Romani Ranch is a pivotal location in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, offering players essential quests that not only enrich the narrative but also provide valuable rewards. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the events at Romani Ranch:
Accessing Romani Ranch
At the start of each three-day cycle, the path to Romani Ranch is obstructed by a large boulder, preventing access until the final day. However, with the use of a Powder Keg, you can clear this obstacle on the first day, allowing for early entry. To do this:
- Obtain a Powder Keg License: After restoring spring in Snowhead by defeating Goht, visit the Goron Powder Keg Shop in Goron Village. Speak with Medigoron while wearing the Goron Mask to undergo a test that, upon completion, certifies you to handle Powder Kegs.
- Purchase a Powder Keg: Once certified, you can buy Powder Kegs from the Bomb Shop in West Clock Town for 50 rupees.
- Clear the Path: Travel to Milk Road and use the Powder Keg to destroy the boulder blocking the entrance to Romani Ranch.
Meeting Romani and Learning Epona’s Song
Upon entering the ranch on the first day, you’ll encounter Romani practicing her archery. She reveals that mysterious entities, referred to as “Them,” are expected to invade the ranch that night to abduct their cows. Romani seeks your assistance in defending the ranch.
Training Session:
- Objective: Shoot 10 ghost-shaped balloons scattered around the ranch while riding Epona within two minutes.
- Reward: Successfully completing the training prompts Romani to teach you “Epona’s Song,” enabling you to summon Epona at any time.
Defending the Ranch from “Them”
On the Night of the First Day, return to the ranch by 2:00 AM to prepare for the impending invasion. The entities appear at 2:30 AM and persist until dawn (5:15 AM).
Defense Strategy:
- Positioning: You can either ride Epona for mobility or utilize the Bunny Hood for swift ground movement.
- Detection: Romani’s dog will bark in the direction of the nearest intruder, aiding in their location.
- Time Management: Playing the Inverted Song of Time slows the flow of time, giving you more leeway to fend off the invaders, though it prolongs the duration of the event.
- Success: If you prevent all intruders from reaching the barn until morning, Romani rewards you with a bottle of milk, adding a new bottle to your inventory.
- Failure: Should the intruders succeed, Romani is abducted and returns the next day in a disoriented state, unable to recall the events.
Assisting Cremia’s Milk Delivery
If you successfully defend the ranch, on the Second Day, Cremia, Romani’s older sister, plans to deliver milk to Clock Town. She departs at 6:00 PM and welcomes your company during the journey.
Escort Mission:
- Challenge: The primary route is blocked, forcing a detour through the Gorman Racetrack, where two masked bandits (the Gorman Brothers) attempt to destroy the milk bottles.
- Defense: While riding in the wagon, use your bow to repel the attackers. The supply of arrows is unlimited during this segment.
- First Completion: Cremia expresses her gratitude by giving you Romani’s Mask, granting you access to the Milk Bar in Clock Town.
- Subsequent Completions: Cremia may reward you with a hug or a gold rupee.
Additional Activities at Romani Ranch
Beyond the main events, Romani Ranch offers other engaging activities:
- Grog’s Cucco Shack: Use the Bremen Mask to lead and mature Grog’s baby cuccos, earning you the Bunny Hood, which enhances your movement speed.
- Doggy Racetrack: Participate in dog races to win rupees. Wearing the Mask of Truth allows you to read the dogs’ thoughts, improving your chances of picking a winner.
Engaging in these events not only enriches your experience in Termina but also provides valuable items and masks that assist in your broader quest.