Bottle 1
Talk to the potion shop lady in the Bazaar after Zelda is kidnapped to find the first bottle.
Bottle 2
Go to the Sealed Grounds to find an old woman in Impa’s hidden grove, in a chest next to her you will find a bottle containing the revitalizing potion.
Bottle 3
Find a small island between Skyloft and Fun Fun Island. You must save a man’s sister by healing her Loftwing, you will then receive your next empty bottle.
Bottle 4
Locate a Goddess Cube by re visiting the Fire Sanctuary. The cube can be found in the cave leading to this temple and in the room leading to the Fire Dragon. It is located on the floating platform where you meet the Dragon.
You will now need to visit the western area of Thunderhead to find a small island. You will need to burrow through a hole with the Mogma Mitts to find a room. Climb the vines up to find the chest containing the bottle.
Bottle 5
Return to the Fire Sanctuary and return to the room where you first encountered Magmanos (the creature that resembles the Wallmaster, fire hand) and make sure you have the Mogma Mitts. Find a hole to burrow through to find some plants. Strike forward to stab the plant and use it to kill Magmanos. Once he is defeated you will then be granted access to a new area which contains a chest holding the next bottle.