Spirit Tracks offers a total of four minigames across New Hyrule, two of which require Force Gems to unlock. These games offer quick ways to get common, uncommon, and rare treasure as well as boost your rupee count, if you’re into gambling. Following here is a breakdown of all the minigames present within the game, as well as tips and rewards.
The Whip Race
Price: 50 rupees
Location: Upper Whittleton
Unlocked after the Ocean Temple.
The Whip Race is located in Whittleton, but it’s not in the city proper. Make your way to the northeast passage and swing across the pole in the middle of the map then head northeast. A man will be standing there selling his game.
This is the first minigame you unlock, and it’s also the simplest. Your goal is to reach the end of the track as fast as you can by swinging from wooden pole to wooden pole. There are obstacles along the way such as thorn gates and oddly shaped platforms. Thorn gates can be conquered by grabbing the thorns with the tip of the whip. The game is pretty easy to master after a couple playthroughs, but at 50 rupees a pop, you can make no sacrifices, so save in front of the Whip Race man and reload whenever you lose too many rupees.
As a reward for completing the race in less than 1:30, you will recieve the second Bomb Bag. As a reward for completing the race in less than 1:15, you will recieve a heart container. As a reward for completing the race is less than 1:05, you will recieve a rare treasure. All other attempts will result in a random common or uncommon treasure.
>> Instead of tapping the Whip to activate it, press the L trigger (or R trigger, if you’re a lefty) and hold during the swinging and thorn parts.
>> Tap the next pole as soon as it goes into view – this will make you swing faster across the gaps.
Goron Target Range Game
Price: 20 rupees
Location: Fire Realm (station)
Unlocked after the Fire Realm tracks are cleared
This minigame takes place on your train, and features similar gameplay to a minigame in Phantom Hourglass. Your goal is to rack up points by shooting blue and red targets with your cannon. Blue targets are worth 10 points, and red targets are worth 30 points and they can be hit three times for a total of 90 points. However, watch out for those Goron faces – if you bomb them, they’ll cost you 30 points!
After 1000+ points, a longer track will be unlocked so you can keep racking up higher high scores. How convenient!
After you finish, you’ll be given the option of one large chest or one smaller chest. Here’s a hint – it really doesn’t matter which you choose. The higher your score, the higher your chance for rare treasure. Rupee denominations are for the most part random.
>> Targets are always in the same place on the track – so memorize their locations.
>> Always choose a red target over a blue target. A potential +80 points can be earned.
Pirate Hideout Game
Price: Free
Location: Ocean Realm (station)
Unlocked after Force Gem #14 is obtained
This morbid minigame centers around the rescue of a prisoner trapped inside a Pirate jail cell. You must take care of all the Miniblins to free the prisoner and bring him back to his wife in Papuchia village. The first stage of the fight involves Miniblins sneaking across your screen, attempting to throw nets at Link. A net will end your game, so be careful. Shoot each Miniblin with your bow before it can net you.
The second stage of the fight takes place in a mine cart traveling in three parallel lines. Miniblins will ride down the lines parallel to yours and try to net you once more. Shoot them as you did before. Be wary of the stone pillars between the mine lines, as they will block your arrows.
The third stage of the escape is at the end of your mine cart ride. A Big Blin will face you at the end. Shoot some of the Miniblins at the sides to rack up points, then rapidly tap at the northern end of your screen to defeat the Big Blin. Don’t let him get too close to nab you with his club.
If you score between 3000 and 4000 points, you will recieve an upgraded Quiver. A score between 4000 and 4500 will net you a Heart Container, and above that will treat you with a piece of Rare Treasure.
>> Always keep the arrows flying – they’re bound to hit something. Killing more Blins more quickly means you have more chances to rack up points.
>> Shoot them before they pause – it will save you time.
Slippery Slope Races
Price: Free
Location: Snow Realm (station)
Unlocked after Force Gem #IDK is obtained
This minigame takes you back to your childhood at the skating rink, slipping and sliding and taking falls. Be prepared to relive that humilation, but with a timer ticking at your back like a detonating bomb. Sound pleasant? It’s actually much less unbearable than that – given you put in practice and effort! The races are split into three categories – Amateur, Pro, and Champion. Three switches delegate which level you’re taking on.
Amateur is the shortest and easiest race, and should only take a couple tries to master. This is the first door, and it will net you a nice 300 rupees!
Pro is the next more challenging race, and is a lot longer than the first. Make sure to roll around corners by double tapping the screen strategically. Also use the non-ice areas to gather some speed. This one may take some practice. This race rewards with a Rare Treasure.
Champion is the most grueling race and will require you to pull all the stops. Roll smoothly around corners, roll off the dry areas, and conquer the last U-turn before sliding into the finish line. This race will net you a Very Rare Treasure.
>> Use dry areas (that is, the gray areas without ice) as launching pads to gain speed.
>> Roll no more than three times consecutively. Any more will make Link dizzy and lose you time!