfaces near the plaza. In his fury, Lord Jabu-Jabu swallows two Zoras – Inawa and Rogma, the trusted attendants of the chiefs – in one gulp. He then lets out a bellow and storms off upstream toward the River Zora Village, causing chaos in his wake. This is a major turning point: not only is the threat to the Zora real, but now the chiefs have personal stakes (their aides) in resolving it.
Chaos at River Zora Village: Zelda quickly returns to River Zora Village (using a Waypoint warp, or rushing on foot) to find it in shambles. Jabu-Jabu’s rampage has damaged huts and scared the inhabitants. Moreover, a mini-rift has formed here – a smaller offshoot of the main rift. Zelda is informed that Chief Dradd and another Zora were pulled into this rift (likely trying to chase Jabu-Jabu or rescue their people). This triggers the Stilled Upper Zora River sub-quest. Zelda enters the rift, shifting into the eerie Still World version of Zora River. In this frozen-in-time realm, she must rescue Tri’s Friends (tiny purple orbs of energy that are parts of Tri). There are five groups of Tri’s Friends scattered in the rifted River area. As she searches, Zelda also finds a petrified (stilled) Dradd. Navigating this area involves solving mini-puzzles: diving to lower caves, using a Bombfish to blast cracked boulders, and defeating a dark version of a Tektite to free one orb. Zelda successfully collects all five sets of Tri’s Friends, which causes the small rift to mend and time to resume. Dradd and the other Zora are saved from their stilled state. As a reward for closing this mini-rift, Zelda earns two Might Crystals. Back in the normal village, one River Zora is initially still panicking (after-effects of the rift) until Chief Kushara arrives and calms him with her music. This moment shows the Sea Zora chief in a compassionate light, hinting at the two clans starting to trust each other. However, there’s no time to rest—news comes that Lord Jabu-Jabu has now moved south to Zora Cove, the Sea Zora’s domain.
Rampage in Zora Cove: Zelda heads to Zora Cove to continue the pursuit. Just outside the Sea Zora Village, a Zora informs her that Chief Kushara went toward a small island to the east, where Dradd’s voice was heard. Zelda finds Chief Dradd desperately trying to remove rubble blocking a seaside cave entrance on that island. Inside the cave, Kushara and a young Sea Zora child are trapped behind a huge boulder, with Jabu-Jabu’s recent rampage causing a cave-in. Zelda dives into the sea and finds an alternate underwater entrance to the cave. This passage is dark and filled with obstacles: she uses glowing blue coral for light and catches air from bubbles to avoid drowning. Along the way she even finds a chest with 10 pieces of Bubble Kelp. Reaching the inner cave, Zelda surfaces near Kushara and the frightened Zora child. She uses Bind to grab and push the massive boulder blocking their exit out of the way. At that moment Dradd, using brute strength (and perhaps a dash of Goron-like determination), breaks through the remaining rocks from the outside and reunites with them. The child’s parent also arrives, and we see that the young Sea Zora is paralyzed with fear (essentially in shock, possibly due to Jabu-Jabu). In a touching scene, Chief Dradd plays a gentle tune on his instrument, which helps snap the young Zora out of their terrified stupor. This cooperative rescue mission finally brings Dradd and Kushara to an understanding – having seen each other’s dedication and bravery, they agree to listen to Zelda’s plan. Zelda explains the need for them to perform together to open Jabu-Jabu’s Den properly, and both chiefs, now humbled, vow to do so.
Opening Jabu-Jabu’s Den: The trio (Zelda and the two chiefs) return to Lord Jabu-Jabu’s Den at the northeast edge of Jabul Waters. They find the entrance area damaged – debris litter the two musical altars, and one altar is even cracked from Jabu-Jabu’s earlier rage. Zelda uses her abilities to clear the debris and repair the altars: she lifts broken pieces of stone with Bind, retrieving a chunk from underwater and fitting it back into place. Once the altars are restored, Dradd and Kushara take their positions. They perform a harmonious duet, playing the legendary Zora’s Melody in unison. The song echoes through the waters, and this time it has the desired effect: the sealed door to Jabu-Jabu’s inner den glows and slowly opens.
Confronting the False Deity: Zelda, the chiefs, and Tri enter the inner sanctum of the Den, expecting to find a calmed Lord Jabu-Jabu. Instead, they find a monstrous surprise: the Lord Jabu-Jabu present is an Echo, a fake!The real Jabu-Jabu’s form has been mimicked by the rift’s dark magic, which is why the deity was acting out of character. This false Jabu-Jabu immediately attacks by sucking in water and debris like a giant vacuum. Zelda engages this mini-boss battle (consider it a pre-dungeon boss). Using the recently learned Bombfish Echo, she throws an explosive fish into the impostor’s gaping mouth when it inhales. The Bombfish detonates inside, stunning the fake Jabu-Jabu and causing it to flop, giving Zelda a chance to hit it with Swordfighter strikes. After a few rounds of this bomb-in-mouth trick, the phantom whale is defeated, dissolving into dark energy. Zelda rescues the two swallowed Zora aides, Inawa and Rogma, who are freed unharmed once the Echo is destroyed. With the guardian’s echo gone, Tri creates a portal to the Stilled Jabul Waters realm – the true source of the rift is accessible now. Zelda enters this portal to take on the final challenge: the Jabul Ruins dungeon (covered in the walkthrough above).
Restoration and Reunion: After conquering the Jabul Ruins and defeating Vocavor, Zelda finally mends the Jabul Waters Rift. The Still World portal closes, and normalcy returns to the region. The real Lord Jabu-Jabu reappears, now peaceful once more. In a heartfelt celebration, the River Zora and Sea Zora come together at Zora Cove and perform music in harmony, showing their newfound unity. The camera pans across cheering Zoras of both clans, with Dradd and Kushara standing side by side – their earlier feud resolved by the cooperation forced in this crisis. This event not only ends the immediate threat but also heals a historical rift between the two Zora factions, an important plot development for Hyrule’s future.
General Wright’s Arrival: As the celebration wraps up, General Wright (a Hylian officer and ally from the castle) arrives on the scene. Zelda briefs him on what transpired – the rift was closed and Jabu-Jabu is no longer rampaging. Impressed and relieved, General Wright thanks Zelda and notes that this is one more region saved from the mysterious rifts. He mentions that Princess Zelda’s efforts are uniting people across Hyrule, and that he will head to Lueburry’s House in Suthorn Forest to inform Minister Lefte and others of the good news. (Lueburry’s House was a meeting point for refugees from earlier in the story, so essentially he’s spreading word that Jabul Waters is safe and its people can join the restored areas.) This wraps up The Jabul Waters Rift quest officially.
With Chapter 3 concluded, the story connects back to the overarching questline “Searching for Everyone.” Zelda has now freed two regions (Suthorn and Jabul) from Null’s rifts, rescuing important figures and gathering more allies. The success at Jabul Waters demonstrates Zelda’s growing ability to bring different races together (a theme of Wisdom). The next logical step is to return to Hyrule Castle, continuing the mission to mend all rifts and ultimately confront the dark force behind these disruptions. Jabul Waters’ events will likely have a lasting impact – the alliance of the Zora clans might aid Zelda later, and the experience has strengthened Zelda and Tri for the challenges ahead.