Kokiri Sword
Description: Item recieved from the previous game, Ocarina of Time.
Location: After changing over to Link form from Deku Link, you will have this weapon.
Razor Sword
Description: An upgrade from the Kokiri Sword. Only lasts a while, as you can only have 100 hits before resorting back your Kokiri Sword.
Location: This upgrade can be purchased from the blacksmith at Snowhead for 100 rupees.
Gilded Sword
Description: Does twice as damage as the Kokiri Sword, and looks a hell of alot better on Link than that of the Kokiri Sword, and unlike the Razor Sword, this one is not temporary.
Location: After obtaining some Gold Dust, speak to the blacksmith of Snowhead and give him the Gold Dust in exchange for this upgrade.
Great Fairy Sword
Description: This sword is basically the Biggoron sword of the game. Thing that’s cool is that it’s a C item.
Location: Find all 15 fairies of the Stone Temple and take them to the fountain to conjoin to recieve this sword.
Hero Shield
Description: Like the Kokiri Sword, this is from Ocarina of Time.
Location: Comes with you after changing over to Kokiri Link from Deku Link.
Mirror Shield
Description: This shield can be used to block attacks as well as reflect light to destroy enemies that are vulnerable to it and activate switches.
Location: This shield can be found under the well.
Bow / Bow Related
Hero Bow
Description: Another Ocarina of Time familiar item. Possibly the most valuable item in the game.
Location: This bow can be found in a chest at Woodfall Temple. The chest will appear after destroying a few enemies.
Ice Arrows
Description: Send out an arrow that freezes almost anything it comes in contact with.
Location: Found inside of the Great Bay Temple.
Fire Arrow
Description: Catch enemies on fire, light torches, and melt ice by using this arrow.
Location: Found inside Snowhead Temple.
Light Arrow
Description: Destroys blocks and does much damage on enemies, but it does require alot of magic. Very powerful arrow.
Location: Found inside the Stone Tower Temple.
Quiver of Arrows
Description: Holds only 20 arrows.
Location: Quiver that comes with the bow.
Large Quiver
Description: Holds up to 40 arrows, twice as much than that of the regular Quiver of Arrows
Location: Can be won at the Swamp Shooting Gallery.
Largest Quiver
Description: The largest quiver available, holding a maximum of 50 arrows.
Location: Can be obtained at the Swamp Shooting Gallery as well, but this time, you have to have a higher score than before.
Misc. Items
Lens of Truth
Description: See the truth. This lens will reveal enemies and passages that can normally not be seen with the regular eye.
Location: Found in the small village of Snowhead.
Ocarina of Time
Description: Magical Ocarina which is stolen by the Skull Kid in the beginning of the game.
Location: In the opening sequence of the game, you have it, but like I said above, the Skull Kid steals it, and you will have to go to the top of Clock Tower at the end of the 3rd day to retrieve it.
Magic Beans
Description: Plant them in a soft soil patch, and come back to it later, and it will be a fully grown plant. Step on it to be taken somewhere that you normally cannot get to.
Location: These can be purchased in the hole at Deku Palace Gardens or found at the swamp Akido Nut.
Deku Nut
Description: Stuns most enemies. Very useful when you are surrounded by enemies.
Location: These can be found nearly anywhere. Under plants & in tall grass just to name a few of the many ways to find them. They can also be purchased from local shops.
Deku Stick
Description: Can inflict damage or be used for the reason you will probably use it most, to transfer fire from one torch to another.
Location: Like the Deku Nuts, these can be found or purchased from shops.
Powder Keg
Description: Very powerful bomb that can only be used while in Goron Link form.
Location: Can be purchased from the Goron bomb shop after you have obtained the Goron mask.
Description: Meant to resemble the travelling, exploding mice, the Bombchu. Set one of these suckers down as they will travel up walls and explode on anything it comes with contact with, even you!
Location: Can be purchased from the bomb shop in Clock Town or be found in a few treasure chests.0
Adults Wallet
Description: A larger wallet than the one you began with, holding 200 rupees.
Location: Give the guy in the little hut located in West Clock Town 200 rupees to obtain this wallet.
Giants Wallet
Description: Largest wallet avialable, holding up to 500 arrows.
Location: Kill all 30 skulltulas at the Swamp-side Spider House before your time is up.
Description: A familiar item. Either set it down or throw it and prepare for it to explode.
Location: Can be found in many places, or purchased from a bomb shop.
Pictograph Box
Description: Take a picture of anything you want, but it can only hold one picture at a time.
Location: Listen closely to what the tourist near where Tingle’s father works has to say.
Description: Hold potion or fairies in these things. 6 in all.
Location: Can be found in the Graveyard, Milk Bar, Graveyard, Racetrack, Magic Shop, and the Waterfall area.
Moons Tear
Description: Needed to trade the larger Deku Scrub for the deed, which you need to use to get access inside Clock Tower.
Location: At the observatory, look throught the telescope and at the top of Clock Tower, the skull kid will be there, you’ll look up at the moon, and the Moon’s Tear will fall.